Laptop with Linnaeus University DiVA screen

Register and Publish your Research in DiVA

DiVA is Linnaeus University's institutional repository and digital archive. Here you will find both research publications and student theses. Publications registered to DiVA can be found in many external search engines and databases, like SwePub, Google and Google Scholar. Data from DiVA is used to create publication lists at researcher's staff pages at, and as a basis for various evaluations.


  1. First, make sure that the publication you want to register is not already in DiVA. The library may already have imported the publication, or your co-author may have registered it.
  2. Log in to DiVA with your Lnu account.
  3. Select Add publication / Upload files.
  4. Choose publication type. For an explanation of the publication types, hover over the question mark in DiVA.
  5. Fill in the details of the publication.
    • Do not forget to enter your username. The publication will then appear on your staff page at
    • Enter the department/institution valid at the publication's date of publishing.
    • Enter sustainability goals (SDG) if relevant for the publication.
  6. Upload the full text in pdf format (optional). Read more below under About Publishing Full Texts.
  7. Make sure what you entered is correct and select Submit.



Contact us

Do you have questions about DiVA? Please contact us at