Communication and marketing

Here you will find information about, among other things, Linnaeus University's graphic profile, events, student recruitment, research communication and website. There are also links to Linnaeus University's selection of presentation material.

Do you want to get in touch with us but are unsure as to who to turn to? Email the Communications Office on, and we will make sure you get in touch with the right person.

Presentation material

Here you can find Linnaeus University's general presentation material.

All printed general informational material about the university can be obtained from Infocenter in Kalmar and Växjö.

Order material

If you need a larger quantity of a product, please use the order form below, and we will send your order with internal mail. Please allow at least three working days for processing.

Form to order material

The form is currently not working – please contact for larger orders in the meantime.

Printed material is also available for download as PDF files.