Meet the Faculty of Technology
Below, please find contact information, departments and subjects, faculty management and research at the Faculty of Technology.
Departments and subjects of the faculty
Department of Built Environment and Energy Technology
- Subjects: bioenergy technology, biotechnology, sustainable built environment
- Head of department: Michael Strand
Department of Building Technology
- Subject: building technology
- Head of department: Thomas Bader
Department of Computer Science and Media Technology
- Subjects: computer science, media technology
- Head of department: Morgan Ericsson
Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering
- Subjects: physics, electrical engineering
- Acting Head of department: Annelie Ekelin
Department of Informatics
- Subject: informatics
- Head of department: Arianit Kurti
Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Subjects: mechanical engineering, terotechnology
- Head of department: Lars Håkansson
Department of Mathematics
- Subjects: mathematics, mathematics education
- Head of department: Håkan Sollervall
Department of Forestry and Wood Technology
- Subjects: forestry and wood technology
- Head of department: Erika Olofsson
Kalmar Maritime Academy
- Head of department: Fredrik Hjorth
Faculty management
- Dean: Jesper Andersson
- Pro-dean: Åsa Blom
- Vice-dean (first-cycle education): Jörgen Forss
- Administrative director: Mari Gerdin
Administrative support of the management
- David Westman, faculty administrator
- Madeleine Andrén, faculty administrator
- Matilda Sjödahl, controller
- Gisela Prytz Isgren, faculty administrator
- Tina Karlsson, student counsellor
- Johan Gylling, student counsellor
- Lovisa Dahl, faculty administrator
Successful conferences in stochastic analysis to be annual events News
Wanted: Three industrial doctoral students with a focus on data-intensive applications News
ICPE Most Influential Paper Award - Diego Perez-Palacin & Raffaela Mirandola News
EuroVis Best PhD Dissertation Award 2024 News
Kick off at Linnaeus university for Thorén Framtid and EXTEND.T.2 News
Open Call: Get help to analyse and visualise your research with InfraVis News
Research groups
AdaptWise The AdaptWise research group conducts research on the foundations and engineering of self-adaptive software systems. The primary focus is on: i) dynamic architectures and runtime mechanisms…
AI and machine learning for optimization and operations research Under this research theme, we develop both mathematical theory and applications for artificial intelligence and machine learning in…
Bioresource Technology Bioresource Technology is the umbrella term for the university's research in the fields of bioenergy, biotechnology, combustion engineering, chemical engineering and process…
Building physics Building physics is one of the research fields within the subject of building technology. Our research consists of two main fields: Building energy simulation and life cycle modelling…
Center for Learning and Knowledge Technologies The research in the subject Media Technology at Linnaeus University revolves a lot around mobility, social media and learning, and is mainly carried out…
Centre for Cost-effective Industrial Asset Management Centre for Cost-effective Industrial Asset Management is a research group that does research within the field of cost-efficient maintenance…
Composite elements and hybrid structures Composite elements and hybrid structures are the youngest research field of the Department of Building Technology. The focus of this research is to combine…
Computational Mathematics for Predictive Digital Twins (PreDiTwin) In recent years, remarkable progress in mathematics, process-based modeling, data science, and sensor technology has opened up…
Computational Thinking and Coding Skills in Schools (CoCoS) The Computational Thinking and Coding Skills in Schools research group deals with research, teaching and courses for skills development of…
Concrete structures Concrete structures is one of the research fields within the subject of building technology. It includes possible studies of all types of such structures: reinforced and…
Condensed Matter Physics Research in condensed matter at Linnaeus University is done in the Condensed Matter Physics (CMP) research group. We deal primarily with theoretical studies of nanomagnetism,…
Connections in Timber Structures Connections in Timber Structures is one of the research fields at the Department of Building Technology. We investigate the mechanical behaviour of connections at…
Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) is one of the newest research fields at the Department of Building Technology. It combines the broad, scientific knowledge from various…
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) The CPS research group is responsible for research, teaching, and outreach activities in the field of Cyber-Physical Systems.
Data Intensive Software Technologies and Applications (DISTA) The research group Data Intensive Software Technologies and Applications studies data-driven approaches, such as machine learning,…
Designing for Innovation and Learning (DIL) The Designing for Innovation and Learning research group does interdisciplinary research in the field of digital transformation within various domains.
Deterministic and Stochastic Modelling The research field Deterministic and Stochastic Modelling within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA) brings together…
Digital Humanities Digital humanities is an interdisciplinary field of study that represents a bridge between the arts and humanities and information technology.
EdTechLnu The research within the EdTechLnu field of knowledge has three main strands: • Developing new technology to support education and learning. • Studying teaching and learning where students…
eHealth Institute Linnaeus University researches, evaluates, educates and collaborates with the surrounding society within e-health. Read more about our program and courses, ongoing research projects…
Engineering Resilient Systems (EReS) The Engineering Resilient Systems (EReS) Research Lab conducts research in the area of system resilience. It focuses on investigating (and experimenting with)…
Forest Ecology and Ecophysiology The research field Forest Ecology and Ecophysiology focuses on nature conservation, soil ecology, nutrient dynamics in forests, ecophysiology, the water and carbon…
Forest Economics The research field Forest Economics encompasses all aspects of the forest value chain, focusing on sustainable forestry and the transition to a bio-based and circular economy.
Forest Management In the research field Forest Management, we address questions related to the sustainable use of forests, taking into account economic, social, and ecological aspects.
