Teaching and learning services

On this page you can read more about the teaching offered by the University Library and about the cooperation between the library and program or course coordinators.

Searching and evaluating information

Do your students have an assignment where they have to search and evaluate information independently? In that case you as a teacher can book a free workshop with us from the library. We offer three different workshop packages that enable progression. Together with you as a teacher, we discuss the form based on the students' needs.

The workshop packages aimed at students who are going to write an essay are based on the assumption that the students already have basic knowledge of information searching. It is therefore important to keep the students' prior knowledge in mind when

Booking form - information retrieval workshop

Other questions about university library teaching (not booking) 

Academic writing and study skills

The Academic Skills Centre (link to https://lnu.se/en/library/Writing-and-referencing/academic-skills-centre/) (ASC) offers teaching about academic writing in connection with independent work on various levels. The teaching can be adapted to suit the subject and the requirements of the assignment. A lecture about study skills can be given at the beginning of an academic program.

Examples of topics:

  • The structure, language and style of academic texts
  • Referencing and referencing programs
  • Planning your studies and effective reading strategies