Sociology is both a workmanship and a special way of thinking. Within the subject, human relations and different types of societal processes are studied. Thus, the fields of study within sociology are very varied – ranging from love between people, criminality and power relations to war between countries, migration, and inequality.
Sociology focuses in particular on understanding and explaining human actions and the cultural and social course of events and consequences that arise when people meet. These phenomena can be studied at individual, organisational, societal and global level.
For their studies, sociologists make use of a number of different methods – everything from ethnographic observations, interviews and studies of documents to questionnaire surveys, experiments, and analyses of so-called "big data" – in order to collect information and build knowledge about the phenomenon that is being studied.
Sociological knowledge questions our understanding of everyday life and provides new insights that can help us in our work to solve societal problems.
Sociology is one of three subjects at the department of social studies. The other two are peace and development studies and gender studies.
At Linnaeus University, you can study sociology both as single-subject courses and within the frame of degree programmes. Our courses and programmes range from first- to second-cycle level and we also offer third-cycle education within the subject.
During your studies in sociology you will, among other things, learn how to review and evaluate studies and investigations and to collect, compile and analyse information. These skills are in demand within many sectors on the labour market.
Thus, sociologists have the skills required to work with evaluation projects and to lead investigations and analysis activities within both the public and the private sector. In addition, sociologists often work with project management, reviewing commissions and organisation development – tasks that require both methodological and analytical skills.
If you choose to study sociology at Linnaeus University you will be part of an exciting academic environment. The first- and second-cycle education is inspired by and closely linked to the research carried within sociology at the department.
Third-cycle programme in Sociology
Research in sociology
The sociology research carried out at the department of social studies reflects the breadth of the subject. We work with qualitative ethnographic projects as well as quantitatively oriented questionnaire and experiment studies.
Our fields of research deal with, among other things, higher education, working life and labour market, age and life cycle, sustainable development, migration and integration issues, school and education, and youth and health.
Research groups
Research projects
Project: Attractive work – support assistent in function support The project explores the experiences of employed women and men of working in the field of functional support and in the profession…
Doctoral project: Re-enchantment in a rationalized world: meaning-making through modern magical practices In a time where scientific and rational values dominate, it's easy to believe that magic and…
Doctoral project: Negotiating Respectability My dissertation project explores how drag participants experience and do familyhood, gender, and aging.
Project: Smart metering sustainable electricity consumption in Kalmar In a collaborative effort with Kalmar Energi, this project aims to enhance our understanding of factors influencing people's…
Project: Welfare professional decision-making – discretion, principles and programs The purpose of this project is to understand the relation between discretion, principles, and programs in welfare…
Project: A valid police (education) Like many other countries that have already academised police education – not least other Nordic countries – Sweden had both the political will and far-reaching…
Project: Health Risk Outlooks by Social Partners (HEROS) In this project, we analyse health and safety policy interventions regarding Covid-19 by social partner organisations at both the national and…
Project: Trust in Relations between Unions and Employers in Europe (True Europe) The purpose of the project is to explore and explain the bases, forms, and effects of trust in social partner relations…
Doctoral project: The crime prevention collaboration of the Swedish parole agency The project aims to both map the extent of the probation service's crime prevention agency cooperation, and to…
Project: Digitalization, Automation and Decarbonization (Barmetal) The European research project Barmetal seeks to analyse the current situation and opportunities for strengthening collective…
Completed research projects
Doctoral project: Migration discourse in the Swedish mainstream and social media The project studied migration discourse in the Swedish mainstream and social media in the last decade. Using the…
Project: Digital competence and cutting-edge competence in Kronoberg This is a collaborative project with the intention of analyzing the need for digital competence and cutting-edge competence among…
Seed project: A platform to collect and analyze canoe/kayak training data The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA)…
Seed project: Analyzing state-of-the-practice for self-adaptive systems in industry using data analytics The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive…
- Anna-Liisa Närvänen Associate Professor
- +46 470-76 74 91
- annaliisanarvanenlnuse
- Anna-Maria Sarstrand Marekovic SENIOR LECTURER, Deputy HEAD OF DEPARTMENT
- +46 470-70 86 62
- anna-mariamarekoviclnuse
- Bengt Larsson Professor
- bengtlarssonlnuse
- Carolin Valizadeh Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 85 77
- carolinvalizadehlnuse
- Clara Taripanah Doktorand
- 0470-70 86 04
- clarataripanahlnuse
- Dan Maspers Lecturer
- +46 470-70 85 92
- +46 72-594 14 27
- danmasperslnuse
- Dino Viscovi Senior Lecturer
- +46 470-70 85 57
- dinoviscovilnuse
- Filippa Maria Flaherty Doktorand
- filippaflahertylnuse
- Gergei Farkas Senior lecturer, head of department
- +46 470-70 88 08
- gergeifarkaslnuse
- Giangiacomo Bravo Professor
- +46 470-70 87 82
- giangiacomobravolnuse
- Glenn Sjöstrand Senior Lecturer
- +46 470-70 88 84
- glennsjostrandlnuse
- Hampus Hörberg Doctoral student
- +46 470-76 74 45
- hampushberglnuse
- Henrietta Johansson Doktorand
- 0470-70 83 89
- henriettajohanssonlnuse
- Henrik Hultman Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 88 07
- henrikhultmanlnuse
- Jan Andersson Lecturer
- +46 470-70 82 25
- jananderssonlnuse
- Jessica Hansen Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 82 15
- jessicahansenlnuse
- Johan Vaide Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 84 40
- johanvaidelnuse
- Jonathan Madeland Doctoral student
- jonathanmadelandlnuse
- Josefin Palm Doctoral student
- +46 470-76 72 52
- mariejosefinpalmlnuse
- Karina Petersson Lecturer
- +46 470-70 87 36
- karinapeterssonlnuse
- Linda Hiltunen Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 81 92
- lindahiltunenlnuse
- Magnus Persson Associate Professor
- +46 470-76 74 46
- magnusxperssonlnuse
- Mai Lundemark Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 86 30
- +46 70-248 47 60
- mailundemarklnuse
- Markus Tillman Doktorand
- 0470-70 87 09
- markustillmanlnuse
- Ola Agevall Professor
- +46 470-70 87 68
- olaagevalllnuse
- Olof Reichenberg Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 81 87
- olofreichenberglnuse
- Per Dannefjord Senior Lecturer, Pro-Dean
- +46 470-70 82 24
- perdannefjordlnuse
- Sofie Krantz Lecturer
- +46 470-70 88 79
- +46 72-594 15 71
- sofiekrantzlnuse
- Ylva Ulfsdotter Eriksson Professor
- +46 470-70 87 66
- ylvaulfsdottererikssonlnuse