F.A.Q. about LnuPlay
Guides and manuals about LnuPlay can be found at serviceportalen, but here we have gathered some of the questions we get asked.
See all the guides at serviceportalen: https://serviceportalen.lnu.se/en-us/category/879697
Can students also use LnuPlay?
Students also have access to LnuPlay to a limited extent.
The biggest difference between LnuPlay for staff and students is that students can not work with their media files via play.lnu.se and can not publish their work to the outside world. Instead, they are completely reliant on working with videos and audio from within Moodle. There, they can record, edit, upload and even place media inside their course rooms, for example via posts in forums, the course's video gallery or video assignments.
There is a page on the service portal that covers everything that students can and cannot do with LnuPlay and it is a good start page to refer your students to: https://serviceportalen.lnu.se/en-us/article/1445913
Will my media files work for my students?
Media files uploaded to LnuPlay are designed to be used on both computers and laptops. They will work on both Mac OS, Windows as well as on mobiles / tablets with Android or iOS.
All modern browsers are supported, including Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera.
Flash is not required, nor are any other browser plugins.
What do I need to record media?
To be able to record video or audio, you obviously need some kind of camera and / or software to make recordings.
LnuPlay offers an easy-to-use program called Kaltura Capture. It allows you to record both your computer screen and your connected webcam (or other connected film camera). In addition, it is directly linked to your account on LnuPlay, which makes uploading videos super smooth.
Read more about Kaltura Capture and how to install / record.
But you can also use other software (like Zoom). A common professional program at the university is Camtasia, which is installed on some computers at virtually all faculties. Contact your ICT educator to learn more. You can also read our article on alternative recording methods: https://serviceportalen.lnu.se/en-us/article/1170461
How do I upload a media recording?
If you have a media file that you recorded via a regular camera/microphone or maybe on a mobile phone, you can upload it directly to LnuPlay. Either via our portal play.lnu.se or from inside Moodle-> Help & Resources -> My media.
How do I publish my media for others to view?
There are many ways you can publish your media. You can publish it in a channel that you create yourself, put it in a topic category, embed it on a web page (such as a private blog), in a Facebook feed or just link to it in an email.
In addition, you can of course use the media in your Moodle classroom so your students can access them.
By default, your new media files are always private and only you can watch them. Publishing them to the outside world is therefore a conscious choice you make.
Is there any analytics about how my media is used?
You have access to very good analysis and statistics tools for all your media files. How many have viewed it, how long they watched, where they possibly drop off. In Moodle, you also see which students have seen the video and how long they have watched, etc.
Can I add chapters/index to my video?
LnuPlay lets you add key points -or chapters- to your video. This makes it easier for the viewer to navigate your video and jump to points that have a specific content.
You may have a long lecture and can then add key points at the times you change the subject. By naming the chapters, the viewer gets a navigation menu with links to these points and by adding a short description it is also a tool to search within the video.
Can I edit my media?
Media you have uploaded to LnuPlay can be edited after upload. You can trim off mistakes in the beginning/end and cut out pieces within your recording. You can also create partial clips of a longer video where you copy a piece of your movie and save that copy as a new movie.
In addition, you can change owners, give colleagues the right to publish / change, add metadata that makes the film searchable, allow downloading, add subtitles, etc.
How can I use media in my Moodle classroom?
LnuPlay is very well integrated with our learning platform Moodle.
You can upload a greeting video on the home page, embed a video/audio clip in a discussion post, have a playlist of videos on a page, create a video assignment for the students that you grade, and much more.
Students can also publish videos. Partly via the video assignment, but also as a post in a discussion or as comments on a regular assignment.