
Meet the Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Departments and Subjects

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities comprises the following units:

Department of Cultural Sciences

Archaeology, Comparative Religion, Cultural Sociology, Geography, History, Human Geography, Library and Information Science, Philosophy.
Head of Department: Fredrik Hanell

Department of Design

Head of Department: Zeenath Hasan

Department of Film and Literature

Comparative Literature, Creative Writing, Film Studies
Head of Department: Piia Posti

Department of Media and Journalism

Media and Communication Science, Media Production and Journalism
Head of Department: Anja Kalin

Department of Music and Art

Art History and Visual Studies, Arts, Music, Musicology, Theatre Studies
Head of Department: Petra Assarsson

Department of Languages

English, French, German, Spanish
Head of Department: Alexander Lakaw

Department of Swedish

Swedish, Swedish as a second language
Head of Department: Annelie Johansson

Institute for Further Education of Journalists

Also known as The Fojo Media Institute, a media development centre for professional journalists.
Head of Institute: Paul Rapacioli

Contact us

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities consists of seven departments and a joint Faculty Office. Geographically we are located in Kalmar, Växjö and Pukeberg.

Mailing address:

Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Linnaeus University
S 391 82 Kalmar or S 351 95 Växjö

Visiting address:
In Växjö: Pelarplatsen 7 (house F, entrance 7), Linnéuniversitetet
In Kalmar: Universitetskajen, Hus Radix

Telephone (switchboard): +46 772 28 80 00

E-mail to the Faculty:

Personal e-mail addresses to staff members are written as follows:

Heads of Faculty


Bodil Petersson


Corina Löwe

Administrative Director

Ulrika Bengtsson-Verde