Forest Products The Forest Products research field conducts cutting-edge research in forest-derived raw materials and side streams, to promote the utilization of renewable materials and contribute to…
Forestry and Wood In the Forestry and Wood field of research we are engaged in the entire chain, from forest to finished product, and with the development of new wood products for construction and…
Forestry, Wood and Building Technologies Within the research area Forestry, Wood and Building Technologies, the objective of Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications…
High-Performance Computing Center (HPCC) The High-Performance Computing Center (HPCC) offers computational and storage resources to help researchers to solve big computing and big data problems.…
Historic structures Historic structures is one of the research fields within the subject of building technology. Our research focuses primarily on historic wood and masonry structures that are built…
iInstitute The iInstitute at Linnaeus University is a member of the international iSchools organization, providing interdisciplinary education in the digital humanities, computer science, health…
Information and Software Visualization (ISOVIS) The research group Information and Software Visualization mainly focuses on the explorative analysis and visualization of large and complex information…
Interaction Design Research Group Interaction Design Research Group is an interdisciplinary team, addressing current societal and industrial challenges using ICT solutions through applied research…
International Center for Mathematical Modeling ICMM is a centre for research in mathematical modelling, applicable within a number of different subjects and fields. Since 2000, the research group has…
Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications The DISA research centre at Linnaeus University focuses its efforts on open questions in collection, analysis and utilization of…
Linnaeus University Systems Community (LNU-STC) Linnaeus University Systems Community emphasizes Systems Thinking in research, education and practice. The community is part of the Linnaeus Knowledge…
Maritime science The research in maritime science includes at present: 1) working life, organisation and risk management, 2) the environmental effects of shipping and marine spatial planning, 3)…
Mathematics Education In the Mathematics Education research group we conduct both theoretical and applied research. The group participates in national and international collaboration with researchers…
Mechanical Engineering The research in the field of mechanical engineering is broad and has its main focus in six areas: structural dynamics, material science, industrial economics, terotechnology,…
Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations Within this research theme, we study numerical methods for partial differential equations, analysis of differential and pseudo-differential…
Small-scale Forestry The Small-scale forestry research group develops educational concepts and conducts research projects related to small-scale forestry and forest ownership. The Department of…
Smart Industry Group Smart Industry Group (SIG) is an interdisciplinary research group featuring expertise from computer science and mechanical engineering. SIG's focus is making production and…
Smarter Systems We want to build systems that are a little smarter, that is, systems that make decisions independently and adjust to become a little better at solving their tasks. Our research and…
Stochastic Analysis and Stochastic Processes The researchers of this group focus on analytical and numerical aspects of solutions to stochastic differential equations (SDE’s and SPDE’s) and stochastic…
Strength Grading of Timber Timber exhibits large variations in mechanical properties, which makes grading of timber into appropriate strength classes important for the competitiveness towards other…
Sustainable Built Environment Research Within sustainable built environment, we conduct cutting-edge research linked to sustainable development, especially system analysis studies of bioenergy,…
The Bridge Södra, IKEA, and Linnaeus University have entered into a unique partnership – The Bridge. The collaboration focuses on the forest and its entire value chain, as well as innovation and…
The Digi Group We conduct research on what happens and what becomes possible when digital tools are used in preschool-class and school teaching, as well as on how such use affects preschool-children’s…
VRxAR Labs The VRxAR Labs research group is exploring interface design for Mixed Reality environments, such as Virtual and Augmented Reality.
Waves, Signals and Systems The research in waves, signals and systems deals primarily with acoustic and electromagnetic direct and inverse problems, with engineering and industrial applications.
Welding Mechanics Laboratory (WML) The Welding Mechanics Laboratory research group takes an interest in weld joint related phenomena during a welded structure's entire life time cycle – manufacturing,…
Wood Building Technology The main direction of our research environment is wood building technology and applied mechanics. The research is to a large extent applied and is practised in close…
Research projects
Doctoral project: Advanced identification methods for the forest industry through CV/AI The project intends to create opportunities for continued digitalisation in the forest industry. This concerns…
Doctoral project: AI in administration of agricultural subsidies We want to design, implement and evaluate systems based on artificial intelligence that supports our customer with the administration…
Doctoral project: Application of AI in the software development process This project aims to streamline the software system development process by leveraging AI.
Doctoral project: Becoming recognised as mathematically proficient This study focuses on upper primary prospective teachers in their first years of a teacher education programme in Sweden, in…
Doctoral project: Big Data Exploitation for Insight into Electrolux Professional Products Lifecycle Management This doctoral project aims to use Big Data to map the life cycle of professional products…
Doctoral project: Building systems of CLT and concrete – modelling and requirements during design Structures that are primarily built in wood today are commonly combined with additional structural…
Doctoral project: Can fertilizers accelerate forest adaption to warmer temperatures? Today’s changing climate with rising temperatures and differences in precipitation is forcing the forest to adapt…
Doctoral project: Characteristics of aspen logs to improved production performance The overall purpose of the project is to increase our understanding on specific wood qualitative aspects of aspen…
Doctoral project: Connection design for wind induced vibrations in tall timber buildings How to describe and control wind-induced vibrations in a tall timber building are the new challenging questions…
Doctoral project: Connections and compression perpendicular to the grain in cross-laminated timber The main aim of the project is to predict in a combined experimental-numerical study the mechanical…
Doctoral project: Digital Twin as a Service (DTaaS) This doctoral project targets to work on Digital Twin, with integration to data intensive sources.
Doctoral project: Digital twin developments within Volvo CE This doctoral project relates to develop a so-called digital twin platform. The aim is to understand customers' problems and support them…
Doctoral project: Digitalization of Business Model This project is about developing a business model for omnichannel retailing. Global competition in highly dynamic retail markets demands firms to…
Doctoral project: Document Classification and Entity Extraction Many aspects of accounting present difficulties in achieving full automation due to the abundance of unstructured information, such as…
Doctoral project: Ecosystems and smart cities Cities face major climate challenges. In my research, I investigate how digital transformation and ecosystems contribute to increased collaboration…
Doctoral project: Efficient detection of changes in software evolution and their operationalization for software maintenance This project aimed at understanding and using changes detected in software…
Doctoral project: Enhancing MLOps architectures for efficient integration, deployment and inference of AI Models in diverse industrial settings This project focuses on advancing MLOps architectures to…
Doctoral project: Exploring AI driven operation for forecasting in data-light environments: The multishop concept The advent of big data and AI brought new possibilities to businesses. In this…
Doctoral project: Fire and rescue services and forestry in collaboration Within the project, two studies are carried out. The first study describes the individual private forest owners' experiences of…
Doctoral project: How to Secure Multi-Vendor Data Flow Oriented Environments with ICT Governance and Systems Thinking This doctoral project consists of two parts: One ongoing licentiate thesis…
Doctoral project: Lateral stability of tall timber-frame buildings designed by prefabricated volumetric elements The aim of this doctoral student project is to: • Analyze tall timber-frame buildings…
Doctoral project: Machine Learning in Manufacturing Many manufacturing companies struggle with transitioning into the era of smart technologies, due to the fact that modern lab-grown methods and data…
Doctoral project: Modelling of modular-based multi-storey timber buildings This doctoral project aims to establish efficient and flexible finite element models that will be used to analyse the…
Doctoral project: Moisture induced stress and deformation of wood This doctoral project focused on the development of a three-dimensional numerical model in the finite-element software Abaqus to be…
Doctoral project: Multilingual mathematics teacher's professional identity in multilingual mathematics classrooms The aim of this project is to explore the experiences of multilingual mathematics…
Doctoral project: Multivariate network embedding for visual analytics This doctoral project aims to explore the use of embedding technologies for visual and computational analytics on large…
Doctoral project: Numerical modelling of the coupled transfer of heat and mass in wood and engineering wood products The objective of the project is to use advanced mathematical techniques to create a…
Doctoral project: Personalized mathematics teaching – the use of data analysis as a support tool This dissertation project intends to investigate how mathematics teaching can be supported and enhanced…
Doctoral project: Raw material properties and process optimization for increased value-added wood flooring products The development of the wood industry relates to its capability for improvement of…
Doctoral project: Realising smarter organization by developing Digital Twin of the Organization A Digital Twin of an Organization (DTO) as a software component proposes a live model of an…
Doctoral project: Reuse of health data, combing the best of two worlds A method for automatic generation of features with high predictive power based on domain knowledge.
