Migration of LnuPlay 2018

We have moved our media to newer, and faster, media servers in Denmark. This affects direct links to media.

This information was provided with the migration that took place 2018. It is kept as a reference but is not actual any more.


Our media service, LnuPlay, is handled through the SUNET organisation who buys the service from the company Kaltura. The agreement with Kaltura has changed and from June 1st 2018 it is the Nordic organisation Nordu.net that provides the same service instead.

With this change came that all our media had to physically move from servers in USA to servers in Copenhagen. Every university in Sweden, that uses the Kaltura service, had to rewrite the addresses to media files.

We made the switch on Monday June 4th 2018 (with further necessary Mymoodle updates on Friday June 29th, 2018) and all our media is since moved to the new server. This had an implication on direct links to media (read more below).