Studying with a disability

Students with disabilities can get study support during their studies

All disabilities are individual and may affect studies in different ways. This means that all study support, including possible adjustments, is tailored to the individual student. For a student to receive study support, they need to be able to provide supporting documentation of their disability.

We follow the definition set out in the Discrimination Act (2008:567), according to which disability refers to a “permanent physical, mental or intellectual limitation of a person’s functional capacity that as a consequence of injury or illness existed at birth, has arisen since then or can be expected to arise.”

Based on a recommendation by the former Riksförsäkringsverket, the general approach among coordinators at Swedish higher education institutions is that a disability should be considered as permanent if it has lasted, or is expected to last, for at least six months. If the supporting documentation does not point to a permanent disability, special study support will not be granted.

The purpose of study support and other adjustments is for disabled students to have the same opportunities as their non-disabled peers, which means that it consists in different kinds of efforts and measures to eliminate, overcome, and compensate for obstacles that may arise in the study situation.


The following procedure applies to all students for whom some kind of study support or adjustment is being considered due to disability:


  1. The student is referred to our webpage Studying with a disability, where they can apply for study support.
  2. The coordinator has a meeting with the student about what needs they have and how support should be planned.
  3. A support notification is created, specifying decisions and recommendations as regards support/adjustments. The student can access the notification at any time, via Nais.