Smart industri

Project expert competence: Smart Industry, phase 2

The goal of the project is to develop courses at advanced level linked to Smart Industry based on the skills needs of industry. The project's target group is professionals (companies), which includes both subcontractors and companies that both develop and manufacture their own products.

The overall goal is to maintain and strengthen the competitiveness of the Swedish manufacturing industry in a global and national perspective. The project will meet the companies' specific knowledge needs and challenges for efficient and innovative production. Smart industry contains a wide range of sub-disciplines. The focus we are planning for is within sub-areas that coincide with current research, postgraduate and advanced level education at Linnaeus University and within the Smart Industry Group, which is the research group hosting the project. The goal of the project is to develop courses at advanced level based on the competence needs of business, but also to develop flexible methods for course development, implementation, admission process etc. that meet needs in industry.

The project's primary target group is professionals (companies), which includes subcontractors as well as companies that both develop and manufacture their own products, but other types of companies and organizations interested in the area are welcome to participate.

More detailed information about the thematic areas is available on the Swedish website: Projekt: Smart Industri, steg 2

Thematic areas

Through dialogue with the initially participating organizations, six focus areas within Smart Industry have been identified where courses will be developed:

  • Material and structure characterization
  • Modelling and simulation
  • Production and production control
  • Smart maintenance
  • Data management
  • Sustainability and energy efficiency

In addition to these areas, we will have a special track with courses for leaders and managers that can span the thematic areas.

More detailed information about the thematic areas is available on the Swedish website.

The Industry needs for strengthening competence in focus

The range of courses is based on the companies' actual needs, therefore it is important to have great commitment from the industry partners, already during the application period we received great support from companies and clusters/networks. We need to continuously receive feedback on the need for competence and work closely with industry when the new courses are developed. The needs we see today will most likely look different in four years, and new thematic areas may be added during the journey. The courses must provide both direct and long-term benefit for industry, and the knowledge acquired must be easy to convert into tools in daily work.

Participation takes place in different ways, for example in the development of courses and course materials as well as in teaching, but also with experimental setups and not least by attending the courses.

The courses are flexible to make it easier for professionals to combine studies with their regular work. In the courses, distance lectures will be combined with physical meetings. Laboratory elements are carried out, among other places, in the EPIC laboratory, Växjö and in the IoT lab in Kalmar.

Do you want to know more about how you can get involved? Contact Diana Unander

Courses developed within the project

Here is a list of courses that have been developed within the project, it appears on each page when the course is planned to be given, if no date is so nailed down, you can register on an ongoing basis and we will contact you when there is a critical mass to complete the course. If you as an individual organization or together with others can gather 10-15 people, we can give the courses outside of planned course rounds.
