Communications, Kalmar and Växjö

How to book and buy trainticket to/from Kalmar-Växjö

• You book and buy your trainticket for travels between Kalmar and Växjö with the company app that is provided by Länstrafiken in Kalmar or SJ.

All members of staff who travel in work can easily download the app to their smartphone. In order to travel, you must book a ticket for each trip. By using the KLT app you can book train + bus, that is to say, all the way from Kalmar C to Växjö campus (and the other way around). The ticket can be booked in advance but must be activated shortly before embarking on the train or bus. Train host can issue a fine of 1400 SEK for thoose who can't show a valid ticket. 

The app does not work in Android with old operating systems

Android 4.3 to 9, and in between, with an updated OS operating system, works fine with the KLT app. However, not in Android 8. Update the phone's OP, otherwise contact Infocenter and order a new phone.

How to get acess to the app

Contact the faculty office for further information how to get acess to the customer register and how to download the app. 

To buy ticket with regional SJ train you need acess to the customer service agreement the University has with SJ. Contact your faculty office or central travel coordinator.