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Information about EU framework programme, Horizon Europe

The major investment Horizon Europe is the EU's framework programme, which allocates EUR 95.5 billion to research and innovation during the seven-year period 2021-2027. There are great opportunities for financing individual project grants, mobility initiatives and support for research and infrastructure in thematically oriented consortia.

The programme has three priority areas, so-called pillars. We describe the different pillars below:

Are you planning to participate in an EU application? We recommend you to:

  • contact a research advisor at the Grants and Innovation Office for consultation. We can, for example, read through the application to ensure that all requirements are met.
  • check the planned application with your head of department.
  • contact the faculty's economist for budgeting and production of dean's certificate.

To register as a partner in an application, LNU's PIC number: 986317632 is required. Enter the number and all LNU information will be filled in automatically. The so-called LEAR (Legal Entity Appointed Representative) for LNU is Kjärstin Hagman Boström.

Feel free to watch LNU's launch of Horizon Europe (in Swedish).


GIO has two research advisers who works with a focus on EU funding: Tony Scully and Annett Wolf. GIO offers extra support in the applicationprocess for those researchers who choose to be a coordinator. We also have an advisor on financial issues for European projects, Tolkyn Abdikarimova, who helps with budgeting, reporting and accounting to EU projects. GIO also supports you when contracts are to be signed and when there are legal issues.

We have two flowes on Medarbetare where we inform about research funding, workshop, calls and other activities.
• Medarbetarflöde Grants and Innovation Office
• Medarbetarflöde EU finansiering och information

Feel free to contact GIO with your questions about EU funding.

If you are applying for funding from the EU's regional funds and want to use external support there is a framework agreement. You will find suppliers under the heading: Hjälp med förskrivarstöd samt att genomföra ansökningsstöd och administrativ projektledning för ansökan av medel från Europeiska och regionala utvecklingsfonder on the page with our framework agreements, ramavtal.

Brussels Office for Lärosäten syd
The Brussels Office for Lärosäten syd, which includes Linnaeus University, supports seven of Sweden's higer education institutions in order to increase the profiles of our institutions at EU level and create deeper international partnerships. Thuse, the Brussels Office is a good complement to GIO support for research, colaboration and innovation at LNU.As a researcher, you can either contact the Brussels Office directly, or us at GIO. 

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