Research at the faculty of social sciences
The faculty of social sciences carries out research within gender studies, peace and development studies, pedagogy, police science, political science, profession studies, social work, sociology and sport science.
We have research groups that truly contribute to an intense knowledge
development. Our research within social sciences has a strong standing in competition with other young universities, both nationally and internationally. The social sciences are tasked with taking on societal challenges in both a critical and creative way.
Current research news
Four Employees to Receive the Linnaeus University Merit Award for 2025 News
The university's new professors lecture about their research News
Linnaeus University ranked 30th in the world for tourism studies News
Conditions for higher education study: the perspectives of prospective students from rural areas News
Research in gender studies
Within the interdisciplinary field of gender studies, research is carried out on power relations, inequality and norms based on both societal theory and cultural theory perspectives.
Questions being studied by researchers linked to the subject include religion and family relations, masculinity and nationalism, gender and femininity creation within sports, inclusive design based on transtheoretical perspectives, and work relations and equality policy in the Global South.
Research projects
Completed research projects
Research in peace and development
Building peace in societies broken by prolonged periods of conflict is one of today's biggest challenges. Continued violence requires an close cooperation between military and civilian actors. This cooperation is of particular importance at the local level where all peacebuilding activities ultimately need to take root.
Research collaboration embraces topics such as development and security arenas in peace building, the role of the military after conflict and the relationship between state security actors and civilians.
Research groups
Research projects
Project: AgroDev The project aims to modernize agro-industry related higher education, thus promoting implementation and effective management of sustainable agro-food production systems in…
Project: Teaching and research collaboration with Universidad Javeriana in Colombia This project includes the exchange of teachers and students at a regular basis as well as collaboration in research…
Project: Searching for sustainable peace: challenges and opportunities for cooperation between military and civilian actors in Colombia This project focuses on efforts to improve the often damaged…
Project: Peer Feedback and Peer Assessment of the Group Process in Higher Education Group Work This project implements an innovative design of group work in higher education that enables for peer…
Completed research projects
Project: European Migration and Integration Network (EMIN) EMIN is a geographically independent initiative, working across Sweden. The aim of the project was to individually support the target group…
Project: What happened next? In this project, art and research meet. The project combines ethnological, artistic methods with mobile-based self-documentation to express the experiences of refugees…
Project: Peacebuilding amidst ongoing violence: The Contribution of the Swedish Police Training Program to Sustainable Peace in Colombia The project evaluates the training program for Colombia's…
Project: Field Methods Community Projects Three projects carried out for civil society and local government organisations in Växjö and Uppvidinge. The projects were carried out by teams of masters…
Project: Peacebuilding amidst violence – localising the security-development nexus Our project looked into the generally acclaimed, but contested, imprecise and often misused nexus between the…
Project: The Financial Systems and Economic Development in Post-Soviet Central Asia This project maps recent developments in the financial system of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan…
Project: iBali – democratising knowledge through creative storytelling in urban African schools The aim of iBali is to establish an international network in Africa that applies arts and humanities…
Research in pedagogy
Pedagogy develops new knowledge about and for education, upbringing, teaching, learning processes, and knowledge creation. It deals with how people communicate, are formed and change in different societal institutions like preschool, school, family, higher education, treatment and working life, but also as a result of emerging digital media and new practices outside formal education.
Pedagogy contributes with explanations and understanding of what and how people learn, but also how different societal changes create new conditions for what values, knowledge and skills are carried on. Through this, pedagogy also contributes with necessary knowledge for the steering, management and development of pedagogical activities.
Research groups
The Digi Group We conduct research on what happens and what becomes possible when digital tools are used in preschool-class and school teaching, as well as on how such use affects preschool-children’s…
Research on pedagogical professions and practices (PEPP) The environment conducts research on teachers’ work and children’s/pupils’ everyday life and learning at preschool, preschool class, extended…
Research in Inclusion, Democracy and Equity (RIDE) The research environment RIDE consists of researchers who conduct studies in the fields of special pedagogy and social pedagogy. The research focuses…
Ethnographic Forum Ethnographic Forum is a research group where members share a common interest in qualitative and ethnographic fieldwork. The group consists of researchers and graduate students from…
Nordic Early Literacy Education The Nordic network covers the area of emergent literacy in preschool and transition to school. The group consists of researchers from Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland…
Studies in Curriculum, Teaching and Evaluation (SITE) The Linnaeus-SITE research group incorporates longstanding and inter-related strands of inquiry within the field Pedagogy and Educational Science.
