Once an employment contract has been signed, the onboarding process begins. At Linnaeus University, there are three components that should be included in the onboarding for all new employees: using an onboarding checklist to ensure that no important aspects are overlooked, assigning each new employee a designated “buddy”, and providing both workplace-specific and university-wide onboarding.
Onboarding checklist
The onboarding process starts before your new colleague’s first day at work, and continues after they have started. To support the process, there’s an onboarding checklist for new employees. A useful tip is to store it in a shared location, so both you and your new colleague can access it and tick things off as you go along.
Orders for your new colleague
There is a consolidated form in Selfservice for ordering everything your new colleague will need. This form allows you to order things such as a staff account, a mobile phone (including subscription), a computer package, and access to various systems. Go to Selfservice and create a new employment case, which will then foward many of the above-mentioned orders to the appropriate unit. An email with practical information that may be useful before the employment begins will also be sent to the new employee.
This can and should be done as soon as possible after the employment contract has been signed. Please note that requests for staff accounts require authorisation, so you – the manager – must either place the order yourself, or inform the IT department who should be granted access to do it on your behalf.
Onboarding buddy
As a manager, you are responsible for appointing a buddy for your new colleague. The buddy provides additional support for the new employee, alongside your support as the manager, taking extra responsibility during the first few weeks for directing the new colleague to the right people or entities for various questions and helping them integrate into the social environment at the workplace. This may involve making sure that the new employee finds the right point of contact for issues like receipts or scheduling, or that they join the coffee breaks.
Workplace-specific onboarding
New employees at Linnaeus University should be warmly welcomed from their very first day. As a manager, you are the one responsible for either personally meeting your new colleague on their first day or assigning someone to do so (such as the buddy). You should give them a tour and introduce them to their closest colleagues.
You should provide your new colleague with an onboarding schedule for the initial period (the length of which varies depending on the position). This should include meetings with colleagues and other key individuals for introductions and orientation, as well as check-ins with you for follow-up and the opportunity to ask questions.
University-wide onboarding package
The university-wide onboarding package is currently being developed and includes three parts:
1. Digital onboarding package
This is under development.
2. Digital information meetings, including:
- an HR information session covering personnel matters (held monthly in Swedish and English)
- Next stop, for international employees who have not yet relocated to Sweden
- Relocation – meetings for international employees.
3. Welcome day
A joint welcome day for all new employees.
This is currently being updated. Until the new welcome day is fully developed, the university-wide introduction day will continue to be offered.