- Support and service
- Telephony
Here we have gathered all information related to telephony. You can read about our telephony services and get help with how to use them. You will also find information about our range of products and prices, as well as links to order forms for all types of telephony orders.
Telephony solution
The solution includes, in addition to switchboard functionality and subscriptions, a user-friendly app called Telia Touchpoint Plus. In the app, you can easily refer, transfer calls to colleagues, chat, search for colleagues, see their status in the company directory, and more. Information on how to get started with the Touchpoint app can be found on the Guides page in the menu on the right.
Mobile phones are acquired through leasing agreements where each phone is leased for 24 months and then exchanged or bought out. Accessories such as headsets, phone cases, and screen protectors are purchased and paid for through a one-time cost.
Linnaeus University provides a messaging service for sending texts via the web, email, or integrated in the system. The function can be used for information dissemination, reminders, crisis and disruption management, invitations, etc. For authorisation and training in the service, please contact Infocenter.
To contact Infocenter, call 7146 (0772-28 80 00 if calling externally) or fill out our contact form.