Research projects
Project: Insight – Inclusive teaching methods in higher education The fundamental objective of the Insight project is to identify, at university level, inclusive teaching strategies in order to…
Project: Ecological Making in Intercultural Collaboration (Emic-Steam) In this project, teacher education universities in Germany, Austria, Portugal and Sweden cooperate with each other as well as…
Project: Technical colleges and health and social care colleges as makers of local vocational education and training curricula The purpose of the project is to explore how the curricula of vocational…
Seed project: Sustainability education in preschool with meals and food as a starting point This seed project, in collaboration with preschool teachers, aims to deepen the understanding and practice…
Seed project: Ways to deal with racism in teachers education programs In this seed project within Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: Education in Change, we investigate how racism is understood and…
Doctoral project: Antiracism or Racism? – An interplay between ideas: a Swedish school example Focusing on structural racism, this project examines the interplay and tensions between ideas about…
Project: Sexual harassment from patients and care recipients How the students who train as assistant nurses, and mainly will work in home care and elderly care, in their educations are prepared for…
Project: Teacher Academy for a Future in Flux (TEFF) TEFF works on the attractiveness of the teaching profession in a world of rapid change and global crises. The project combines aspects of…
Project: Increase reading development in the adapted school with the help of LegiLexi (ÖLAS) In this project, we will evaluate how the introduction of the formative assessment support LegiLexi can…
Project: Exploring Six-year-olds’ Meaning-making in different Subjects This project aims to provide both practical and theoretical knowledge about how teachers’ lesson design and pupils’ use of…
Seed project: Programming social robots - a tool for learning in the multilingual primary school The aim is to contribute to teachers' capacity to work with programming social robots in classrooms…
Doctoral project: Communities and Boundaries This project explores how participation and belonging are shaped by the school’s communities of practice and by the boundaries that emerge within and…
Project: Inclusive or selective internationalization? Various Swedish higher education institutions have established internationalization policies and international recruitment policies to attract…
Project: The school's indispensable but invisible workforce – a study of education support personnel This project contains studies of the work carried out by so-called support personnel in the school,…
Doctoral project: Student health in Swedish high schools This dissertation project focuses on student health work in Swedish high schools. The perspectives of several actors are represented.
Project: LegiLexi The overall aim of the project is to conduct research on the reading development of primary school students. LegiLexi provides a digital assessment tool with individual teaching…
Project: The Minerva Project - Improving the classroom environment, collaboration, mental health and mathematical skills in elementary school children This large scale project will evaluate the…
Project: ICU – Knowledge triangle, innovation: Reinforcing of Education, Research e-Health & Medical links The project aims to apply a Knowledge Triangle Approach to integrate Education, Research and…
Project: Interprofessional student-run primary CARE clinics: A University-Enterprise Knowledge Triangle Cooperation Approach/ I CARE The project aims to impart knowledge, skills, and attitudes that…
Doctoral project: Gifted Children This dissertation project examines the notions of gifted children. The research focus is on early childhood.
Doctoral project: How do student teachers in initial teacher education negotiate a professional identity? The aim of the thesis is to contribute with knowledge about how teacher students on basic…
Project: Cooperation for competence provision The project intends to study and develop how vocational training courses with local anchoring can be designed to generate academic training for students…
Project: Assimilating and producing text via assistive technology The project aims to study if a systematic and intensive use of assistive technology (AT), i.e., applications (apps) for tablets and…
Project: A new location-independent entrepreneurship in rural areas The overall aim of this project is to, in cooperation with municipalities in rural areas, investigate the conditions for rural…
Project: Gender equality and diversity policies in Nordic universities – what works? In this project we collect data on gender equality and diversity policies on national level and in universities and…
Project: Rethinking Hattie's list of student achievement Hattie's meta-study of student achievement has been impactful, but also heavily critiqued. In this project we will assess the quality of…
Project: Reading interventions in the Swedish language for newly arrived immigrant adults The purpose of this project is to support newly arrived immigrants' written language skills in the Swedish…
Project: Democracy in the past, the present, and looking to the future The objective of the network is to create a long-term, robust and innovative platform for in-depth dialogue, comparison, and…
Project: Making the invisible visible: The role of representations in teaching and learning university physics and chemistry In this project, we are interested in how undergraduate physicists and…
Project: Home–preschool collaboration – transformed in the age of digitization? The overall aim of this project is to contribute with knowledge about how the conditions for cooperation between home…
Project: Early coordinated initiatives for children who may be vulnerable to, or find themselves involved in, criminality The objective of this study is to discuss and analyze cooperation processes in…
Project: Future students’ perspectives on higher education The aim of this research project is to identify and analyse descriptions by future higher education students’ concerning interests and…
Project: Treatment Research with Adolescents at the Maria clinics The idea of the project is to shed light on outcomes for the young people who started an outpatient contact with a Maria clinic one…
Doctoral project: Personalized mathematics teaching – the use of data analysis as a support tool This dissertation project intends to investigate how mathematics teaching can be supported and enhanced…
Project: School success for newly arrived students: possibilities, obstacles, identities and collaboration This project will fill knowledge gaps about the situations of newly arrived children and…
Project: School as a protection factor The aim of this project is to identify and analyse achievements, obstacles, collaboration, and identities in senior high school work with students who use…
Project: Exploring the elusive teaching gap – equity and knowledge segregation in teaching processes This project examines the factors that affect knowledge segregation in school beyond the…
Project: Digital Competence in Teacher Training in the Nordic Countries (Dicomten) The purpose of this project is to establish a new Nordic network about the promotion, practice and development of…
Project: Collaboration: Digital technology as support for teaching and learning This project refers to the design, development and use of various ICT tools and methods to improve the quality of the…
Project: The Makings of a Mathematics Teacher In this project, we investigate the development of student teachers', mathematics teachers', and mathematics teacher educators’ professional identities…
Project: Understanding Curiculum Reforms Project Members: Daniel Sundberg, Ninni Wahlström Funding Organizations: Vetenskapsrådet Timeframe: 2015 - 2018 Faculty/Department: Faculty of Social…
Completed research projects
Project: Digital Tools and Digital Competence in Preschool and School Teaching In this project, we conducted research on what happens and what becomes possible when digital tools are used in…
Project: The countryside school and its learning context The project aimed to understand and develop how the countryside as a geographic place offers possibilities for school work and its learning.…
Project: Play-based didactics The purpose of this project is to, in collaboration between university and preschool, further develop theory about play-based preschool didactics.
