
International recruitment

Our ability to attract, recruit, retain, develop and liquidate skills is a crucial success factor. To increase the opportunities to find skilled employees, Linnaeus University has broadened recruitment in the international arena as well.

Hiring international employees

When we hire employees from other countries, good foresight is required as the employee may need to apply for both a visa and / or work permit to be able to enter Sweden and work. It is therefore important that the HR department enters as early a stage as possible.

Employer's responsibilities
As an employer, we are responsible for checking that the employee has a valid work or residence permit before work at Linnaeus University can begin. This means that when the recruitment is at the stage that a person is to be offered the job, the possible requirement for a work or residence permit should be checked.

The rules regarding different types of work and residence permits are complex and in the vast majority of cases need to be checked with the Migration Agency. The HR partner of your institution will support you in this process.

Please read through the section that applies to the category of employment you are recruiting. There is also guidance from the Migration Agency that is aimed directly at higher education institutions. There you will find information about rules and application procedures:

What about work and residence permits?
Citizens of an EU country:
A citizen who comes from a country within the EU usually does not need a permit regardless of whether the person is going to do research, study or work in Sweden.

Non-EU nationals:
Citizens who come from a country outside the EU usually need to have a work or residence permit to work in Sweden.

If the employment is shorter than 3 months, no residence permit is needed. Citizens of certain countries need to have a visa for visits.

Read more here:

NB! A person who is in Sweden and has a work permit for a job with another employer may need a new work permit to work at Linnaeus University.

Different types of work permits and residence permits
Employment of senior lecturers

A work permit is required if they come from outside the EU, as lecturers work with training most of their working hours. Each HR partner orders the handling of work permits from the procured company Human Entrance.

Employment of T/A employees
Work permits are required for people from outside the EU. Each HR partner orders the handling of work permits from the procured company Human Entrance.

Application for an extension of a work permit
An application for an extended work permit (senior lecturers and T/A staff) for the same work as before should not be submitted more than four months before the current work permit expires. An application submitted earlier than 4 months requires more work from the Migration Agency as it will require supplementation in the form of what income the person has had during the period.

PhD student
The term doctoral student here means a doctoral student who is both employed and admitted at Linnaeus University. A doctoral student needs a residence permit for doctoral studies.

Guest doctoral student / Exchange doctoral student
A doctoral student who is admitted to a higher education institution abroad and will conduct part of his or her studies in Sweden. The guest doctoral student needs to apply for a residence permit. The type of permit required depends on the conditions that apply, take the support of your HR partner in the process. 

Employment of visiting researchers
A person who is going to come to Sweden to carry out research for most of their service needs to have a residence permit for visiting researchers. A reception agreement must be written by the university and submitted in connection with the application to the Migration Agency. A senior lecturer is not counted as a visiting researcher.

Permanent residence permit
People who have lived in Sweden with a residence permit for doctoral studies for a total of four years during the past seven years can apply for a permanent residence permit.

Applications for work permits and extensions
Linnaeus University has procured the service with handling of work permits (senior lecturers and T/A staff) by an external company called Human Entrance. Human Entrance is certified by the Swedish Migration Agency, which means that the lead times for work permits  are shortened. 

Human Entrance should be used for all first-time and work permit extension applications. If employees have an accompanying partner, they should also be covered by the application. The cost is borne by the institution concerned. 

It is the respective HR partner who contacts Human Entrance and orders the service. Before applying, the HR partner needs information from you as managers regarding the employment.

Guest researchers; postdoctoral researchers and assiociate senior lecturers, are not covered by the certification as they already have a "fast track" at the Migration Agency. Doctoral students are also not covered by the certification with the Migration Agency.

Other services to purchase
Human Entrance also works with other services such as housing search and international tax advice. If you want to use these services, they must be paid for by the department.

Things to consider when it comes to visiting researchers
Employees who will conduct research for the most part in their position are counted as guest researchers regardless of whether the employment is limited in time or until further notice.

Anyone who is invited to Linnaeus University as a visiting researcher must have their residence permit granted before entering Sweden. This is a basic requirement of the Aliens Act. In order for the employee to be able to apply for a residence permit, a reception agreement is needed for researchers in Sweden. The reception agreement is signed by the head of department and the employee. The hosting agreement is sent to the employee who submits it together with the application. The hosting agreement can be seen as an offer of employment but is not legally binding on the employer.

The Hosting Agreement, as well as information on how the employee should apply, can be found on the Migration Agency's website:

As an employer, we are obliged to check that a valid residence permit exists before the employment contract is signed. Since we do not know in advance how long the processing time is to receive a response, we need to plan and apply well in advance.

It is possible for visiting researchers to visit Sweden as visa-free or with a guest visa, but an application to stay longer in Sweden than 3 months must be submitted and approved before entering Sweden. Note that problems may arise if the guest researcher enters and applies from Sweden.

A visiting researcher who has a residence permit in another EU country can enter Sweden on a visit if the residence permit allows it. The residence permit does not apply to residence or a long stay in Sweden and it is therefore not possible for the person to move here and then apply for a residence permit for work in Sweden.

Employment of PhD student
Here you will find information on how to proceed when a doctoral student outside the EU/EEA applies for a "Residence permit for doctoral studies".

