- For Researchers
- 3. Starting up the Research Project
3. Starting up the Research Project
Read more about contract writing, ethics application, research data management and project websites.
Research agreement
Do you need help in various contract and business law issues? Do you know how your intellectual property rights are handled in a collaboration agreement? Do you risk committing to things that you cannot stand for, for example in a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) where the authority is still obliged to disclose documents? Do you know how the legal system in another country handles any contractual disputes?
The lawyer at the Department of External Relations works with these very issues, but is also helpful with other legal issues.
Examples of issues that are handled are agreements within:
- Cooperation
- Consortium
- Research funding
- Innovation
- Contract training/research
- Copyright
- Foundations
The lawyer can review the contract proposals that have been drawn up, or produce their own contract proposals depending on the wishes of the business.
Welcome to ask us
Do you need training, support, advice or information on these issues, or support in negotiations? Contact our lawyer Anna Grönblad.
Data Management Plan
A Data Management Plan (DMP) is a living document, and is used to describe and facilitate how research data is handled through a research project. The document shall address, for example, the collection, documentation, processing, storage and archiving of data. Exactly what content should be included differs depending on the subject area, requirements from financiers and data types. It is becoming more common for research funders to require a data management plan when submitting the project application.
To support your work with data management plans, a Word template is provided to start from, see the heading Templates for Data Management Plans on the page Research Data Support. It is also possible to use other tools to establish data management plans, such as DMPonline.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) may affect how you plan your handling of research data. Read more on the page Research material with personal data, at the SND website. To get in touch with the Data Protection Officer at Linnaeus University, email dataskyddsombud@lnu.se.
Read more about research data management at Linnaeus University on the page Research Data Support.
Your personal page on Lnu.se
That there is information about you and your research on your personal page is important, as is a picture of you. This is so that journalists, research colleagues, financiers and others who are looking for you or what you are researching, on Lnu.se or through Google, can find what they are looking for.
Learn more about what's on your personal Page and how to edit it.
Ethics application
Ethical Advisory Board in South East Sweden
You can contact the Ethical Advisory Board in South East Sweden if you have questions about the research ethical aspects of your work. They assist with advisory ethical review of the project regarding the relationship and information to research subjects, as well as management, collection, processing, publication, and archiving of data.
Ethical Advisory Board in South East Sweden | lnu.se
The Swedish Ethical Review Authority
On the Swedish Ethical Review Authority's website, you will find answers to many common questions about ethical review in their FAQ (in Swedish).
Vanliga frågor - Etikprövningsmyndigheten (etikprovningsmyndigheten.se)
The Ethical Review Authority publishes certain support material for research ethics on its website (mostly in Swedish). “Guidance on ethical review of research on humans” (in English) is a support for you as a researcher before and during research on humans. Keep in mind that the guidance is updated when necessary, so if you download a copy, it may be a good idea to check that no update has occurred.
Utbildningsmaterial - Etikprövningsmyndigheten (etikprovningsmyndigheten.se)
Genetic resources, Nagoya Protocol
The Nagoya Protocol is an international agreement aimed at fairly sharing benefits derived from the exploitation (research and/or development) of genetic resources and/or traditional knowledge associated with them.
If you intend to research a genetic resource and/or traditional knowledge, you need to find out what rules apply in the country where the resource is located. You can do this by using the Access and Benefit-Sharing Clearing-House (ABSCH) which is a website that the CBD Secretariat has established. Here you will find information about which countries are included in the Nagoya Protocol, national contact persons, competent national authorities, national laws and whether the country requires ABS or not. If you are cooperating with any local actor from the country in question, you can also ask for guidance and assistance from there.
Even countries that have not signed and implemented the Nagoya Protocol may have national regulations regulating access to genetic resources and ABS. The key to good compliance is to understand and understand the ABS process in the country that provides the resource.
For more information, visit the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency , which is the national competent authority in Sweden.
Contact at Lnu: Grants and Innovation Office
Pages for research projects at Lnu.se
It is important that each research project has its own page on Lnu.se. This is so that the university's research is visible to other researchers, financiers, partners, journalists, organizations, business, etc.
Learn how to help you create a Page for your project.
Right to material
Via the link below, you can read more and find governing documents on copyright and usage rights for material produced within Linnaeus University.
Start-up meeting for EU projects
Before the project starts, GIO’s researcher financial advisor (RFA) would contact you and your team to perform start up meeting.
The financial rules are going to be discussed at the meeting and you can ask any questions about how to manage financially your project to RFA.
The short presentation with the bullet points is going to be distributed to all participants after the start up meeting:
- LNU involvement at the project: Work packages, deliverables, milestones, all important deadlines
- Budget of the project; eligibility of costs
- Reporting periods deadlines
- Interim, final reporting
- Specific rules for eligibility costs
- Information on Certificate on financial statement
- In addition HR involvements with MSCA projects
- Discussing MSCA* specific rules
- Etc.
*MSCA actions has specific rules and need more assistance from the beginning of the porject.
Start up meeting helps to organise the EU project in good form and get all necessary information before you start your project and will lead you to successfully manage your project and do the final reporting of your project to funders.
Contact: gio@lnu.se