Project: Using research and experience-based evidence In this project, teachers at two preschools systematically examined their own practice, with a focus on documentation and evaluation, in order to…
Doctoral project: Response to Intervention – a special didactic model for preventing reading difficulties This thesis investigated how Response to Intervention (RtI) can function as a special didactic…
Project: FutureAbility: Digital and transversal skills for online teachers The project will draw on the experience of university teachers during the Corona pandemic to develop training and resources…
Project: Visibility of teachers' classroom assessments The project aimed to make primary school teachers' assessment processes visible together with students in teaching contexts.
Project: #Silenceintheclassroom – young peoples’ talk about sexual harassment The purpose of this project is to contribute knowledge about how boys and girls of different ages perceive and talk about…
Project: Becoming a mathematics teacher (BeMT): The role of teacher education In this project, the aim was to explore the role of mathematics teacher education and the mathematics teacher educator in…
Project: School staff's experiences of working with school loneliness and involuntary social isolation The aim of this project was to explore and deepen knowledge about school staff's experiences of…
Seed project: Detecting ’signs of learning’ in six-year-olds’ meaning making about science through digital tools The main objective for this seed project within the Knowledge environment Digital…
Seed project: An Exploration of the Challenges and Possibilities of Multidimensional Visualization in the Context of Visual Learning Analytics The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus…
Seed project: Digital transformation of communication between school and home The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus Knowledge Environment Digital Transformations is to investigate…
Seed project: Interactive simulations in professional education and training The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus Knowledge Environment Digital Transformations is to use…
Project: Youth with war experiences in institutional care The purpose of the study was to analyse narratives by young people that have experienced war, taken refuge in Sweden, and been taken into…
Project: War anomie In this project, the obscure practices and rhetoric of the war is analysed, the emotions and moral of the war, human interaction during horrific captivity and escape but also the…
Project: War sociology – renewed analysis of ethnographic material from Bosnia This project analyses verbally depicted experiences of survivors from the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Project: Successful collaboration Previous collaboration research shows that problems and conflicts sometimes arise as a part of collaboration. This project analysed successful cooperation.
Project: Definitions of successful intelligence and operational police work This project will analyse how the police, border guards and coastguard define successful intelligence and operational police…
Project: Politics of belonging: Promoting children’s inclusion in educational settings across borders This multidisciplinary research project aims to promote children’s inclusion in educational…
Doctoral project: Children’s out-of-school learning experiences of participating in digital play My doctoral student project contributes with knowledge about children’s out-of-school teaching and…
Project: Alleviation or obstruction? Teachers, teaching assistants and negotiations on professional domains In this project, we will study the initiatives taken in Swedish schools to relieve the…
Project: What do teachers do (to promote students’ learning) – methods in the name of science The aim of this project is to develop more knowledge of the relation between classroom activities,…
Project: Local authorities – Independent Policy Players in Education Reforms? This project was finished in 2017. Project information Project members: Ninni Wahlström, Daniel Sundberg Funding…
Project: Problem solving as starting point for mathematics in preschool class The aim of this project was to investigate if and how problem solving can be a starting point for the teaching of…
Project: Let the right one out! - teacher training and induction as gatekeepers to the teaching profession Project Members: Per Lindqvist, Per Gerrevall, Ulla-Karin Nordänger, Joakim Krantz, Henrik…
Project: Crossroads – two longidudinal studies of choices and values in teachers' work trajectories How do teachers retain their commitment and ideals in the profession over time? What crossroads are…
Project: Just assessment in school – pupils' conceptions in Sweden and Germany This project was finished in 2016. Project information Project members: Bettina Vogt Timeframe: 2011-2016…
Project: Who has governed the Swedish school? Municipality, school and state during 60 years of Swedish school reforms in a world of change This project was finished in 2017. Project information…
Project: ERECKS - Educational Knowledge and Educational reforms in Europe This project was finished in 2014. Project information Project manager: Daniel Sundberg Project members: Daniel Sundberg,…
Project: Research and School development This project was finished in 2013. Project information Project members: Daniel Sundberg, Jan Håkansson Funding organizations: Skolverket and…
Project: Learning Schools - Systematic School Improvement This project was finished in 2014. Project information Project members: Daniel Sundberg, Jan Håkansson, Carl-Henrik Adolfsson, Anna…
Project: Theory-based evaluation of the national curriculum Lgr 11 This project was finished in 2014. Project information Project members: Daniel Sundberg, Ninni Wahlström Funding organizations: IFAU…
Project: Reviews of educational research: epistemological, social and political effects This project was finished in 2017. Project information Project members: Daniel Sundberg (Lnu), Ingemar Bohlin,…
Research in police science
Police research at Linnaeus University is carried out in collaboration with other units at the university as well as with other Swedish higher education institutions that offer police education, and international collaboration partners. Police science is mainly found within police operations' practical applications of relevant fields within social sciences and law, but also in fields relevant to police work within organisational theory and criminology.
