Parkour in our facilities

Facilities and physical security

Here you will find information about facilities and physical security at Linnaeus University. Navigate the menu to learn more about the areas in which you are interested.

Opening hours

Main entrances to buildings with public spaces and study places are open 07:30–17:00 on weekdays.
Buildings that don't have public spaces and study places but are open to visitors, are open 08:00–17:00 on weekdays.
Other hours require swipe card and code.

Opening hours for office corridors can vary between different corridors, as each unit decides themselves when corridors should be open. In general, corridors are open 08:00–16:00 on weekdays.

For questions regarding opening hours, contact us via forms at Selfservice:

Find your way at Linnaeus University

Map of buildings and rooms

Room lists

Room lists for the different buildings in Kalmar and Växjö can be found on S:\gemensamt\los\Lokallistor och Ritningar


Blueprints of the buildings in Kalmar and Växjö can be found on S:\gemensamt\los\planritningar

Error report

Here you will find information on how to submit an error report concerning our facilities

Physical security

You can contact the university’s security coordinator via forms at Selfservice:

External measures outside office hours

Contact AVARN Security outside office hours and at incidents that require external assistance measures:

Kalmar, telephone 0480-49 77 00
Växjö, telephone 0470-76 71 00

Avarns task is to prevent, check, discover, and remedy any errors and/or injuries at the university, and to, when required by the situation, assist at incidents like, for instance, cases of illness (transportation to healthcare, etc).

For emergencies / urgent matters: Call 112 – SOS Alarm

For non-urgent matters: Call 114 14 – The police


If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Facilities Management and Services.