Doctoral project: Safety during icebreaker operations In this PhD project, I investigate the safety during icebreaker operations from a human perspective. Two focus areas within this project are…
Doctoral project: Seaworthiness assessment of WAAM manufactured marine propellers In this project, we study the general question: How can the seaworthiness of a marine structure and/or component be…
Doctoral project: Supporting Synchronous Asymmetric Data Exploration using Virtual Reality within the context of Collaborative Immersive Analytics Immersive technologies, such as virtual reality,…
Doctoral project: Transition of forest carbon balance in young stands of Norway spruce II Measurements of the greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide from the forest floor in…
Doctoral project: Visual analytics for explainable and trustworthy machine learning This doctoral project aims to develop foundational principles, techniques, and tools for visual analytics, for…
Doctoral project: Visual learning analytics to support teachers’ pedagogical work This doctoral project features a collaboration with a number of EdTech companies that develop digital learning…
Doctoral school in Sustainable energy engineering (SEED) The main objective of this Sustainable Energy Engineering Doctoral program (SEED) is to develop capacities of PhD researchers for complex…
Project expert competence: Smart Industry, phase 2 The goal of the project is to develop courses at advanced level linked to Smart Industry based on the skills needs of industry. The project's target…
Project: A sustainable built environment in existing and new urban areas in Växjö The aim of this project was to create new knowledge of resource- and cost-efficient built environment in new urban…
Project: A sustainable built environment in the Kilen area of Ronneby This project's aim was to create new knowledge on how to develop resource and cost-efficient built environment in the Kilen area…
Project: Adaptation of silviculture to meet climate change - how do we implement it for an individual forest owner in practice The purpose of the project is to get a practical application within…
Project: Adaptation to changes: emerging forest ecosystems in a changing climate We aim to compile information about oak forest distributions and associated biodiversity, identifying threats and…
Project: Agro-industry feedstocks and side streams for increasing the sustainability of wood panel production The project aims at exploring the possibilities offered by the various agroindustrial…
Project: Algorithms for reinforcement learning Reinforcement learning is a hot area in machine learning and artificial intelligence. It is the basis for development in robotics, image recognition,…
Project: Aligning Architectures for Digital Twin of the Organization (Aladino) This project aims at establishing a set of sound engineering methodologies, methods and tools for modeling, evaluating,…
Project: APPEND – Digital Product Passport to Revolutionize the Furniture Industry The purpose of this project is to design, develop, and validate a DPP (Digital Product Passport) prototype within the…
Project: Application of new biorefinery lignin-based adhesives in the wood panel industry The project envisages a mobility of professor Stergios Adamopoulos (20 % work time) from Linnaeus University…
Project: Application of renewable hydrophobic formulations for wood composite panel manufacturing The project aims at expanding the competencies and transferring knowledge between academia and the…
Project: Artificial heartwood The project aims to improve the properties of pine sapwood for window applications using a renewable, tannin-based formula.
Project: Artificial intelligence, professional knowledge and work for energy efficiency in shipping This project will investigate AI-based decision support systems on board ships. How is professional…
Project: Assessment of impacts on occupational safety and health when choosing marine fuels This project studies how the working environment and the indoor air quality on board a ship is affected when…
Project: Attractive living environment in wooden residential buildings This project seeks to investigate the role of wood as related to positive effects on well-being and attractiveness in wooden…
Project: Augmented Reality for Public Engagement (PEAR) The purpose of the PEAR project is to investigate the possibilities of using Augmented Reality technologies to increase public engagement. In…
Project: Autonomy and responsibility – the role of the human operator in future shipping Within the maritime industry, there is a strong commitment in the development of intelligent transport systems…
Project: Becoming a mathematics teacher (BeMT): The role of teacher education In this project, the aim was to explore the role of mathematics teacher education and the mathematics teacher educator in…
Project: Bio-based circular recovery model for sustainable urban economies The project focuses on creating a bio-circular economy (BCE) model towards the sustainable urban development for the city of…
Project: Bio-based polyurethane adhesives for cross-laminated timber (CLT) This project envisages the collaboration of the Group of Forest Products research group at Linnaeus University, for the…
Project: BioFrame – an analytical framework to promote the development of forest bioenergy A national forest strategy affects – and is affected by – what is happening in the forest as well as…
Project: BioFrame 2.0 – navigating synergies and tradeoffs towards future forest-based solutions The project explores ways to balance the Swedish forestry sector's contribution to increased climate…
Project: CARE for DIGIPRENEURS A Linnaeus University project for Ukrainian immigrants with support for start-ups, business innovation and entrepreneurs. The project is funded by ESF, European Social…
Project: Circular Trust Building – CTB The long-term goal of the Circular Trust Building (CTB) project is to facilitate the transition from the now dominant linear value chain to a circular economy in…
Project: Climate adapted forest management The proportion of private forest owners who adapt their forestry to a changing climate is increasing. Which climate adaptation measures are being taken in…
Project: Climate change effects over the lifecycle of a building In this project, we documented the current state of scientific knowledge on the climate change effects of buildings from a lifecycle…
Project: Climate impacts of wood vs. non-wood buildings from lifecycle perspective The outcome of this project was a comprehensive review of existing literature on energy and climate implications of…
Project: Climate neutral Växjö 2030 This project is a research collaboration with Växjö municipality for achieving a climate neutral Växjö in 2030 and how digital technologies can support this goal…
Project: Climate-driven power management in Crossways The purpose of the feasibility study is to investigate how we can best meet the energy and climate challenges that lie ahead. We need to balance a…
Project: Climate-smart agriculture Within this project, we are developing a pilot plant for energy-efficient agriculture.