Police education at Linnaeus University has its primary operational base within first-cycle education and continuing professional development on commission from the Swedish Police. The main field of police work is relatively young and there is no professorship or third-cycle education linked to the education at the moment.
Currently, research is mainly carried out within criminal policy, youth's relation to police, interrogation techniques, legal aid, and practical skills connected to stress. The police education also takes part in development projects within crime prevention methods and collaboration, police IT applications, and new methods for weapons training.
Research groups
Effects of Criminal Policy Reforms – A research environment funded by the Swedish Research Council: Swedish Criminal Justice Policy Action Lab (SCAL)
Centre for Police Research and Development Centre for Police Research and Development (CPU) is an interdisciplinary research centre at the Department of Criminology and Police Work based at Linnaeus…
Research projects
Project: Sibling violence from a professional perspective - managing and preventing an overlooked form of violence in close relationships In this project we study social workers' and family…
Project: Listen to us! An interview study with and about female guardians of network criminals The purpose of the project is to research the health of women who are parents or legal guardians of young…
Project: Policing democracy (Poldem) during political manifestations The purpose of the project is to develop theory-based understandings of how democratic values are learned in public institutions,…
Project: The institution of concern – a compulsory encounter between police and social services in times of change The present project examines how the police assess and communicate concerns during…
Doctoral project: The mechanisms of gang homicides Gun homicides and explosions related to organized crime have increased drastically over the past few years in Sweden. Therefore, the objective of…
Doctoral project: Negotiating Respectability My dissertation project explores how drag participants experience and do familyhood, gender, and aging.
Project: A valid police (education) Like many other countries that have already academised police education – not least other Nordic countries – Sweden had both the political will and far-reaching…
Project: Power and control in secure care for young people The aim of this project is to analyse the scope and variation over time of restrictive measures at secure care institutions, and how this is…
Project: Policing and crime prevention cooperation in border areas The starting point for this project is the stated goal that the Nordic region will be the world's most sustainable and integrated…
Doctoral project: The crime prevention collaboration of the Swedish parole agency The project aims to both map the extent of the probation service's crime prevention agency cooperation, and to…
Project: Honour problematics investigated by Swedish social services The purpose of the project is to enhance the understanding of how social services and family legal services investigate and…
Completed research projects
Project: Crime victimization and safety survey Surveys where the public is asked about exposure to crime, insecurity and trust in the police are important in the local crime prevention and…
Project: Peacebuilding amidst ongoing violence: The Contribution of the Swedish Police Training Program to Sustainable Peace in Colombia The project evaluates the training program for Colombia's…
Research in political science
Political science is the scientific study of politics. The research in political science at Linnaeus University focuses on the representative democratic chain from citizens via political rulers to the consequences of the decisions, through studies of political behaviour, parties, parliaments, corruption, and the EU. The Department of political science centers this research on three research environments: Linnaeus University Research Group on Political Behavior, Opinion and Parties (LNU-POP), Europe Research and Governance, Ethics, and Corruption (GEC).
