Temple in Kyoto

International Possibilities within Arts and Humanities

We actively work with ensuring that our teaching is as international as possible. We see internationalisation as a natural and integral part of our mission. As a student, teacher and researcher at the faculty we expect that you actively seek international, intercultural perspectives and international opportunities.

At the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, you have many possibilities to gain international experience during your education. By using one of our international possibilities you will get experience from other cultures and study environments and grow with that experience. We actively work with sustainable internationalisation and with integrating international perspectives in all education. As a student at our faculty, you meet students, teachers and researchers from many other cultures and environments.

Osaka Japan
Student standing

We have gathered information about international opportunities per program, what applies to you who go on exchange studies after a program and for you who study independent courses at the faculty. Here you will also find examples of partner universities where previous students in the same circumstances have been on exchange studies.

International possibilities for programs on bachelor level

International possibilities for programs on master level

How to best find partners in the application for exchange studies

All collaborations we have at Linnaeus University are handled either as university-wide collaborations or as collaborations that belong to a specific faculty.

International collaborations within the faculty (Faculty of Arts and Humanities)

These collaborations are primarily for students who study at our faculty or who are going to take one of our subject areas during their exchange studies. If you take any of our subjects during your exchange studies, you also do your learning agreement with us.

The subject group Arts and Humanities and Humanities are open to all students within our faculty as long as there are suitable courses available at the partner. In other areas of collaboration, such as Languages or Arts (Design), you can take courses in these subjects during exchange studies. Further information, comment and sometimes links for each collaboration can be reached by clicking on the "handshake" for the collaboration and then "i".

University-wide collaborations

These collaborations are for all students at Linnaeus University, there are suitable courses for students in arts and humanities at most of these partners.

It is up to you to find universities that offer courses suitable for your potential exchange studies

You always need to make sure that there are suitable courses available at our partners when applying for exchange studies. You do this most by finding out which courses are offered to incoming exchange students on the partner's website. Courses on offer change from each term, so be sure to check that the subject area you want to take is available before applying. Please contact your program manager, the person responsible for your subject area, or our international coordinator for support and assistance in the process.

Before applying it is important to know what subject areas are available and that there are courses in your chosen subject for a full term, deciding on courses is done later in the learning agreement when you are nominated to a partner.

Green travel

At the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, we encourage all students who can, to travel sustainably to and from their destination. The best way to travel green is to choose to travel by train.

You can see the potential environmental impact by using the scientific tool Ecopassenger to compare energy consumption, carbon emissions and other environmental impacts between air, rail and car travel. You'll also get suggestions for departures.

Find the right route by train
Booking a trip abroad by train can be a bit tricky the first time. Climate Smart Holidays is a collaborative project between the Västra Götaland Region, the University of Gothenburg, Chalmers University of Technology and the City of Gothenburg. Among other things, they have put together links to help you make your booking. Another tip is to google "book a train abroad".

Erasmus by train
There is also a student initiative to support green travel within Europe and they are working to ensure that train tickets for Erasmus+ exchanges are provided at no extra cost to all students who wish to travel sustainably.

Extra funding for green travel with Erasmus+

If you are travelling with Erasmus+, you also have the opportunity to receive an additional grant if you choose to travel to or from your destination by train, bus or carpool. At least half of the journey must be by one or more of these means of transport. If you choose to travel green, you will also receive an allowance for one day of travel. If you choose to travel green in both directions, you will receive an allowance for two days' travel. These days are added to your total study period. For more information, please contact our international office, which manages the Erasmus+ grant.

Student with a map

Who can I contact?

To give you the best support before exchange studies, several parts of the university are involved.

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

At the faculty, we are responsible for the partner universities within our subjects areas, and therefore we also have a good insight into what you can study at the various partner universities.

We also have an international coordinator who manages all collaborations within the faculty, it is also the international coordinator at the faculty who supports you with a learning agreement before the exchange and the credit transfer after your exchange studies.

Within the faculty you also have all program coordinators, subject experts and all examiners, depending on what you need or want to study during the exchange, one of these are involved and approves your course choices prior to exchange studies.

If you are curious and want to know more about your international possibilities, you are more than welcome to contact our international coordinator as a first step: mobility.fkh@lnu.se

International Office

The International Office at Lnu is responsible for, among other things, managing the application to exchange studies, nominations to all partner universities, scholarships and support before and during the exchange studies. They can answer all general questions about exchange studies, tell you how the application for exchange studies works, what types of exchange placements there are and what types of scholarships are available. They also have a student lounge that is open several days a week where you can stop by and ask any question you might have. You will find information about opening hours and contact information at the link below.