Project: Collaboration: Digital technology as support for teaching and learning This project refers to the design, development and use of various ICT tools and methods to improve the quality of the…
Project: Competence needs and courses for professionals in IT and competitive production The purpose of the project is to contribute to the continued development of industry's skills development,…
Project: Competence needs and courses for professionals in IT and competitive production 2.0 The purpose of the project is to further develop the common marketing platform for courses for…
Project: Competitive timber structures – Resource efficiency and climate benefits along the wood value chain through engineering design Through increasing scientific knowledge along the wood…
Project: Compression perpendicular to the grain in cross-laminated engineered wood-based products The aim of this project was a better prediction and exploitation of the properties of wood in…
Project: Computational and experimental studies of topological materials and their heterostructures with ferromagnets So-called topological materials have unique physical properties. In this project,…
Project: CONFLICT – Can continuous cover forestry lead to increased carbon uptake of terrestrial ecosystems? We measure the carbon uptake of a continuous cover forest and compare it with carbon fluxes…
Project: Construction systems for resource-efficient and low-carbon buildings in a lifecycle perspective A key goal of this project was to generate new scientific knowledge on how the production phase…
Project: Cooperation education The project's overall goal is therefore to meet companies' challenges within competence, innovation and gender equality through a structured, proven and documented…
Project: Creep behaviour of environmental-friendly wood panels under different service class situations The project aims at exploring fundamentals related to creep behaviour of environmental-friendly…
Project: CT scanning and the influence of knots in structural timber This project aimed to conduct a comprehensive analysis of wood material at a micro-scale level, using computer tomography.…
Project: Data-driven condition assessment of gravel roads for sustainable maintenance The project aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the condition assessment of gravel roads to…
Project: Dealing with risk in a maritime context Risk as a concept includes both objective/engineering and subjective/societal approaches and is the bedrock of policy-making within maritime spatial…
Project: Demonstrator Environment for Smart and Innovative Automation in Manufacturing (Smart-IAT) The aim of the project is to develop and establish a demonstrator environment within advanced…
Project: Design of a safe work environment in the maritime domain The project analyzes safety and resilience in everyday work in the maritime domain. The aim is to develop methods to visualize and…
Project: Design of innovative modular-based multi-storey timber buildings Constructing multi-storey buildings with light-frame timber modules is an innovative construction method, but at the same time…
Project: Designing digital technologies for supporting energy-related behavior change in the kitchen This project aims to design, develop and evaluate digital behavioral change tools. The goal is to…
Project: Detection and modelling of knots and fibre orientation in sawn timber based on scanning, modelling and machine learning This research project aims to detect internal properties of sawn timber…
Project: Detection of defects on wood surfaces on the basis of optical scanning The purpose of this research project is to gain increased knowledge and a better understanding of how different wood…
Project: Development of a Master Programme in Computer Science The aim of this project is to develop our existing two-year master programme in Computer Science (with specialization in Software…
Project: Development of a new master programme in Digital Humanities at Linnaeus University The project aims to further develop the Digital Humanities, Master Programme and establish new ways of…
Project: Development of a quality description for sawn birch A complete value chain where more material is sold as well-paid sawlog gives landowners greater incentives to invest in the cultivation of…
Project: Development of an innovative centrifugal condensation scrubber The project is aiming to optimize and demonstrate a techno-economic solution to efficiently reduce particulate matter emission,…
Project: Development of resource efficient district heating systems In this project, we study how district heating systems can develop in changing markets for heating and solid biofuels.
Project: DigIT Hub Sweden DigIT Hub Sweden is one of four digital innovation hubs in Sweden with focus on bringing businesses into the future through a one-stop-shop with a wide range of services,…
Project: Digital acceleration for medium size sustainable cities (DIACCESS) The aim of the project is to solve real societal challenges by combining municipal administrations and municipal companies…
Project: Digital competence and cutting-edge competence in Kronoberg This is a collaborative project with the intention of analyzing the need for digital competence and cutting-edge competence among…
Project: Digital Competence in Teacher Training in the Nordic Countries (Dicomten) The purpose of this project is to establish a new Nordic network about the promotion, practice and development of…
Project: Digital model to support medicine adherence to the public The purpose of this project is to investigate how we can improve drug use through knowledge support and strengthened patient…
Project: Digital Tools and Digital Competence in Preschool and School Teaching In this project, we conducted research on what happens and what becomes possible when digital tools are used in…
Project: Digitalisation in forestry A paradigm shift is taking place in forestry, with new opportunities for the forest industry to use satellite data, laser scanning, drones and handling of data from…
Project: DiToM – Diagnostic Tools in Mathematics This project aims to bring together expertise from different European countries and create a diagnostic material in mathematics. The project DiToM…
Project: Drone measurement for the intelligent forest We are to develop a system for collection of forestry information with drones that fly in the forest below the canopy. Based on video recording,…
Project: Educational Technology in Schools The project aims to change teachers' everyday practice and improve students' school results. This will be done by means of data-driven support and analysis…
Project: Edutain The projects aim at incorporating emergent technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR) in schools to achieve sustainable learning experience. Also, this project will enable…
Project: Effect of education on forest owners The effect of academic courses on the knowledge acquisition of forest owners and other course participants is merely unknown. In order to examine this…
Project: Efficient and reliable computations of scattering resonances Scattering resonance computations in nano-optics are important in the development of photothermal cancer therapy, optical…
Project: Efficient planning of hydropower systems In a future scenario, Sweden's production of electricity will consist of a larger share of intermittent types of energy production. Based on this,…
Project: Efficient use of forest biomass to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and oil use The aim of this project is to identify bioenergy strategies for the efficient use of forest biomass to reduce…
Project: Energy Efficiency in Shipping The research in this project is conducted with an operational point of view, which means that using measured data from ships in operation is in focus. So far the…
Project: Energy savings and economic optimization of energy efficiency renovation measures for multi-storey buildings from the 1970s The project aims to generate knowledge on the significance of…
Project: Enriched Reality for Education and Digital Well-Being (EREDWeB) This project explores the potential of state-of-the-art virtual reality technology for teaching, aiming at digital well-being.…
Project: Environmental friendly wood composites with bio-based additives This project explored the potential of using renewable materials from pulping biorefeniries as water-repellent additives for…
Project: ESG Impact Index in Higher Education (Shift) Shift aims at increasing the capacity of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to contribute to the sustaiable development goals by assessing and…
Project: Evaluation of quality-enhancing measures within supervision at sea The ship-based practice forms a central part of maritime education. During their time at sea, supervision is important for…
Project: Extending design thinking with emerging digital technologies (Exten.D.T.2) The core ideas of the project rest on the assumption that design thinking combined with emerging technologies such…
Project: FEA of residual stresses in welded structures In this project, a versatile Eulerian plasticity is implemented and applied to the prediction of residual stresses in welded structures.
