- Support and service
- IT support for employees
IT support for employees
Here you will find current operating information, contact details, opening hours and information on what services the IT department can offer you as an employee at Linnaeus University.
Guides and FAQ - Service portal
In the Service Portal, you can get answers to your questions (FAQ) and find guides for several of Linnaeus University's systems and applications.
IT Services for employees
FAQ and guides for accounts in the Service portal
At Linnaeus University, there are different types of accounts that are used depending on what services that needs to be accessed.
Some accounts can only be ordered by IT's contact person at the faculty, see the link below who the contact person is at your faculty.
Your contact person for ordering staff accounts
In the Service Portal you will find a comparison between different account types' access to services
Read more about account types and how to order accounts
Change password for your staff account
User agreement for the use of Linnaeus University's computer, network and system resources.
Account rules
Here you will find account rules for Linnaeus University
Password rules
Here you will find password rules for Linnaeus University (swedish)
FAQ and guides for e-mail and calendar in the Service portal
During your employment at Linnaeus University you have access to an email address consisting of firstname.lastname@lnu.se. You handle your emails, either through an email client or via the web at webmail.lnu.se.
Mailing lists
Mailing lists of the faculties and departments, named short name@list.lnu.se, such as fkh@list.lnu.se. These lists are automatically populated with members based on information in Primula.
If you need a mailing list to other colleagues at Lnu you order it using the order form below.
Order an email list in Self Service
Function Address (function account)
You can order an email address for a function or event, such as registrator@lnu.se.
Order a function account in Self Service
Manage your email correctly
Practical advice and information on how to manage your e-mail correctly.(swedish)
Email rules
Here you will find email rules for Linnaeus University (swedish)
FAQ and guides for e-signing in the Service portal
The e-signature service eduSign, developed by Sunet, is now available to all staff at the University. With eduSign, it is possible to sign and validate documents electronically in a fast and easy way.
FAQ and guides for e-meeting in the Service portal
E-meetings are meetings held remotely via the computer/tablet or as a video conferencing meeting.
In the Service portal you can read more about what e-meeting services that the University offers:
Links to order forms to book start-up help
- Book video conference start-up support in Selfservice
For transmission via Polycom and/or transmission via Västerviksbryggan for external parties outside Lnu. - Book start-up support for e-meeting in Selfservice
Meetings via Zoom - Book start-up support for a lecture in Selfservice
Classroom, presentation only.
File Storage
FAQ and guides for file storage in the Service Portal.
For employees at Linnaeus University, there are a few different storage services to choose from for storage of files and folders. Below is a brief description of each service.
Box - cloud service for file storage
Box is a storage service in the cloud that enables syncing and sharing files with others both on and outside the Linnaeus University.
In Box, you can store all types of files like presentations, documents, photos and videos and you can organize everything into folders.
The files in the Box are easily accessible from a web browser or a synchronization client.
P: - your personal storage space on Uniersity servers
- Files that are being saved at P: can only be accessed by yourself.
- You get initially 1 GB of storage space on P.
- P: is available as a device under "My Computer" in Windows Explorer.
S: - shared storage that you and your colleagues have access to.
Your contact person for ordering folders on S:
Order a folder on S: in Self Serivce (only for contact persons)
Access to files on the P: and S: outside the University network
You can access files and folders on the P and S: even when you are sitting outside the university network via My files (https://wfm.lnu.se). You log in with your Lnu account.
OneDrive - File storage in the cloud
OneDrive is a file storage service in the cloud that you access when you install Microsoft Office 365.
More information about OneDrive and Office 365 in the Service Portal
Note! We recommend that you use OneDrive for storing your personal working documents but not any confidential information.
Rules for use of cloud services (swedish).
Sunet Drive
Sunet Drive is a national cloud-based storage and file sharing service where Linnaeus University's researchers and doctoral students can store research data in their research projects.
Read more and order storage space in Sunet Drive on the Research data page on Staff
Microsoft 365
Guides and FAQ about Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365 is Microsoft's latest version of Office that we have chosen as the standard at Linnaeus University. As long as you can connect to the Internet, you can connect to the files and people you need to work.
Network (Wi-Fi, VPN and fixed network)
Information about wireless network(Wi-Fi) - eduroam/LNU-Guest in the Service Portal
Information about Remote access/Work from home/VPN in the Service Portal
Fixed (wired) network
In most offices there are fixed wall network jack that you can use to connect your Linnaeus University-owned computer. When you are connected to the fixed network, you have access to the Internet and to the University systems.
Network Monitoring at Linnaeus University
IT Office reserves the right to monitor the use of the network at Linnaeus University. Misuse and unauthorized access may result in notification to the disciplinary committee or the police.
Purchase of IT equipment
FAQ for purchases in the Service Portal.
The IT Office helps with advice and purchase of IT equipment such as computers, monitors, printers, mobile phones, tablets and accessories.
Software and licenses
FAQ and guides for applications in the Service portal
The IT Office has signed agreements for a number of software programs at Linnaeus University.
Contact the IT Office if you have questions or want to order software and licenses for computers owned by Linnaeus University.
Printing, copying and scanning
FAQs for printing, copying and scanning in the Service portal
As an employee, you can print, copy and scan at Linnaeus University's multifunction printers (MFPs).
You can send your print jobs to the printers from your computer or from a mobile device, such as a phone or a tablet. You can then choose to print on any of the printers at the university.
Log on to the printers (MFPs)
To log on to the printers drag your key card or manually enter your username (not your email address) and password to your employee, guest or external account.
Work remotely
Below are some links to information in the Service Portal to make it easier for you as an employee to work remotely with your Lnu and private computer:
Contact IT support
Contact information
Create a new case or see your ongoing requests in Selfservice.
Telephone: 0772-28 80 00
E-mail: it-support@lnu.se
Visiting address
Kalmar: Universitetskajen, house Culmen (floor 5) find house Culmen.
Växjö: Georg Lückligs väg 3, house N (floor 1) find house N.
Postal address
IT-avdelningen/IT Office
Linnaeus University
391 82 Kalmar/351 95 Växjö
Please check current operational information before contacting us.
Opening hours
Serviceportalen, guides and FAQ (open around the clock)
Phone hours
Monday - Wednesday: 8.00-16.00
Thursday - Friday: 8.00-15.00
Visiting hours
Monday - Wednesday: 8.00-11.30, 12.30-16.00
Thursday - Friday: 8.00-11.30, 12.30-15.00
On-call activities
The IT Operations and Infrastructure section has monitoring and emergency preparedness to ensure that any business-critical disruptions to our systems and services are handled.
- Monday-Friday at 7.00-22.00
- Saturday-Sunday at 8.00-22.00
Exceptional opening hours
Not yet any planned exceptional opening hours.
Remote support
To facilitate support, we may sometimes need to see what you see. In these cases, we use Splashtop. In need of remote support you will be guided by our support technician over the phone.
Read more about Splashtop Remote Support in the Service Portal.
Support of private computer
The IT office does not give support on private computers or equipment. However, to be able to support applications provided by the Linnaeus University, deviation from this can be done.
The IT Office takes no responsibility for any errors that may occur on your private computer in connection with we give you support.
Operational information
Ongoing, planned and solved stoppages
Ongoing operational disruptions is also shown on the Staff start page.