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- Your personal page
Your personal page
Your personal page on Lnu.se and Staff displays information from Linnaeus University's databases for staff. It also shows information that you as an employee have published on the page.
"Why should I care about my personal page?" (ppt; short info about what your personal page contains, why it's important, and how you update it)
Edit your Page
You can access to edit your personal page in two ways:
a) Go to Employees. Click Sign in at the top right, log in with your usual details, and then click on your name.
b) Search for your first and last name on Lnu.se and go to your page. Click Sign in at the top right and log in with your usual credentials.
In the following flyout blocks you will find information about what is on your personal page and how to update it.
Information box with title and contact details
The information in the box at the top of the page is retrieved from databases in the university's various systems. You can't change it yourself.
- Job title: Primula. Contact the HR department to change the title permanently. Contact the Communications Department to change to or from a temporary title (e.g. head of department or dean) or to/from associate professor.
- Faculty/department/division: Collected from Primula.
- Telectronic phone number, room: The switching system. Contact the info center to make changes.
- Email: The account management system. Contact your IT department to make changes.
Personal photo
Having a photo of yourself on your personal page gives a nice impression and can also help the person looking for you finding the right person. Therefore, we would like to see that you get your portrait photo taken in one of our studies in Kalmar and Växjö. Learn more about personal photo and how to book an appointment.
The photo is published on your personal page and can also be downloaded from there in high resolution. You can either refer media to the page or download it yourself and send it to, for instance, journals or publishing houses. External publication of the photo requires that the name of the photographer is stated (normally “Linnaeus University”).
If it is not possible for you to be photographed by us, you can take (or ask someone else to take) a photo of you with your own camera or smartphone. In that case, adjust the distance and use a white or bright uniform background in a place with good light conditions. Email the photo in original size to the Communications department. Keep in mind that email programmes often reduce the size of pictures unless you choose otherwise.
If you use a private photo, you must make sure that you are allowed to use it in accordance with the Creative Commons regulations; that is to say, the photo can be used freely also by a third party (Linnaeus University, media, etc.).
Presentation text
Directly below the information box, you will find the button Edit my information. Click on this to add or update information about you.
- Tick whether you are a teacher and/or researcher. This information is important as it is used to improve the search function on Lnu.se.
- Choose whether or not your mobile number should be shown (as a standard, it is not shown).
- Below this, there a four boxes in which you add texts about yourself and what work you do. If you do not write anything, nothing is shown here. Write in Swedish on your Swedish page and in English on your English page! Remember to include keywords that describe your work. Keep in mind that visitors to Lnu.se have differing backgrounds and knowledge.
- In the field “About me”, write a summary about yourself, your background and your work at Linnaeus University.
- In the field “Teaching”, describe what teaching you do.
- In the field “Research”, describe the research you conduct.
- In the field “Commissions”, describe any commissions you have, within or outside the university.
- When you are done, click on Save.
Research groups and research projects
The research groups to which you belong and the research projects that you are working with or have worked with will be shown automatically on your personal page. If these are not correct, contact the research communications officers.
Below the information about you, you will find the button Settings for groups/projects. Click on this.
- Choose to show the research groups to which you belong and your ongoing and completed research projects as cards, as a list, or not to show them at all.
- When you are done, click on Save.
Publications in Diva
At the bottom of your personal page, your publications are listed, which are retrieved from the database Diva. When you register a publication, always state your username, your department at the time of publication, research subject, and any research group (check with the research director what applies). If you do not do this, your publications will not be listed in the correct way on Lnu.se.
If there are multiple authors at Linnaeus University for the same publication, you must state the user names of all authors. If you experience problems registering a publication in Diva, please contact our Diva support.
Administer the display of your publications
Log in via Staff or Lnu.se, unless you have not already done this, and go to your personal page. In the box with publications, you will find four buttons with which you can choose how to show your publications.
Choose favourite publications
- Under Show, untick any publications that you do not want to show.
- Under Favourite, tick the publications that you want to list first on your list, under the heading Selected publications – that is to say, the publications you think are most important (let us say 3–5).
- Note: Click on Save.
Choose publication types
- Under Show, untick any publication types that you do not want to show.
- Drag and release a publication type to arrange them in the order of your preference.
- Note: Click on Back.
Choose content types
- Untick any content types that you do not want to show.
- Note: Click on Back.
- Choose how you want to sort within each respective publication type and Selected publications.
Extra content
You can add videos, links, documents, and more to your personal page. Perhaps you have taken part in a podcast, or want to share information about interesting collaborations, or something else? Contact the Communications Office to get help with his.
So-called tags connect you and your personal page to the relevant faculty, department, research groups, research projects, research subjects, teaching subjects, etc. The tags are shown in the grey box on your personal page. Contact the Communications Office if you need help adding the right tags.