Project: Fire protection of wood with bio-based wood modification The aim of the project is to evaluate bio-based alternatives for fire protection of wooden facades and wood-based board materials. It…
Project: Fitness For Service – Metallic Structures This project's main aim is to increase the general understanding of how the commercial operational life time of a metallic structure can be affected,…
Project: Flexible automation in manufacturing of laminated veneer products In this project, we study challenges for automation in the furniture industry. The wood furniture industry has a great need…
Project: Forest 4.0 The objective of the Forest 4.0 project is to establish a Centre of Excellence (CoE) to transform the forest environment monitoring, data acquisition, and analysis. The aim is to…
Project: ForestMap The overall objective of the project is to develop and evaluate a new methodology to produce forest maps across the globe, to advance the societal values of forest use. The forest…
Project: ForestValue Hardwood joint - Innovative joints in hardwoods The overall project objective is to foster high-performance hardwood structures in the European building sector by developing…
Project: Formaldehyde emissions from wood composites bonded with bio-based adhesives Formaldehyde based adhesives dominate the market and are used almost exclusively for wood panel production. The use…
Project: Fostering science through STEM education (Fostem) This research project aims to increase the interest among youth in North Macedonia for education in science, technology, engineering, and…
Project: From empowering to viable living (FRONT-VL) To increase the aging population’s influence over their own situation and to help them to be able to stay at home longer, with the help of Internet…
Project: From native wheat starch towards innovative adhesives for wood panels The project aims at exploring fundamentals related to the modification of wheat starch from Lantmännen operations, and…
Project: From passive receiver to active resource in the crisis management system By involving people with disabilities and their interest organizations in crisis and emergency preparedness work, we…
Project: Fundamental understanding of moisture in coated wood for durable exterior constructions The aim of this project is to increase the understanding in water soprtion of coated wood. Equal focus…
Project: Generation Z enters STEM – diversity for a sustainable future The interest of women to study and work within Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) is globally quite low. In…
Project: Genetic testing of oak in Sweden In this project, we have collected acorns from individual trees and grown plants for continued testing in offspring trials in southern Sweden for long-term…
Project: Graphene application in bioadhesive for sustainable wood composite panels The project aims to expand the use of graphene in the wood industry by developing and testing renewable bio-based…
Project: GreenBIM Transnational MSc in BIM and Energy Efficiency in Buildings GreenBIM will promote the inter-connected higher education system. Locally, co-creation of content by experts from…
Project: Home–preschool collaboration – transformed in the age of digitization? The overall aim of this project is to contribute with knowledge about how the conditions for cooperation between home…
Project: Hörmander-Weyl calculus in the framework of ultra distributions This project concerns developing a calculus of Weyl operators, also feasible for objects which are more hard treated than…
Project: House Charlie House Charlie is an office building in Växjö, made from timber. A monitoring system has been included during construction and running since summer 2018. Dynamic and moisture…
Project: Housing and residential development for increased growth (Boost) The Boost project has its starting point in building and living with glass and wood construction. The aim is to develop and…
Project: How should mobile and digital home care teams be managed and organized? The development of technology makes new care structures possible - but when care moves out of the hospital to the home,…
Project: How useful is an acorn? Quantifying the plant available carbon in acorns using achlorophyllous oaks The size of the acorn is an important trait often linked to the well-being of young…
Project: HPC for SME The aim of the project is to provide small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Linnaeus region with the opportunity to enhance their data-driven capabilities with the…
Project: ICT 4 Self-Care This research programme has four sub-projects for developing ICT support for self-care: an interactive mobile app for support for self-care after day surgery, physical…
Project: Improving the competitive advantage of CLT-based building systems through engineering design and reduced carbon footprint The objective of this project is to increase the competitiveness of…
Project: Incentives for skills supply in a socially sustainable shipping This project aims to identify incentives at individual, organizational and industry levels for the skills supply in a socially…
Project: Information Engineering Center Information Engineering Center (IEC) is a research and collaboration project at Linnaeus University. Our goal is to create new businesses, new jobs and…
Project: Information, Coding, and Biological Function: the Dynamics of Life (DYNALIFE) The aim of the project is to contribute to emergence of two new scientific disciplines: molecular biology and…
Project: InfraVis – National Research Infrastructure for Visualisation of Data InfraVis will create a common gateway to Swedish visualization resources and enhance the competence of researchers in…
Project: InKuiS – Innovative Cultural Entrepreneurship in Collaborative Co-creative Research Thinking and acting entrepreneurially requires creativity, innovation, and an ability to take existing…
Project: InKuiS – Innovative Cultural Entrepreneurship in Collaborative Co-creative Research
Project: In-line visual inspection using unsupervised learning The purpose of this project is to introduce and improve machine learning- assessment of the quality of massproduced industrial (steel)…
Project: Innovation link for IT and industry in Kronoberg Innovation link is a collaborative project for increased innovation among small and medium-sized companies within IT and industry in Kronoberg…
Project: Innovative modified birch wood product for building applications (InnoBjörk) The InnoBjörk project is intended to provide solutions for how value-added products can be made from Swedish birch…
Project: Integrated solutions for ambitious energy refurbishment of private housing (INNOVATE) The aim of this project is to overcome market barriers to deep energy-efficient retrofits of private…
Project: International visiting professor of Systems Thinking for Sustainability This project features a two-year position as visiting professor of systems thinking for sustainability. It aims at…
Project: IoT lab for SME 2.0 The aim of this project is to develop a well-established network of companies in the Linnaeus region that can benefit from each other's expertise and products within…
Project: Language in the Human-Machine Era (LITHME) The research project Language In The Human-Machine Era (LITHME) is intended to establish the scope of emerging technologies and prepare linguistics…
Project: LC Districts – towards low carbon city districts through the improvement of regional policies The overall objective of the LC Districts research project is to improve regional development…
Project: Life Long Learning Forestry Extended We want to build an educational platform with partners to provide for academic forest management courses for forest owners and professionals for mutual…
Project: Life-Long Learning in Forestry Latvia Development of courses for forest owners and professionals with local partners. This project was concluded in 2023.
