Zoom e-meeting
Meet your students and colleagues where ever they are
With Zoom, you can easily meet colleagues, students and people around the world via your computer, mobile phone or tablet. Create big meetings, hold a seminar or work together on projects via chat, audio, video, screen sharing and more.
Zoom has an integration with Moodle, where teachers can quickly and easily prepare meetings with their students and also the students have full access to Zoom to hold meetings among themselves. There is also a plugin for Outlook's calendar to organize and invite meetings in Zoom directly from the email.
We also have an integration with LnuPlay, so that users (staff) can have their recorded meetings uploaded automatically to their LnuPlay account.
Zoom for teaching
Zoom has many functions making it a great tool for your teaching.
In a separate article you find tips on how to best use Zoom when it comes to everything from marketing a course, different types of course meetings and seminars, how to collaborate within your teacher team, guide and supervise students to how students can use it for group work and collaboration.
Learn more about Zoom for teaching.
You also find this article in the right hand side sub menu.
Zoom for larger events
Everyone has a built in license for Zoom Webinars that you can hold with up to 500 participants. Larger audience licenses are available for purchase.
There is also Zoom Events that is a complete event platform with registration, lobby, virtual mess floor where you can build multi track events that span for days.
About Zoom and security issues
Zoom's security has been questioned in the media and through various social media channels. What is important to remember is that it usually does not affect us at Linnaeus University (or other universities in the Nordic countries).
We use the Nordic Zoom service via SUNET and NORDU.net with our own private cloud where all data is controlled and stored in a GDPR-secure way. What has flourished in the media concerns the public cloud service that Zoom in the US provides.
One big thing mentioned is the "new" phenomenon of Zoom bombing, that is, uninvited "guests" who show up in meetings to disturb others. This is not something that is unique for Zoom but can happen in all e-meeting services where you allow anonymous guests to enter public open meetings. This can easily be avoided by using simple settings for your meeting.
On the service portal we have posted articles with more information about the safety of Zoom and how you increase the security of your meetings yourself.
About Zoom and security: https://serviceportalen.lnu.se/en-us/article/1323593
How to set up secure meetings: https://serviceportalen.lnu.se/en-us/article/1321433