Photo of measuring instrument

Bibliometrics – Publication patterns and impact

Bibliometrics is a collective name for various quantitative methods used to analyze research publications and citations. Examples of areas that can be studied are collaboration patterns, scholarly impact and scholarly productivity. Bibliometrics is often used in research evaluation, but can also be used as a tool in your own research process.

The University Library offers:

Information and advice on bibliometrics

The information activities include presentations, lectures and course sessions, as well as participation in meetings and seminars to increase knowledge of bibliometrics. For example, we can tell you about different bibliometric models and how to think strategically when publishing to optimize your bibliometric score, how bibliometrics is used for evaluation and its research policy context. Individual researchers can book a tutorial and get help on how to do a citation analysis and produce their h-index.

Delivery of publication statistics and execution of bibliometric analyses

The analysis activities primarily include assignments from the university management, such as the production of publication statistics for the annual report and publication lists for external evaluations. In internal and external evaluations of individual departments and research groups, as well as research projects with a Lnu connection, we can primarily provide advice and manuals for the producing of publication lists. In exepctional cases, we can also produce publication statistics, but this is mainly referred to the faculty offices. Citation-based analyses cannot be made locally, but the University Library can send requests to the University Library at Karolinska Institutet or KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

In the long term, we plan to be able to provide surveys and visualizations of collaboration patterns and subject structures commissioned by, for example, the university's senior management team or the faculties, as well as by research groups for evaluations, funding applications or as part of preparing collaborations with, or visits to, other higher education institutions.

Contact us

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