Project: Light weight applications in fossil-free high strength steel Feasibility assessment of technical possibilities and limitations to manufacture and use of e.g. vehicles in fossil-free high…
Project: Linnaeus University as a unique iSchool The core idea of this project is to establish a unique iSchool (information School) at Linnaeus University. An iSchool refers to university-level…
Project: Local fibre orientation in Norway spruce timber and its significance for the timber's properties This project aims at increased knowledge of fibre orientation in the close surroundings of…
Project: Long-term mechanical behavior of dowel connections in timber structures as the basis for an extended service life and reuse The project aims at gaining more knowledge on the long-term…
Project: Low energy bio-based society The aim of this project was to create strategic knowledge on how to develop a resource- and climate-efficient built environment in urban areas that is primarily…
Project: Low temperature district heating and new energy efficient building blocks In this project, cost, carbon dioxide and primary energy implications of heating new building blocks with low…
Project: Low-Carbon Economy Transformation through Sustainable Energy Modernization and Access in Lesotho (LETSEMA) This project aims to equip the National University of Lesotho and the Bethel…
Project: Mapping of the conditions for efficient remanufacturing of furniture used in public environments We want to increase the knowledge about circular economy and remanufacturing of furniture…
Project: Modelling of injection-moulded polymers In this project, mathematical models for materials used in containers by the Tetra Pak company are developed. The models may then be used when…
Project: Moisture and time dependent properties of South Swedish hardwood for load bearing structures This project aims at testing the long-term load bearing capacity and deformations of birch and…
Project: New approaches for conservation of threatened elm trees through holobiont concept The overall goal of this project is to expand the current knowledge base for development of sustainable…
Project: New aspects on the strength behaviour of thermally modified wood towards structural applications The project aims at exploring fundamentals related to the strength behaviour of thermally…
Project: Next Generation of Trustworthy Agri-Data Management - EnTrust EnTrust brings together 16 leading research institutions and enterprise from 5 different countries across Europe to establish a…
Project: Novel starch-based adhesive systems to enable recycling of fibreboards This project aims to develop and validate starch-based adhesives for recyclable fibreboards, both at the laboratory at…
Project: Nya Småland Project description Cultural events are of increasing importance as value creators in our society. They can serve to promote the attractiveness of a region, to, increase social…
Project: Onco-Aging: Smart health community for older cancer patients The project aims directly at two major health concerns of contemporary Europe: cancer and an ageing society. It will foster…
Project: One-stop-shop business model for energy renovation of detached houses The goal of this study is to develop, implement and test a one-stop-shop business model for energy renovation of detached…
Project: Open Data Exploration in Virtual Reality (ODxVR) The purpose of the ODxVR project is to propose novel interface design approaches that enable interactive visualization of Open Data (OD)…
Project: Optimization for sustainable energy supply and food production in rural areas The project is about how energy systems on farms can be optimized to realize the potential that farms have to be…
Project: Optimization with PDE constraints Partial differential equations (PDEs) are used to model a multitude of phenomena in science and engineering. PDE-constrained optimization problems arise in…
Project: Performance prediction of a biobased product The aim of the project was to develop a prediction tool for laminated veneer products, to improve product performance by reducing rejects and…
Project: Personal protective equipment – strategies and recommendations for increased use through adaptation to user, task and context Within the construction and shipping industries, there are work…
Project: Pioneering the Digital Future for Omnichannel Retail Managers (PERFORM) The overall goal of the PERFORM project is to establish a European training network to prepare the next generation of…
Project: Pollution-free approximation techniques for fractional integro-differential equations In the project, mathematical theory and software are developed to calculate resonances without the risk…
Project: Possibilities and tools to enhance circularity in multi-storey wood-building construction Shifting to a more circular economy is a necessity for a resource-efficient and competitive economy,…
Project: Practical work environment management for gender diversity in the maritime sector When working as a seafarer, the ship is both a working and a living environment. The social work environment…
Project: Predicting the water vapor sorption of wood with machine learning methods The water vapor sorption behavior of wood is a fundamental property that affects nearly all of its properties such as…
Project: Predictive Cognitive Maintenance Decision Support system (PreCoM) This project aims to develop, test, implement and demonstrate in three manufacturing companies a new predictive maintenance…
Project: Pre-study supply chains deciduous wood Together with Träcentrum, Linnaeus University is conducting a pre-study to map out the opportunities for domestic production of deciduous wood raw…
Project: Pre-study: Info and technology needed for a production-maintenance system This project will develop a conceptual model describing a smart, sustainable, integrated production-maintenance…
Project: Problem solving as starting point for mathematics in preschool class The aim of this project was to investigate if and how problem solving can be a starting point for the teaching of…
Project: Programming and mathematics – sensemaking and communication in teaching mathematics The aim of this project is to contribute to increased knowledge and understanding of the way to improve…
Project: Promoting Building Retrofits in the Private Residential Sector (ProRetro) The aim of this project is to overcome barriers to residential building refurbishment by offering new one-stop-shop…
Project: Promoting the use of wood for greener buildings This project contributed to the writing of a chapter on wood-based greener buildings in the FAO Forestry Paper on the Economics of Climate…
Project: Provably Secure Self-Protecting Systems (PROSSES) The PROSSES project will result in techniques and tools to create a protecting layer for software systems against attacks from the Internet.