Research groups
Governance, Ethics, and Corruption (GEC) Studying the bright side AND the dark side of public governance. The issues that we study broadly concern governance, challenges to sustainable democratic…
Linnaeus University Research Group on Political Behavior, Opinion and Parties (LNU-POP) LNU-POP is a network of researchers who analyze political behavior, opinions, parties, participation, elections,…
Swedish Network for European Studies (SNES/LNU) The Swedish Network for European Studies (SNES) at Linnaeus University (LNU) focuses on three main areas: Autocartization and European democracies, EU…
Research projects
Doctoral project: Possibilities and challenges of interculturality in education This doctoral project focuses on possibilities and challenges of interculturality in education. Through classroom…
Project: Better regulation under Ursula von der Leyen This project examines the Better Regulation agenda of the European Commission under president Ursula von der Leyen, with a specific focus on the…
Project: Changes and Challenges to Kosovo's Democracy This project analyses Kosovo's democratization since the declaration of independence in 2008, by focusing on conditions within and changes to five…
Project: Decreased ideological polarization and conflict in Western Europe? (DIPAC) In this project, we are studying whether the dominant thesis on decreased ideological polarization – that the…
Project: DIGRIS -implementation challenges of digitalisation rights in Sweden The project is grounded in the European Union (EU)'s digital strategy, with the aim of investigating how small and…
Project: Education for Democratic Citizenship This project aims to develop a training program on democratic citizenship for Ukrainian stakeholders within the political and public sector as well as in…
Project: ESG Impact Index in Higher Education (Shift) Shift aims at increasing the capacity of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to contribute to the sustaiable development goals by assessing and…
Project: New roles in a hostile world? With an increasing level of confrontation in world politics, small liberal states face the challenge of balancing normative liberal beliefs against the need for…
Project: New wine in new bottles: Preconditions for a modern civil defence This project aims at producing new knowledge about and better understanding of the preconditions to develop, strengthen and…
Project: Policing democracy (Poldem) during political manifestations The purpose of the project is to develop theory-based understandings of how democratic values are learned in public institutions,…
Project: Sweden and the European Union The project analysis how Swedish politics has developed and been shaped by the EU membership of 1995 up until today, with particular focus on EU multilevel…
Seed project: Education for Democratic Citizenship This project aims to develop a training program for education on democratic citizenship in Ukraine.
Seed project: Sustainable procurement in supply chains of companies The project examines to what extent organizations review their suppliers in relation to their societal and environmental impact and…
Seed project: Ways to deal with racism in teachers education programs In this seed project within Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: Education in Change, we investigate how racism is understood and…
Completed research projects
Doctoral project: Predictors of political activism in social media This project was focused on the factors influencing people to participate in online activism and other online political activities,…
Project: The EU’s Commission Regulatory Scrutiny Board This project explored the role of the European Commission’s Regulatory Scrutiny Board (RSB) and analysed to what extent it influences the EU…
Project: The strategic use of public procurement The research project aimed to map variations in the practical application of public procurement rules in the EU member states. The goal was to give new…
Research in professional education and training
Professions position individuals in society and in organisations and provide them with cultural, economic, and social resources and deal with questions concerning upbringing, education, experiences and identity.
The field of research studies the significance of occupations and professions on societal, organisational and individual levels. The study of professions provides knowledge of how the division of labour in society and organisations develop.
Within professional education and training, research is being carried out on socialisation and identity processes, careers, incorporation of knowledge, competence and skills in professions. The public trust in and perception of status of various occupations and professions – as well as how practitioners of different professions experience this – is also studied.
Research groups
Research projects
Research in social work
Within social work at Linnaeus University there are six main research areas:
- Children, youth and family
- Migration, integration and diversity
- Social policy questions and welfare
- Evaluation
- Research on elderly
- Violence and gender
Research groups
Ethnographic Forum Ethnographic Forum is a research group where members share a common interest in qualitative and ethnographic fieldwork. The group consists of researchers and graduate students from…
Labour Market, Municipalities, Trust, Income Systems, Science (Aktiv) In the research group Aktiv we study social problems related to poverty, unemployment and marginalization, and the welfare state's…
Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies The Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies is a leading centre for Colonial…
Social Work and Migration In the research group Social Work and Migration, we study opportunities and challenges that social work faces in relation to migration and migration’s consequences on…
Social work, disability and ageing (SODA) Within the research community of Social Work, Disability and Ageing (SODA) the research area is related to social problems among people with disabilities and…
Research projects
Doctoral project: Who is alone? How is the loneliness of the elderly in the countryside constructed in the social services' speech, text and action My doctoral project is about making visible and…
Doctoral project: Women’s fitness doping The project focuses on women’s meaning making of doping and doping use, in a gym and fitness context. More precisely, the project aims to seek an understanding…
Project: Sibling violence from a professional perspective - managing and preventing an overlooked form of violence in close relationships In this project we study social workers' and family…
Project: Abused women in homelessness – a time geographic study The aim of this project is to enhance our knowledge about battered women's experiences of living in transit and managing everyday…
Project: Alone but connected? This international project aims to deepen the understanding of the intersections between digitalisation and intergenerational care relationships among elderly living…
