- For Researchers
- 4. During the Research Project
4. During the Research Project
Here you will find the support offered in information retrieval, reference management and research data management.
Research Data – Manage, Preserve, Publish
Linnaeus University offers support with:
- Interpreting of guidelines, rights and restrictions for research data
- Writing of data management plan when starting a research project or when applying for research funding
- Questions regarding archiving of research data
- Depositing and/or making your research data available in DiVA or other service
Research data can be described as material used for scientific analysis. It can be text, images, audio recordings, samples, etc. Linnaeus University's Data Access Unit (DAU) provides advice and support on data management, i.e. how data is handled and organized during the research process.
Read more: Research data
Storing Research Data – Sunet Drive
To store research data in an ongoing project, Sunet Drive is recommended. Sunet Drive is a national storage and file sharing service that works also for sensitive personal data and data covered by confidentiality.
More information about Sunet Drive and a link to the form for ordering a storage space is available on the page Research Data Support, under the heading Managing Data During the Project.
Log in to Sunet Drive
Reference Management
The University Library offers:
- EndNote support and courses
- Support in Zotero
To facilitate the work of writing longer texts, you can use reference management software. There are a variety of programs to choose from, but all of them help you collect, save, and sort your credentials. They can also be used together with a word processor to insert references and reference lists directly into your text, and to format them according to the desired referencing system. The University Library offers support and courses in the reference management software EndNote as well as support in Zotero. For information about courses, software updates, and other news about EndNote, you are welcome to join the the staff group EndNote Forum.
Support in EndNote, contact Ingemar Gunnarsson
Support in Zotero contact Ted Gunnarsson.
Information Retrieval
The University Library offers:
- Support and tutoring in information retrieval.
- Guidance in designing search strategies for systematic reviews and other types of literature reviews.
This includes advice on:
- structuring research questions and selecting search terms
- selecting databases and other sources
- selecting relevant search techniques (truncation, phrase search, Boolean logic, field search etc.)
- documenting searches
Systematic reviews - the tutoring takes place on at least two occasions. First an initial meeting about the setup and then one or more follow-up meetings on search strategies. A dialogue and close cooperation between librarians and researchers is necessary for a good result and therefore requires good foresight.
Welcome with your booking
For more information, contact researchsupport@lnu.se.
The University Library provides a variety of databases to search in. See the Articles and Databases page.
Search techniques
General tips on how to search the University Library's databases can be found on the Search Tips page. There you can also book an appointment with a librarian for further support in your searching for information.
Manage dual (civilian and military) products, PDA
Do you research whether or with products that may have dual use areas (PDA)? That is, products that can be used both civilly and militarily. Examples of this are certain chemicals, specific human and animal pathogens and toxins or plant pathogens, infrared cameras, advanced computers or measuring instruments and software. In other words, this means products, which can be used to manufacture nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, so-called weapons of mass destruction. PDA may also include knowledge of the manufacture and use of these products.
These products may not be exported outside the EU without authorisation and in some cases a transfer authorisation is also required within the EU.
The University must ensure that all management of PDA is carried out in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and that no export-controlled products, information, technical assistance or other services may be exported abroad without first being clarified if permit requirements exist. Anyone who exports, or otherwise brings these products and technologies out of the country, is obliged to find out whether these are classified as PDA. If classified products are to be shipped to countries within the EU, it is called a transfer, which as a rule is not subject to a permit, but the recipient must be informed of the classification.
Read more at the Swedish Inspectorate for Strategic Products
Amendment of ongoing research with ethical approval
It may happen that you as a researcher need to make changes to a project that already has ethical approval. Depending on the nature of the changes, a new ethical review may be necessary before the changes can be implemented. The type of review that is required has to do with how large changes are planned compared to the originally approved project.
If the risk/benefit assessment is affected by a previous application, an amendment should be made if the risks increase, or new risks actualizes. Changes that only reduce risks or increase benefits do not require an amendment.
An amendment may also be relevant in the event of a change of research leader (forskningshuvudman) or chief researcher (huvudansvarig forskare), an increase in the number of research persons or places.
Extensive changes such as a new study plan or study hypothesis or that new groups of research people with different characteristics than the original ones may require a completely new application.
Amendment (ändringsansökan) - Etikprövningsmyndigheten (etikprovningsmyndigheten.se)