Grants for publishing open access

If you are a researcher at Linnaeus University and the author of a publication that is published open access, you can apply for a grant to cover the publishing fee, in whole or in part. You also have access to agreements for prepaid and discounted publication fees. This is a part of the University Library's research support.

Apply for a Publishing Grant

Article in Journal

Are you a researcher at Linnaeus University whose article has been accepted to an open access journal? If so, you can apply for a grant to cover the publishing fee. The purpose of the publishing grant is to facilitate the transition to an open science system. According to the research proposal from 2016, the aim is that at the latest 2026, all publicly funded publications should be open access immediately when they are published.

Within this support, the university will only provide grants for publishing in so called gold open access journals, that is, journals that make their articles open access without delay. For open access publishing in subscription based journals, so called hybrid open access, there are agreements on prepaid and discounted publication fees. Read more about this further down on this page.

Apply for a Publishing Grant here

Monographs, Anthologies and Book Chapters

We also accept applications for grants regarding open access publishing in monographs, anthologies and book chapters. Send your application to

Prepaid and Discounted Publication Fees

Through membership of the Bibsam consortium, Linnaeus University has access to a number of agreements with various publishers that give authors at the university the access to different prepaid or discounted publication fees.

Via SciFree you can search for journals where you as a researcher at Linnaeus University can publish open access free of charge:

To be entitled to prepaid publication fees and discounts, you must be the corresponding author for your article. You must also be affiliated to Linnaeus University and use your e-mail address from Linnaeus University (

At present, Linnaeus University has agreements with the following publishers:

Contact us

Do you have questions regarding financial support for open access publishing? Please contact