Project governance

To securing quality in the planning, operation and follow-up process in development projects, the Linnaeus university project model is offering a common structure and a decided project process.

Development projects that are considered to be of extra strategical importance are decided to be portfolio projects by the vice-chancellor or by the university director, on recommendation from the project portfolio management. Below, you can find information on the project model and process that portfolio projects shall use. You also find the supporting project hand book as well as the templates to be used by the portfolio projects within the model. 

Also other development projects are recommended to use the process and the templates as far as possible and useful. This creates a common work process when working in projects at Linnaeus university, which facilitates for members of staff to join different project organisations already knowing the basic process and documents. 

There are a project support located at the executive office, that can help and support on how to use the project model and the tools within it. Contact the project support at

Linnaeus university's project model

Linnaeus university has a decided project model that is to be used by portfolio projects, but it is recommended that also other development projects use the model. 

The project process contains of three phases, that involves process steps to be taken one after another. These are sometimes started or concluded by documentation or decisions. The task in the feasibility study stage is to analyse the possibilities for the project and starts normally with a current situation analysis and a needs analysis. A feasibility study shall be able to recomend how the project is adviced to be operated to be most likely to succeed. A feasibility study could also conclude that the focus needs to be changed, or that the project is not necessary nor possible. If the project is to be implemented, the process moves on to the operational phase, in which the actual work and project activities are done. In the third phase, the implementation and follow-up phase, the project result is implemented in the organisation and a follow-up of the impact goals is made.

Graphic over project process

Project manual and templates

In the project manual you can read about the different parts of the project model and the common process. The manual also gives advice to you who is a project leader or part of a project at Linnaeus univeristy.   

To ease the documentation of projects, there are templates for the different phases. Portfolio projects always uses the templates for the feasibility study directive, the feasibility study report, the project plan, the communication plan and the final report. These are to be seen as the lowest common denominators. If a project needs other headlines (e.g. requierment specification), it is possible to add those in the documentation in the individual project. 

Also other documents can be necessary, depending on what is needed in the individual project. If you need other templates than the ones found below, please make a request at the project support:

Please note that the documentation shall be in Swedish, why the templates are not available in English. The project manual however, is translated and available below.

Ongoing portfolio projects

Here you can read about ongoing portfolio projects. 

Completed portfolio projects

Here you can read about the portfolio projects phases that are completed. A feasability study that is finnished and presented below, might also have an ongoing operational phase, which is presented above as an ongoing portfolio process.