Project: QualityWBPs – Innovative treatments and adhesives for high quality, sustainable wood-based panels This project aims to develop less hygroscopic wood-based panels through the application of…
Project: Quantum Information Access and Retrieval Theory (QUARTZ) Quantum Information Access and Retrieval Theory (QUARTZ) is a project that aims to educate early stage researchers to adopt a novel,…
Project: Radioactivity – NORM contamination of LNG fuel systems In this project, we study if liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel systems are contaminated by natural occurring radioactive material (NORM).…
Project: Recasting best practices of European universities (RAPID) RAPID aims to strengthen online education in Pakistan by replicating the best practices in distance learning during pandemic at…
Project: Relationship between stiffness and moisture changes in CLT Cross-laminated timber (CLT) is produced by gluing boards together crosswise in layers and used as a construction material. In this…
Project: Renewable hydrophobing agents for fibreboards based on tall oil The project aims at preparing and testing 100 % renewable formulations that are based on tall oil for effective…
Project: Residues to Best Use – Biochar as a solution and a product in a sustainable and circular society The aim of Residues to Best Use is to develop solutions for managing society’s organic…
Project: Resource-efficient cascading approach to recycle dredged sediments (Re-SET) This project endeavors to mitigate the adverse environmental impact and maximize the efficient utilization of vast…
Project: Roadmaps for AI Integration in the Rail Sector (RAILS) The overall objective of the RAILS research project is to investigate the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) approaches in the…
Project: Scaling up energy renovation through smart design and one-stop-shop business model There might be several different reasons why homeowners do not carry out energy renovations. The goal of…
Project: SciChallenge Using digital technologies and social media, the SciChallenge project will create a competition to engage more young people in Europe in the areas of natural science, technology…
Project: Science4Girls This project intends to design and implement learning activities withing the theme of climate change that encourage girls to enroll in science, technology, engineering, and…
Project: Sectoral readiness for deep renovation of detached households: from research to practice The purpose of this project was to enhance preparedness of the deep renovation sector. The project…
Project: Silvicultural and wood use options for climate change adaptation and mitigation The project focuses on comprehensive system analysis of different silvicultural options for the county of…
Project: Smart Cities – Ready project The Ready project is a five year (2014-2019) international research project financed by the European Commission, focusing on implementing advanced energy…
Project: Smart Dat The goal of the project is to offer activities in automation and digitalization for small and medium-sized companies in the manufacturing sector in the Linnaeus region, strengthen…
Project: Smart Industry The goal of this project is to develop courses in mechanical engineering at advanced level according to the industry's competence requirements. The project is aimed at…
Project: Smart storage solutions in the fridge of the future to reduce food waste About one third of the food production in the world is thrown away, which is one of the largest single sources of…
Project: Software Technology for Self-Adaptive Systems The purpose of this project is to increase the engineering efficiency of self-adaptive systems. The development, maintenance and operation of…
Project: Spectral properties of unbounded operator functions Advanced time-dependent materials are used to model viscoelastic properties of wood, wave propagation of ultrasound, and systems with…
Project: StaViCTA Stancetaking is an important factor for social interaction in human communication. This interdisciplinary project will identify how we express stance on the Internet – to create a…
Project: STEFORA – STEM For ALL The aim of this EU-funded project is to to decrease inequality in STEM Education.
Project: STEM education on equal terms This project faces the challenge of giving pupils – independent of gender, social background or ethnicity – the possibility to participate in and utilize STEM…
Project: Strategic Research Centre for 4th Generation District Heating (4DH) Technologies and Systems This project will generate knowledge in the design of fourth generation, low-temperature heating…
Project: Strategies for Increased Circularity in the Wood Processing Industry (CirkuWood) In Sweden, taking wood raw materials for granted is easy, but a shortage of certain raw materials already…
Project: Strength grading of structural timber and glued laminated timber by laser scanning and three-dimensional structural modeling This project aims in particular at development of an accurate…
Project: Study of Scaling Up and Modeling early number Innovation (SUMI) The aim of the project is to develop a model for implementing a scientifically based innovation on mathematics for children 1-3…
Project: Successful Integration of Problem formulation in Preschool-class (FiP) The aim of this project is to study how problem formulation can be successfully implemented in early mathematics to…
Project: Sustainable composite floor system for circular construction business The aim of this project is to analyse the possibilities to solve the problems of circularity in the construction sector.…
Project: Sustainable co-operation of rescue actors in the Swedish countryside The aim of this project is to explore, develop and evaluate new strategies in the organization of rescue actors through…
Project: Sustainable Housing for Strong Communities (Stronghouse) The Stronghouse project aims to adjust and redesign current support measures for energy renovations. The work will be based on a…
Project: Sustainable maintenance of gravel road In this project, academia and local businesses collaborate in the development of a new concept for sustainable maintenance of gravel road, where new…
Project: Sustainable use of virgin and recovered raw material streams for innovative bio-based products and business stimulation in Southern Sweden This project aims at increasing resource use…
Project: Tall Timber Buildings – concept studies The aim of the project is to show ways to design a 20+ multi-storey building with a load-bearing system of timber, and to build knowledge of the issues…
Project: TallBoard: Tall oil application in industrial fiberboards The aim of this project is to replace the fossil-based paraffin wax with a hydrophobic agent made from tall oil for manufacturing…
Project: Tall-oil based hydrophobing formulations for industrial fibreboards The aim of this project is to develop, validate and demonstrate water repellent formulations for industrial fibreboards…
Project: Teaching Computational Thinking with Digital Devices (TACTIDE) This project deals with the support and empowerment of teachers to integrate problem-solving strategies with the help of digital…
Project: The development and implementation of PhD curricula in ICT for Kosovo (DI-PHDICTKES) Kosovo’s lack of an ICT PhD program limits involvement on the international stage in academic and industry…
Project: The graduate school Learning, interacting, and knowing in a digitalised world (LIKED) The graduate school LIKED (Learning, interacting, and knowing in a digitalised world) is a joint venture…
Project: The greening of organisational culture in shipping How does the culture of an organisation affect environmental behaviours in shipping? The title leads us to the overall contribution of this…
Project: The health-promoting values and effects of the forest The intention is to explore and describe people's experiences of the forest and its importance for health and well-being.
