- For Researchers
- 5. Publish, Utilize and Make Your Research Visible
- Publish with Lnu Press
Publish with Lnu Press
Employees at Linnaeus University have the opportunity to publish at the university’s publishing house, Linnaeus University Press. In addition to dissertations and licentiate theses, Lnu Press publishes conference volumes, festschrifts and commemoratives, anthologies and monographs. For publications outside Lnu Press, please see information at the bottom of this page.
Doctoral Dissertations and Licentiate Theses
Linnaeus University Dissertations & Lnu Licentiate
Dissertations and theses presented at Linnaeus University are normally published in the respective series. See the respective checklist for printing below for practical information.
Dissertations in the series are produced by the publisher Lnu Press. the author supplies Lnu Press with the body matter, ready for print. the publisher handles the rest of the process. The body matter must be made in the thesis template. Lnu Press is responsible for the template and support of this.
Printing is paid by the institution. Approximate price for a dissertation (200 pages, 100 copies) is about 10 500 SEK, excluding VAT and shipping.
The department determines the size of the edition. 10 copies of the dissertations and 5 copies of the theses to Lnu Press for internal distribution and to exchange libraries.
Dissertations and theses are to be registered in DiVA. This is done by the author. We also recommend all authors to upload and publish the full text in pdf format, and thereby make it freely available. For more information about registering and full text publication in DiVA, see DiVA - Publish and Register.
For monographs the copyright remains with the author and the dissertation may be published open access. For compilation dissertations, copyright for the extended summary remains with the author and may be published open access. For articles included in the dissertation, agreements with each publisher apply. It is the authors responsibility to clear copyright for any copyright material used in the dissertation or thesis.
Checklists for printing Dissertations and Licentiate Theses
Anthologies and Monographs
Lnu Press also produces single volumes that do not belong to any series. For example
- Festschrifts and Commemoratives
- Anthologies
- Monographs, Peer Reviewed through Kriterium
The editor/author must be employed at Linnaeus University and the publication must be produced as a part of the author's/editor's employment. The editor/author provides Lnu Press with a body matter, ready for print. The text must have been checked for plagiarism through Urkund before submitting to Lnu Press.
Both publishing in print and electronic publishing is possible, for example through Issuu. Publishing/registering should also be done in DiVA. This is done by the editor/author. For more information, see the page DiVA – Publish and Register.
Printing is paid by the author or their department. Lnu Press presents a cost estimate done in consultation with the printing company.
The size of a printed edition is determined on a case-by-case basis. 10 copies are sent to Lnu Press for distribution, in the same way as for the dissertations.
Copyright for single volumes remains with the author and the text may be published open access. It is the authors responsibility to clear copyright for any copyright material used in the volume.
Journals and Conference volumes
Lnu Press also offer publication of journals in LnuOpen, as well as conference volumes, both in print and in LnuOpen. Conference volumes include for example Proceedings and Book of Abstracts.
Do you want to start a journal or publish a conference volume? As a researcher at Linnaeus University you can, free of charge, publish and administer journals and conference volumes in LnuOpen. The publications are freely available and searchable in for example, Google. LnuOpen is based on the open source application Open Journal Systems – OJS.
More information about publishing in LnuOpen
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Publishing outside Linnaeus University Press
Advice and guidelines for publications produced at Linnaeus University but published outside Linnaeus University Press:
- You can publish the publication as a book, report, working paper or similar in printed and/or digital form with the current department and/or faculty as publisher.
- The author/editor is responsible for producing body and cover ready for print. No special template is needed, but follow Linnaeus University's guidelines in the design manual.
- Contact Linnaeus University Press for an ISBN-number. If the publication is to be published in both printed and digital form, two ISBN-numbers are required.
- For printing contact Copycenter. The printing cost is paid by the author's department or faculty.
- Register and publish the full text in DiVA under the relevant publication type (book, report or other).
- Publications with many pictures and more advanced layouts can also be published on issuu.com. Contact the Communication office.
In order to publish with Linnaeus University as publisher, the editor / author must be employed at Linnaeus University and that the publication must produced as part of the author’s/editor's employment.
Report series
We often receive questions about report series. Linnaeus University Press does not publish report series, but we are happy to help with start-ups and assist with tips and advice along the way. Below you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about report series. Feel free to email us if anything is unclear or if you need further information: lnupress@lnu.se.
- A department, research group, or the equivalent at Linnaeus University can start a report series. The department or faculty will then be the publisher.
- Appoint an editorial board and/or editor-in-chief and decide what area the series will cover and what scientific level the published texts should have. The decision to publish within the series is the responsibility of the editorial board or editor-in-chief. The names of the members of the editorial board or the editor-in-chief, should be indicated in the report.
- The report series ought to have a uniform graphic style. In collaboration with the Communications Office, Lnu Press has developed a graphic style for report series. Lnu Press is happy to assist with the design of covers and front matter (mandatory pages that recur in all issues, such as the title page and copyright page). Lnu Press can also help create a Word template for the series.
- Each individual issue in the report series should have a serial number and an ISBN number. The editorial board/editor assigns serial numbers and Lnu Press assigns ISBN (email lnupress@lnu.se). If the report is published in both print and electronic form, two ISBNs are required. Both must be stated in the publication.
- Send five copies of the printed edition to Lnu Press, for internal distribution.
- Register and publish the full text of the report (pdf) in DiVA under the category Report. A purchase link for printed copies can be added to the DiVA post. LnuPress is happy to assist in adding a purchase link.
- Copycenter can assist with printing. Email the order with ready-to-print pdfs and information on number of copies as well as cost centre to copycenter@lnu.se.
- If the report is published electronically, it can be given a DOI number. DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is a permanent identification number that ensures permanent links to, for example, articles or conference contributions and reports. The DOI number should be mentioned in both the electronic and any printed version. The University Library assigns DOI numbers, contact lnupress@lnu.se. Learn more about DOI on Wikipedia.
- If the report is published electronically and open access, we recommend that the author license their work through a Creative Common License. Choose the right license, creativecommons.se.