Banknote with an up arrow and a document


Accounting at Linnaeus University is based, just like for other accounting obligations, basic accounting principles, regulations and practices. As Linnaeus University is a government agency, there are certain exceptions, e.g. that the government grants received must be recognised as income when they are paid out and may therefore not be accrued between years.

The accounting for government agencies may also be special in other respects compared to other types of organisations. It is regulated in various ways in regulations, one of the most important of which is the regulation on annual accounts and budget documentation. There are also a number of other rules that regulate accounting, which are collected in ESV's financial administrative regulations (the ea handbook).

In addition to this, the Government's appropriation letter for universities and colleges, a new appropriation letter every year, also sets requirements in various areas of accounting that are specific to this sector.

Linnaeus University allocates and reports indirect costs according to the so-called SUHF model. It is an accounting model that the Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions has developed and that higher education institutions are recommended to follow. Click here to read more about how we use the model.

Linnaeus University's financial model, which is described below under the heading basic documents, is a description of the code parts that exist in the financial system and how these should be defined and used. 

Below are guidelines, a basic chart of accounts, a financial model and more specific instructions on various accounting issues.