Project: Asylum interviews in South Africa and Sweden: Experiences, interpretations, and negotiations This project seeks to investigate and compare the asylum procedure in two countries, South Africa…
Project: Connected Children: Partnership for a knowledge-based and innovative prevention This project combines practice and research for the development of knowledge-based prevention. The aim is to…
Project: Developing and validating a method for assessment of children's caring activities in child protection assessments This collaborative project is focused on developing a support method for…
Project: Early coordinated initiatives for children who may be vulnerable to, or find themselves involved in, criminality The objective of this study is to discuss and analyze cooperation processes in…
Project: Fraud against older people - an exploratory study of the social and economic consequences for the victims Digital fraud against older people is a significant and growing societal problem. By…
Project: Future students’ perspectives on higher education The aim of this research project is to identify and analyse descriptions by future higher education students’ concerning interests and…
Project: Global social work and human mobility This EU project's main objective is to consolidate an international and inter-sectorial network of comparative and collaborative research and training on…
Project: Honour problematics investigated by Swedish social services The purpose of the project is to enhance the understanding of how social services and family legal services investigate and…
Project: Interpreters' knowledge: language justice and equal public service The purpose of this project was to make use of interpreters' unique experiences from meetings with staff and clients in…
Project: Intimate partner violence towards older persons: exposure and help-seeking Partner violence is a widespread societal and public health problem, and older people comprise a particularly…
Project: Linguistic justice, global migration and the Nordic welfare state This project sets out to investigate linguistic justice in Nordic welfare institutions in a context of global migration. The…
Project: Living in transit This project analyses (individual) agency and (structural) constraints among young people who have engaged in ‘secondary migration’ following rejections in Sweden. The aim…
Project: Moral stress and moral agency in Swedish eldercare This project investigates how and when moral agency can be mobilized in eldercare, where ethical dilemmas and moral stress are constantly…
Project: Power and control in secure care for young people The aim of this project is to analyse the scope and variation over time of restrictive measures at secure care institutions, and how this is…
Project: School as a protection factor The aim of this project is to identify and analyse achievements, obstacles, collaboration, and identities in senior high school work with students who use…
Project: School success for newly arrived students: possibilities, obstacles, identities and collaboration This project will fill knowledge gaps about the situations of newly arrived children and…
Project: The institution of concern – a compulsory encounter between police and social services in times of change The present project examines how the police assess and communicate concerns during…
Project: Treatment Research with Adolescents at the Maria clinics The idea of the project is to shed light on outcomes for the young people who started an outpatient contact with a Maria clinic one…
Project: What works and why? The significance of how interventions and cooperation among organizations affect victims' health and well-being The purpose of this project is to identify and analyse the…
Project: Who are given specialised care during the Covid-19 pandemic? (BioAge(in)Work) The project aims to deepen the knowledge of how publicly funded healthcare assesses the need for care…
Projekt: Work inequalities in later life redefined by digitalization (Digi-net) This project is a four-year international research network on the conditions for the elderly in a digitized labor…
Completed research projects
Doctoral project: (In)Vulnerable Masculinity: Men's Narration and Identity when Experiencing Violence from a Female Partner The thesis explores men's lived experiences of intimate partner violence by…
Project: A worthy reception? Social work with of refugees and migrants. Asylum reception is characterized by rapidly changing conditions as well as by a complex structure of receiving actors and…
Project: Communication with non-Swedish speaking clients and patients The purpose of the study is to map how primary care and social services staff handle communication with patients who have…
Project: Concurrent Imaginaries, Postcolonial Worlds. Toward Revised Histories This collection of original essays offer new postcolonial approaches to exploring the richness of concurrences as both a…
Project: Definitions of successful intelligence and operational police work This project will analyse how the police, border guards and coastguard define successful intelligence and operational police…
Project: Financial neglect financial abuse and against older people The research project begins in a study among staff in elder care, about their experience of the problem. Later, another study is…
Project: Generating hope and dealing with uncertainty: An ethnographic study of the social dimensions of hope in the Swedish asylum-seeking context This project will study issues of hope and…
Project: Migration experience and religion as resource. An ethnographic study. I study how the migratory experience is mirrored in Sunday services in a Nigerian pentecostal congregation in Malmö,…
Project: Modelling institutional dynamics in historical commons (MIDI) The MIDI project adopted an interdisciplinary perspective to contribute empirically-grounded and systematic knowledge of the…
Project: Narratives as cultural heritage. Power and resistance in collections of narratives from and about immigrants at the archive of Nordic Museum 1970-2015 This project investigates how memory…
Project: Northern Sweden as a colony and as utopia The colonization and decolonization of Northern Sweden (Norrland) was intensely discussed during some decades in the late 19th and early 20th…
Project: Organizing for trust – coordinated efforts for children's best This research project aimed to contribute with knowledge-based support within the initiative ”Barnens bästa gäller! i Kronoberg”…
Project: Pumping up the ego: Biographical studies on young people’s doping trajectories The goal of this project was to provide increased knowledge of different types of pathways to doping, and also…
Project: Social wounds and civil repair following forced migration – a case study of narratives of suffering, ethics and morals among Swedish volunteers, social workers and young migrants
Project: Statelessness and political belonging in a world of nation-states This research project investigates statelessness and political belonging in a world of unequal nation-states and citizenship…
Project: Successful collaboration Previous collaboration research shows that problems and conflicts sometimes arise as a part of collaboration. This project analysed successful cooperation.
