Ouriginal – antiplagiarism system

Ouriginal (former URKUND) is the common system at Linnaeus University for preventing and identifying plagiarism in student papers.

Log in here if you already have an Ouriginal account: ouriginal.com
If you want to order an account, please order one by e-mail to using your lnu staff e-mail

However, before getting an Ouriginal account, please read about the function address for Moodle below.

Help with Ouriginal

Please see our help article on Ouriginal at Serviceportalen

Ouriginal through Moodle

Moodle has a function address for Ouriginal which is added automatically when a new hand-in assignment is added*. This means that both teachers who have their own Ouriginal address and those who do not can use the function address. Teachers who have their own personal Ouriginal address are free to change to this one from the function address if they so wish, and, of course, the entire Ouriginal comparison can always be shut off.

The difference between a personal Ouriginal address and the function address is

… that, with a personal address, the teacher can ask his or her students to send their assignments directly to the personal address, and then go to Ouriginal.com to log in to his or her Ouriginal account (see above) where all documents sent to that address can be found. Here teachers will also be able to see the comparison/”the authenticity report”. If the personal Ouriginal address has been stated, information sent through Moodle will also be available here.

… that, if one uses the function address, one will not be able to see all documents received in Ouriginal through the years. However, all teachers on a course are able to click their way from the assignment in Moodle to the sent-in document in Ouriginal (logging in is not required, this is handled by Moodle) to see the more detailed comparison. In addition, if one uses Moodle’s handing-in functionality one can grade directly in the course and get a complete documentation of grades straight away.

Both what goes for the personal address and the function address there is another important difference between sending through Moodle and asking students to send an email directly to the personal Ouriginal address: If sent through Moodle, other teachers on the course will also be able to see the comparison for the documents in the assignment, and be able to click their way to Ouriginal in order to see a detailed comparison. However, they will only be able to see documents relating to courses on which they teach. This is usually preferable. If, however, students are asked to send their assignments directly to Ouriginal, the only one who will be able to log in and see the comparison is the teacher who owns the Ouriginal address in question.

Frequently made Ouriginal mistakes

  • Wrong address stated by the person who created the hand-in assignment in Moodle. This is one reason for the fact that there is now a default address when one creates a new hand-in assignment. Information about this can be found by clicking on the help section next to the address field in the settings for hand-in assignment in Moodle.
  • File formats not compatible with Ouriginal. The information on what file formats are accepted has now been made more clear, both for the person who creates an assignment and for students in connection to the handing in of an assignment.
  • Odd characters in the file name. It is always best to use a–z and numbers. It seems that Ouriginal is able to handle most characters, but, for instance, &, (, !, can be problematic. This is also made clear to students in connection to their handing in of assignments.
  • Incorrectly named document. If the extension stating the document’s file type is incorrect, for instance if the dot has been removed (as in assignmentdocx instead of the correct assignment.docx) Ouriginal cannot interpret this.

Good to know

  • Ouriginal was previously called Urkund, and many analysis addresses still have the domain urkund.se, which continues to function after the name change.
  • Ouriginal does not make comparisons between documents from the same sender. In other words, students can hand in a complementary assignment without it generating a “complete match” because of a previously handed-in assignment.
  • The hand-in assignment can be set so that it is sent to Ouriginal immediately in connection to the upload, or for this to wait until the student chooses to submit for grading. If a new document is uploaded a new comparison will be made.
  • If a handed-in document is reverted to draft by the teacher the student will be able to upload a new file after which Ouriginal will make a new comparison.
  • Usually it only takes a few hours for Ouriginal to handle a document, during that time a cogwheel is shown in Moodle. However, during hectic periods the handling may take longer and Ouriginal has informed us that it may take as long as four days from when the document is handed in.
  • If a warning triangle is shown this means that Ouriginal has failed to carry out the comparison but will try again, as long as there is nothing wrong with the file. As a teacher, if the comparison should take more than four days, or if you are in a hurry to know the result, you are welcome to contact their support on: support_AT_urkund.se. In that case you are to state the student’s name, email address, and the name of the document in question.

Regarding documents containing sensitive information

The student will receive an email, containing information on an “opt-out link”, confirming his or her upload to Ouriginal. This is used to make sure that the document later on is not used for comparisons with other documents outside Lnu. Please note that it is not advisable to use Ouriginal for documents which you know contain sensitive information. The system is based on comparisons with other documents.

The result of the comparison and with what documents similarities have been found can also be viewed by the students through a link, if the assignment has been set so that students may see it. However, the default setting for assignments in Moodle is that students are not able to see the comparison.

*If you have already stated an Ouriginal address when adding an earlier hand-in assignment in Moodle this is usually added automatically when you create a new hand-in assignment. You can keep this if you want what is sent in to be saved on your own Ouriginal account, or you could state the function address: mymoodle.LNU_AT_analys.urkund.se.