Post and packages

Welcome to the post and package handling at Linnaeus University!

We do our best every day to ensure that your letters and packages reach you. Do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any questions. If you want to place an order or ask a question, contact us:

Questions for the postal service

Placing an order

General tips and regulations

  • All envelopes with the university’s bar code must be sent through us. It is absolutely prohibited to drop one of our bar code envelopes in a yellow mailbox. PostNord issues a penalty fee for every envelope that is not sent through us and it takes longer time for the envelope to reach its destination. If you would like to receive a letter as Svarspost, contact Copycenter for printing of correct envelopes.
  • Use brown internal envelopes for items of mail within the university. Cross the previous recipient and write the address of the new one, according to the model: City, Building, Department/Office, Name
    Registered letters must be addressed to Linnaeus University followed by your name. In case of reversed order, you will receive the dispatch note in your mailbox and will have to collect the registered letter yourself. Our internal mail service is only authorised to collect letters/packages addressed to Linnaeus University.
  • Make sure your TouchPoint information is up-to-date. This is our internal post service’s tool for keeping track of the placement of all members of staff at the university.
  • If you wish to make a larger dispatch, contact us in advance!
  • The following applies when submitting your address to have letters sent to you: When your name is stated first on the envelope, the letter is considered private and sorted directly to your mailbox. If Linnaeus University is stated first, the letter is addressed to the government authority and will, therefore, be opened by the registrar.

When ordering goods, keep in mind to use of delivery addresses.

Contact the post service

The post office in Kalmar is found in Radix, Pedalstråket 13
Opening hours 8.00–16.00 (closed for lunch 11.30–12.30)
Most reliable reached 08:00–09:30 and 12:30–13:30

Phone: 0480-44 60 20

The post office in Växjö is found in the basement of the main building, H0109.
Opening hours 08:00–16:00 (closed for lunch 12:00–12:30)

Phone: 0470-70 87 88