Project: Tracing the lives and support needs of young fathers
Project: War anomie In this project, the obscure practices and rhetoric of the war is analysed, the emotions and moral of the war, human interaction during horrific captivity and escape but also the…
Project: War sociology – renewed analysis of ethnographic material from Bosnia This project analyses verbally depicted experiences of survivors from the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Project: Whose voice? Law, care management and dementia The overall aim is to investigate whether the conditions for achieving the goals and requirements of the Social Services Act can be fulfilled…
Project: Youth with war experiences in institutional care The purpose of the study was to analyse narratives by young people that have experienced war, taken refuge in Sweden, and been taken into…
Research in sociology
The sociology research carried out at the department of social studies reflects the breadth of the subject. We work with qualitative ethnographic projects as well as quantitatively oriented questionnaire and experiment studies.
Our fields of research deal with, among other things, higher education, working life and labour market, age and life cycle, sustainable development, migration and integration issues, school and education, and youth and health.
Research groups
Research projects
Project: Attractive work – support assistent in function support The project explores the experiences of employed women and men of working in the field of functional support and in the profession…
Doctoral project: Re-enchantment in a rationalized world: meaning-making through modern magical practices In a time where scientific and rational values dominate, it's easy to believe that magic and…
Doctoral project: Negotiating Respectability My dissertation project explores how drag participants experience and do familyhood, gender, and aging.
Project: Smart metering sustainable electricity consumption in Kalmar In a collaborative effort with Kalmar Energi, this project aims to enhance our understanding of factors influencing people's…
Project: A valid police (education) Like many other countries that have already academised police education – not least other Nordic countries – Sweden had both the political will and far-reaching…
Project: Welfare professional decision-making – discretion, principles and programs The purpose of this project is to understand the relation between discretion, principles, and programs in welfare…
Project: Health Risk Outlooks by Social Partners (HEROS) In this project, we analyse health and safety policy interventions regarding Covid-19 by social partner organisations at both the national and…
Project: Trust in Relations between Unions and Employers in Europe (True Europe) The purpose of the project is to explore and explain the bases, forms, and effects of trust in social partner relations…
Doctoral project: The crime prevention collaboration of the Swedish parole agency The project aims to both map the extent of the probation service's crime prevention agency cooperation, and to…
Project: Digitalization, Automation and Decarbonization (Barmetal) The European research project Barmetal seeks to analyse the current situation and opportunities for strengthening collective…
Completed research projects
Doctoral project: Migration discourse in the Swedish mainstream and social media The project studied migration discourse in the Swedish mainstream and social media in the last decade. Using the…
Project: Digital competence and cutting-edge competence in Kronoberg This is a collaborative project with the intention of analyzing the need for digital competence and cutting-edge competence among…
Seed project: A platform to collect and analyze canoe/kayak training data The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA)…
Seed project: Analyzing state-of-the-practice for self-adaptive systems in industry using data analytics The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive…
Research in sport science
For us to meet the needs of our society – to understand and analyse the role and consequences of sports in relation to the society and the individual – and to in a qualitative manner develop social institutions, sports, and their associated organisations – research in sports science is required.
Sport is an important part of all sectors in society, and it is within this span that the sport science at Linnaeus University pursues its activities. In addition to the value to the individual health as well as public health, sport also contributes to education and integration in society. Sport is considered a significant growth factor and co-creator of new lifestyles, markets, and job opportunities, which also entails that we must be able to critically reflect on and highlight this field. On one hand, sport is part of the market economy and on the other hand it is supposed to contribute to democratic education and should be available and sustainable for all children in our society. The aim of the knowledge development being pursued within the field of sport science is that it should be made use of in the development of the activities in several areas. This concerns for instance areas such as coaching/leadership, sports management, talent development, sports medicine, prevention of the use of performance enhancing drugs, and the importance of outdoor recreation activities, physical activities and health for all kinds of groups in society.
The environment includes a variety of research groups, that for instance are related to external projects, collaborations with other knowledge environments at Linnaeus University, or to first-cycle courses and study programmes. The following groups are linked to first-cycle education, collaboration and research and they work in an operational manner in the daily activities within the faculty:
- Sports culture, development, and management (ID-KUL)
- Physical activity, health and sports medicine (FAHIM)
- Physical education and sport in transition
Colleagues are through this offered support within the environment in their scientific and educational competence development. The environment offers weekly research seminars, and in addition to discussions on research papers and applications, doctoral students are offered support in their research processes.