First-time application
When the recruitment process is complete and the doctoral student is admitted to the programme, the application for a residence permit for a doctoral student must be completed.

A doctoral student who is a citizen of a country outside the EU/EEA needs a residence permit to conduct studies in Sweden. The residence permit can be granted for 4 years.

In his/her application for a residence permit, the doctoral student must attach his/her admission decision. A certificate that Linnaeus University intends to support the doctoral student's application for a residence permit must be written and a certificate of current insurance, Insurance Certificate. Contact your HR partner to get the latter two documents.

The admission decision must state that the admission is completed and not conditional. It is important to keep in mind that it is the formal decision on admission that the applicant must send with his or her application to the Migration Agency. 

For the Finnish Immigration Service, it is necessary that the formal admission decision contains the following information:

  • Name of the applicant
  • Social security number/birth number of the applicant
  • Main supervisor – also possibly assistant supervisor
  • Planned degree – Licentiate or PhD
  • Signature of the decision-maker
  • Institution concerned

Extension application
As an employer, we shall ensure that the employee has a valid residence permit during the entire doctoral period. 

In an application for an extension of a residence permit, the doctoral student must attach a study certificate from the department. The doctoral student also needs to submit information about income during the time of the previous permit.

Here you can read more about what applies to doctoral students:

Application for guest doctoral student
Doctoral students who are not admitted in Sweden but admitted at another university outside Sweden can be invited to study or do research at Linnaeus University as part of their education. These are also called guest doctoral students.

If the intended stay is 90 days or less, the visiting guest doctoral student must apply for a visa at an embassy, if this is necessary for entry into Sweden.

If the visit is longer than 90 days in a 180-day period, a residence permit is needed for visits. This permit is valid for a maximum of up to one year. After this visiting period, the doctoral student must leave Sweden. While the person is in Sweden on a visitor's permit or visa, he or she cannot be granted a residence permit on any other basis.

When applying to the Migration Agency, the exchange doctoral student needs to attach a certificate from the department, signed by the head of department.

The certificate shall contain the following information:

  • The visitor's personal data
  • Purpose of the visit to Linnaeus University
  • Time period of the visit
  • Responsible supervisor
  • How the exchange doctoral student is financed during the visit period

Please note that salary or fees may not be paid by Linnaeus University other than a possible scholarship

The exchange doctoral student must also attach to their application a corresponding certificate from the university where the doctoral student is admitted outside Sweden.

Read more about exchange doctoral students on the Migration Agency's website

Insurance at Linnaeus University
Our employees are insured through Kammarkollegiet.

Insurance for foreign visitors
Linnaeus University has taken out collective insurance for foreign citizens who participate in Linnaeus University's activities such as guest researchers, guest lecturers, opponents, fellows, interns and non-registered employees and their accompanying family (spouse/cohabitant/children). 

The insurance applies
Around the clock during the visit to Sweden. During the journey between the home country and Sweden, provided that the visitor travels directly. Throughout the Schengen area, provided that there is a valid Schengen visa, issued by a Swedish mission abroad. If the person has a residence permit, the insurance only applies in Sweden.

The insurance covers
Emergency medical and dental care and repatriation to the home country if necessary. The insurance does not cover regular check-ups or medications for diseases that have arisen before the trip.

The insurance includes a liability cover if someone claims the visitor for damages for something that the visitor has done during the visit. It also contains legal protection if the visitor demands damages from someone.

The insurance also includes property protection if the visitor loses his private belongings during the visit.

The HR Department at Linnaeus University is a Euraxess Centre. EURAXESS is a European initiative that aims to promote the career development of researchers, stimulate researcher mobility within the EU, attract researchers outside the EU, inform researchers of their rights and make available research positions within Europe. VINNOVA is the responsible organization for Euraxess Sweden, which is part of a European network of over 500 Euraxess centers in about 40 countries. Link to the website:

The website contains facts about research services, Swedish research, research news and information and tips for moving to Sweden.

Support for international employees

Support for employees is divided into four main areas:

  • Information
  • External links
  • Network, Relocation Lnu
  • Seminars for international employees

Information till co-workers
Information for international co-workers can be found here: Living and working in Sweden.

There is also support for international employees in the form of the brochure Getting Settled at Linnaeus University. The brochure provides an overview of what international employees need to consider when they come to Sweden and Linnaeus University. It covers, among other things, important information from the Migration Agency, notification to the Swedish Tax Agency, information about bank accounts and more. The brochure is available both in printed form and digitally, see link: Getting settled at Linnaeus University (

It is also available if you contact

There is a network for new international employees. The network is called Relocation Lnu. The purpose of the group is to provide a forum for international employees at Linnaeus University. However, the group is open to all employees who have an interest in meeting international employees, or sharing their experiences of moving to Kalmar or Växjö. You join the network by joining the group Relocation Lnu on

Through the Relocation network, the new employees receive information about and invitations to seminars. Some of the seminars are also open for accompanying.

Some of the recurring seminars are:

  • How to finance international mobility
  • Seminar about the Småland region
  • Film club (held in Swedish)
  • City walks in Kalmar/Växjö
  • Lucia celebrations
  • Seminar on intercultural communication
  • Working in Sweden
  • Health and Safety at Linnaeus University