- Support and service
- LnuPlay
- Publish media
Publish your media
There are several ways for you to publish your media in LnuPlay. Both open to the world and more secluded for your students or specially invited guests. You can publish your media in your course room in Moodle, at our portal play.lnu.se but also embedded on a web page, on your Facebook or in a blog.
In a course room in Moodle you can choose to have your media directly visible on the page, as a resource for students to click on, in the text within a forum submission or embedded as one of many media in a playlist.
At our portal play.lnu.se you have the option to allow the whole world to see your media from within a category, or as part of your own channel where you gather your productions. A channel can be open for everyone or restricted to specially invited guests.
No matter what your are in complete control over who gets to watch/listen to your media and where it can be consumed. Everything is controlled by access levels that you yourself manage.
Different access levels when publishing
These are the different ways you can publish media from LnuPlay and what it means regarding access and privileges. Further down you can download a complete manual addressing the different aspects (Publish your media.pdf).
Inside Moodle
When you publish within your course room in Moodle the access to your media is controlled by the authorisation to that course room, just like any material there in.
Playlist created in LnuPlay
A playlist that you create at our portal play.lnu.se can be used anywhere you can paste HTML code and the media in it is showed with the same access level as the single media has in LnuPlay. That means that if you add a video that isn't made public to the world in one of our categories (see below), it won't play in a playlist unless the viewer is logged in with a Lnu account.
Channel created in LnuPlay
The access to channels are governed in different ways, but in almost every case (except open, public channels) the viewer has to be logged in with a Lnu or student account to be able to view a media that is only published in a channel.
Embed on a web page
If you grab the embed code for a media and publish that code on a web page, everyone who gets access to that web page can also see the media, regardless of the restriction you may have set on the media.
Publish in a category on play.lnu.se
This alternative means that the media is available "to the world" and it also gets indexed by search engines like Google, Bing and so on. Visitors to play.lnu.se can find and play the media without logging in and the link to the media can be shared with anyone. After you publish in a category the media also works in all other instances described here.
Share the media through a link
If you set a media to Unlisted or Public you can share the link to other people that takes them to your media without being logged in. Unlisted means that the media is, in practical terms, invisible to the outside world if they don't have the exact address. The media doesn't get indexed by search engines and can't be "found" by others without the link. Public media, on the other hand, do get indexed and published in a category.
Make your media downloadable
Finally you can also let visitors download your media if you want to. This means that the user can click on a link to download your file to his or her computer/handheld and watch it without being online. There are three different ways to allow for this with different implications on things like security and access.
Publish to the world
In order to publish "to the world" the media has to be in one of the categories we have in the menu at our portal https://play.lnu.se. The privileges to publish there are managed by the ICT pedagogues at your faculty. Contact them if you want to publish in a category (subject) that you "belong" to.
We want to see a lot of media published on play.lnu.se! Your media will become an important part of Lnu's image to the world, so don't be afraid to publish openly, but pay attention to the quality!
Important things to consider!
Be thorough when you fill out the meta data about your media. Give it a proper title and description, check the subjects that are applicable and fill out extra tags (keywords) that people looking for media might search for. If you feel there is meta data fields that are missing, don't hesitate to consult with your ICT pedagogue.
More tips and trix can be found on the page "Useful steps for recording".
- Don't do long recordings! Try to keep them under 15 minutes if possible and make several shorter clips instead of a long lecture or presentation. That also means that your parts are easier to "recycle".
- When the media is published it will automatically have a short Lnu stinger in the beginning. Try to stay within the Lnu graphic profile even during your recording. Use the Lnu templates. Try to avoid large blobs of text, instead; go for headlines and keywords with a larger font size (easier to read on screen).
- When you publish openly the copy treaty we have is no longer applicable. Remember that your media can not contain any material that you don't have the right to use! Learn more under Copyright and Copying Treaty. Try to use material that has a Creative Commons license - easiest way to find that is by the search engine CC Search. Just make sure that you use the correct license and that you link to the original. It is you, as the publishing person, who are responsible for your published content.