Project: The Makings of a Mathematics Teacher In this project, we investigate the development of student teachers', mathematics teachers', and mathematics teacher educators’ professional identities…
Project: The refugee crisis in Europe: Modelling Humanitarian Logistics This project is due to the refugee crisis in 2016, which challenged the European countries' capabilities to receive and take…
Project: The research school Upgrade The research school Upgrade – teacher education and the digitalization of the school system is a national research school in which nine Swedish universities work…
Project: Thermo-Reversible Starch-based Adhesives for Wood Panels (Tresa) The Tresa project pursues a novel approach to develop reversible, bio-based starch adhesive systems for applications in wood…
Project: Total carbon balance of Swedish forestry sector: Evaluate guidelines for climate roadmap 2050 This project will result in a description of the baseline of the total carbon balance of the…
Project: Transforming the Kosovo and Albanian Education System by Introducing DigItal Technology in Teacher Education (IGNITE) An EU project that will analyse the learning path of IT related subjects…
Project: TriMo AAC TriMo is an app for Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) with the aim of increasing independence of children and adults with speech impairment. In TriMo, the modern…
Project: Urban Tree Guard - Safeguarding European urban trees and forests through improved biosecurity The aim of the project is to engage researchers and stakeholders to develop and recommend…
Project: Use of wood for better climate and increased value creation (KlimaTre) This project documented the climate and economic impact of the forest-based value chains in Norway.
Project: Utilisation of renewable biomass and waste materials for production of environmental-friendly, bio-based composites The aim of this project is the development and testing of…
Project: VCardiac - A Novel Framework for Contactless Detection and Forecasting of Early Stages of Heart Diseases and Cardiac Arrest Conditions VCardiac is a new framework that utilises acoustic heart…
Project: Visualization and Exploration Flexiboard for Timber Buildings (TimberVis) Within the collaboration between InfraVis, the national research infrastructure for data visualization, and the…
Project: Visualizing quantified self data using avatars The purpose of the project is to explore creative ways to visualize Quantified Self data, aggregated from social media and Internet of Things…
Project: Wave propagation and radiative transfer in the atmosphere Wave propagation and radiative transfer in the atmosphere is a modern research area with immediate connection to the greenhouse…
Project: Web and mobile accessibility for visually impaired (WMA4VIP) WMA4VIP was an exploratory research project that investigated the challenges that the community of blind and visually impaired…
Project: What do teachers do (to promote students’ learning) – methods in the name of science The aim of this project is to develop more knowledge of the relation between classroom activities,…
Project: Wood anatomy and identification The aim of this project is to improve lab facilities for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as for the researchers, in addressing the questions…
Project: Wood based energy systems from Nordic forests (Enerwoods) The goal of this project was to combine energy systems and biological systems to optimise the complete bioenergy chain, considering…
Project: Wood in Carbon Efficient Construction (€CO2) The €CO2 was a European project focusing on carbon efficient construction and the role of wood.
Project: X-ray density profile measuring system for wood composites This project features purchase and demonstration of a laboratory density profile measuring unit of wood composites (particleboards,…
Seed project: A platform to collect and analyze canoe/kayak training data The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA)…
Seed project: An Exploration of the Challenges and Possibilities of Multidimensional Visualization in the Context of Visual Learning Analytics The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus…
Seed project: Analyzing state-of-the-practice for self-adaptive systems in industry using data analytics The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive…
Seed project: Biosensor Testbed at the IoT Lab The objective of this project is to explore the potential applications of biosensors for the continuous monitoring and management of various health…
Seed project: Data intensive analysis for identification and prediction of risk medications The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and…
Seed project: Data-intensive tools for effective carbon mitigation in forestry The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications…
Seed project: Detecting ’signs of learning’ in six-year-olds’ meaning making about science through digital tools The main objective for this seed project within the Knowledge environment Digital…
Seed project: Developing the Skeleton Avatar camera Technique (SAT) as a rapid, valid and sensitive measurement of mobility in elderly persons The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus…
Seed project: Digital solutions for Hub conferences – an alternative to reduce academic flying Researchers' carbon emissions are largely due to air travel, and many of these trips are for…
Seed project: Digital transformation of communication between school and home The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus Knowledge Environment Digital Transformations is to investigate…
Seed project: Digitized ancient remains detection The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA) is to explore if…
Seed project: European spruce bark beetles; advanced predictive forecasting by means of machine learning The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive…
Seed project: Exploring data and establishing routines for collaboration on energy experiments The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences…
Seed project: Exploring the effectiveness of video consultations in primary healthcare With today's technological development, there is an increased use of video applications in most aspects of…
Seed project: Gender, Entrepreneurship and Digitalization: Challenging Gender Inequality in ICT Higher Education The main objective for this seed funding project within the knowledge platform…
Seed project: Implementation knowledge as comissioned training - A step towards the national investment in Lifelong Learning The overall aim of this seed project within Knowledge Environment Linnaeus…
Seed project: Interactive video training tool and training scenario development for Emergency Medical Services The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus Knowledge Environment Digital…
Seed project: Investigate Machine Learning Techniques for Decision-Making Support in K-12 Educational Context The main aim of this seed application is to investigate the use and application of Machine…
Seed project: IoT for ships – an untapped data resource The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA) is to establish…
Seed project: Machine learning stabilized steady-state advective-diffusive heat transport This seed project aims to explore and use the strengths of Scientific Machine Learning (SciML) to solve the…
Seed project: Mitigating Health Inequalities in the Kronoberg Region - A Transdisciplinary System Thinking Approach The main objective for this seed project within the Knowledge environment Digital…
Seed project: ODXVR x NTS The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA) was to submit an external funding application.…
Seed project: Programming social robots - a tool for learning in the multilingual primary school The aim is to contribute to teachers' capacity to work with programming social robots in classrooms…
Seed project: Smart-Troubleshooting in the Connected Society The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA) was to…
Seed project: The interplay of big data and AI to monitor and manage the tourism destinations’ sustainability (TERESA) The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus Knowledge Environment…
Seed project: The paradox of over empowerment: Does patient empowerment have its limits? The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus Knowledge Environment Digital Transformations is to…
Seed project: The strategic competence management process, AI based solutions and the entrepreneurial mindset The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus Knowledge Environment Digital…
Seed project: Towards a data-driven approach to ground-fault location The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA) is…
Seed project: User performance data from a video-based application/platform The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications…
Seed project: Using Artificial Intelligence to Detect Acanthamoeba Keratitis in the eye - the AIDAK study Applicants The overall objective of the research for this seed project within Linnaeus…
Seed project: Using Natural Language Models for Extracting Drug-Related Problems (NLMED) The overall goal of the research in this seed project within the Linnaeus University Center for Data Intensive…
Seed project: Vibration-based strength grading of sawn timber The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA) was to…
Faculty of Technology
Linnaeus University
S-391 82 Kalmar / S-351 95 Växjö
Phone: +46 (0)772-28 80 00 (switchboard)