Research groups
Ethnographic Forum Ethnographic Forum is a research group where members share a common interest in qualitative and ethnographic fieldwork. The group consists of researchers and graduate students from…
Health, Gender and Embodiment Health, Gender and Embodiment is an interdisciplinary research group consisting of both national and international scholars, including senior researchers and doctoral…
Physical education and sport in transition The research group addresses educational issues of physical education and sport.
Police Officers Sustainable Health (POSH) The research group Police Officers Sustainable Health (POSH) works interdisciplinary by longitudinally examining the physical ability and health of police…
Sustainable sport and performance Within the interdisciplinary research group Sustainable sport and performance, we focus on sustainable performance development in elite sports.
Research projects
Doctoral project: Guidelines for training of the knee joint musculature The purpose of this thesis is to provide knowledge of and guidelines for how individuals with patellofemoral pain syndrome…
Doctoral project: Running to cope – an explorative study about the link between recreational running practices and perceived stress in women The project addresses the link between perceived stress and…
Doctoral project: School sport programmes – on the selection process and on the process of being selected This thesis delves into the realm of school sport programmes, investigating their conditions…
Doctoral project: Special sports football education The purpose of the study is to understand the special sports teacher's actions in the field of tension between school and sports and between…
Doctoral project: Still going strong? The aim of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding on how men aged over 60 years experience ageing, the body and masculinity in the context of physical…
Doctoral project: Towards challenges in organized sports The project focuses on girls' biological, psychological and social challenges in organized sports during puberty and adolescence.
Doctoral project: Women’s fitness doping The project focuses on women’s meaning making of doping and doping use, in a gym and fitness context. More precisely, the project aims to seek an understanding…
Project: At the Heart of Men: Myocardial infarction, Masculinity, and Lifestyle This project aims to analyse how plural and intersectional masculinities (age, class, ethnicity) covary with myocardial…
Project: Food and nUtrition for Endurance athletes – a Learning program (FUEL) The overall purpose of the research project is to increase the level of knowledge about relative energy shortages and…
Project: Girls are not small boys This study seeks to improve girls’ mental, physical, and social health, and extend the time they participate in organised sport. This shall take place by enhancing…
Project: Injuries in Swedish Padel The purpose of this project is to investigate the injury panorama of acute and overuse injuries in women and men who regularly participate in padel. The intention is…
Project: Nordic hamstring The purpose of the project is to study the Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE) in different ways, as the NHE has been recognized to decrease the risk of hamstring injuries among…
Project: Operation ACL: Rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament injury This project aims to improve rehabilitation for individuals who have suffered an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury.…
Project: Relative Energy Deficiency in Sports (the REI project) Relative Energy Deficiency in Sports (RED-S) is a syndrome that affects both health and physiological function. It is common in sports…
Project: Sustainable football: Physical profile, training load, risk factors and injuries in Swedish elite football This project aims to investigate the physical factors crucial for success in elite…
Project: The development of skating speed in bandy Bandy is a team winter sport played on a large, soccer-sized ice rink between two teams of 11 players who use sticks to hit the ball into the…
Project: The Police – a profession to care for The aim of this project is to investigate Swedish police officers and police students´ physical fitness and physical and mental health longitudinally and…
Seed project: Ways to deal with racism in teachers education programs In this seed project within Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: Education in Change, we investigate how racism is understood and…
Completed research projects
Project: Boys, Bodies, and Physical Education: Problematizing Identity, Schooling, and Power Relations through a Pleasure Lens Using visual ethnography, this book explores the many forms of pleasures…
Project: Critical research in sport, health and physical education: Are we making a difference? The prime aim of this project, is to examine the influence of critical scholarship and critical theory…
Project: Educating for Equitable Health Outcomes – the Promise of School Health and Physical Education (EDUHEALTH) The project’s primary goal was to make a meaningful contribution to the European…
Project: Good sporting environments The purpose of this project is to study successful youth sporting environments. This refers to environments which continuously mother good practitioners at both…
Project: Pumping up the ego: Biographical studies on young people’s doping trajectories The goal of this project was to provide increased knowledge of different types of pathways to doping, and also…
Project: Sedentary behavior in older persons and supportive methods for breaking sedentary for sustainable aging This project aimed to map older people's (65+) activity behaviour to identify unhealthy…
Project: Social entrepreneurship and sport Project Manager: Katarina Schenker Project Members: Katarina Schenker, Susanne Linner, Per Gerrevall, Daniel Bjärsholm and Tomas Peterson Participating…
Project: The Valid Body, Post-doc This project was concluded in 2017. Project manager Katarina Schenker Funding organizations Swedish National Centre for Research in Sports (Centrum för…
Project: Trolling in the Deep – Sexism in the chat rooms of e-sport E-sport is an emergent phenomenon with an explosive growth. Its connections to the IT-sector of make it a nexus of both commerce and…
Seed project: A platform to collect and analyze canoe/kayak training data The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA)…