Forestry and Wood Technology
We carry out education and research within a broad scientific field, from forest to finished product and development of new wood products for construction and housing.
A sustainable forestry and utilisation of natural resources is the basis for a sustainable bioeconomic society. The forest represents a very large share of the ecosystem services, which means that the forest is Sweden's most important asset from a bioeconomic perspective.
Sustainable use means working in line with environmental goals, while at the same time producing climate change adapted products from renewable natural resources. The forest can contribute with construction material, bioenergy, and new products based on natural materials. This requires collective knowledge within biology, ecology, technology, and economy.
Sustainable use also comprises other values found in the forest. Biodiversity, recreation and tourism are other elements that are crucial in order for people to be able to live on the countryside.
A strong environment with broad competence
We have a strong research and education environment based on the competence of the people working with the forest as a source of raw materials. In our environment, biologists, chemists, mechanical engineers, foresters, economists, and architectural engineers work together on many education and research projects. Every year, we teach more than 800 students, from all over Sweden – the majority of these on distance learning courses. For our research and education, we use our laboratory resources, develop the laboratory Forest Edge and our university forests in e.g. Farstorp and Östad.
The region surrounding Linnaeus University is home to a number of large, international companies within the field. But there are also many smaller companies that, with the right continuing professional development, can get improved conditions for innovation and increased competitiveness, something that will strengthen the region as a whole.
The department is part of the initiative The Bridge, a strategic partnership between Linnaeus University, Södra and Ikea. We are responsible for managing Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: Green Sustainable Development and are also connected to other research environments at Linnaeus University such as Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: Advanced Materials.
Every year, 800 students study one of our programs in Forestry and Wood Engineering. About half of them are private forest owners and take courses in Sustainable Small-scale Forestry. The other half study a program aimed at a future profession related to the forest and wood industry.
Programmes taught in English
Freestanding courses taught in English
Digitalisation in ForestryCourse 15 credits
- Spring 2025
- Växjö
- Distance learning
- Master’s level
- Half-time
- 4TS019
Digitalisation in ForestryCourse 15 credits
- Spring 2025
- Växjö
- Distance learning
- Master’s level
- Half-time
- 4TS019
Digitalisation in ForestryCourse 15 credits
- Spring 2025
- Växjö
- Campus
- Master’s level
- Half-time
- 4TS019
Forest damage in sustainable forestry for a circular bioeconomyCourse 15 credits
- Spring 2025
- Växjö
- Campus
- Master’s level
- Half-time
- 4TS020
Forest damage in sustainable forestry for a circular bioeconomyCourse 15 credits
- Spring 2025
- Växjö
- Distance learning
- Master’s level
- Half-time
- 4TS020
Forest damage in sustainable forestry for a circular bioeconomyCourse 15 credits
- Spring 2025
- Växjö
- Distance learning
- Master’s level
- Half-time
- 4TS020
Forest ProductsCourse 7.5 credits
- Spring 2025
- Växjö
- Campus
- Bachelor’s level
- One-quarter-time
- 1TS013
Forestry for Green Sustainable Development, Master ProgrammeProgramme 120 credits
- Autumn 2025
- Växjö
- Campus
- Master’s level
- Full-time
Global Innovation - Transdisciplinary System Perspectives for Sustainable ChangeCourse 30 credits
- Spring 2025
- Växjö
- Campus
- Master’s level
- Full-time
- 4TS347
Global Innovation - Transdisciplinary System Perspectives for Sustainable ChangeCourse 30 credits
- Spring 2025
- Växjö
- Campus
- Master’s level
- Full-time
- 4TS347
All free standing courses, including courses in Swedish
Sustainable Small-scale Forestry 1-90 hec
The courses in Sustainable Small-scale Forestry are mainly taught in Swedish, but there is one course held in English. International Small-scale Forestry I gives forest owners and professionals basic forestry terminology and concepts. It introduces the forest owner/manager to knowledge how to manage the forest for different purposes. Excursions are held in Latvia.
Research in Forestry and Wood Technology
The Department of Forestry and Wood Technology conducts interdisciplinary research on forests and their values. The academic environment covers the entire value chain, spanning multiple interconnected subject disciplines. This includes studying the fundamental ecophysiological and ecological conditions for trees, sustainable forest management and resource stewardship, and the services and products provided by the forest such as furniture and buildings. Many research questions address how forestry can be conducted ecologically, socially, and economically sustainably under changing climate conditions, supported by new digital and technical solutions.
For our research, we utilise our laboratory environment, which includes fixed laboratories, mobile equipment, as well as outdoor test areas and field experiments. The flexible environment of ForestEdge allows us to study questions throughout the entire value chain. Research is carried out in close collaboration with other educational institutions, authorities, organizations, and companies in the forestry and wood sector, both regionally, nationally, and internationally. The department participates in The Bridge initiative, a strategic collaboration between Linnaeus University, Södra, and Ikea
Research fields
Our research is conducted in the following fields:
Forest Ecology and Ecophysiology The research field Forest Ecology and Ecophysiology focuses on nature conservation, soil ecology, nutrient dynamics in forests, ecophysiology, the water and carbon…
Forest Management In the research field Forest Management, we address questions related to the sustainable use of forests, taking into account economic, social, and ecological aspects.
Forest Products The Forest Products research field conducts cutting-edge research in forest-derived raw materials and side streams, to promote the utilization of renewable materials and contribute to…
Forest Economics The research field Forest Economics encompasses all aspects of the forest value chain, focusing on sustainable forestry and the transition to a bio-based and circular economy.
Research projects
Doctoral project: Advanced identification methods for the forest industry through CV/AI The project intends to create opportunities for continued digitalisation in the forest industry. This concerns…
Doctoral project: Characteristics of aspen logs to improved production performance The overall purpose of the project is to increase our understanding on specific wood qualitative aspects of aspen…
Doctoral project: Circular economy and remanufacturing flows in the wood and furniture industry Public organizations, where furniture is frequently replaced, provide a unique opportunity to explore…
Doctoral project: Early detection of stress signals in Scotts pine (Pinus sylvestris) The goal of this project is to utilise digital tools to develop new scientific knowledge and create solutions for…
Doctoral project: Fire and rescue services and forestry in collaboration Within the project, two studies are carried out. The first study describes the individual private forest owners' experiences of…
Project: Adaptation of silviculture to meet climate change - how do we implement it for an individual forest owner in practice The purpose of the project is to get a practical application within…
Project: Adaptation to changes: emerging forest ecosystems in a changing climate We aim to compile information about oak forest distributions and associated biodiversity, identifying threats and…
Project: Application of renewable hydrophobic formulations for wood composite panel manufacturing The project aims at expanding the competencies and transferring knowledge between academia and the…
Project: Artificial heartwood The project aims to improve the properties of pine sapwood for window applications using a renewable, tannin-based formula.
Project: Competitive timber structures – Resource efficiency and climate benefits along the wood value chain through engineering design Through increasing scientific knowledge along the wood…
Project: CONFLICT – Can continuous cover forestry lead to increased carbon uptake of terrestrial ecosystems? We measure the carbon uptake of a continuous cover forest and compare it with carbon fluxes…
Project: Development of a quality description for sawn birch A complete value chain where more material is sold as well-paid sawlog gives landowners greater incentives to invest in the cultivation of…
Project: Effect of education on forest owners The effect of academic courses on the knowledge acquisition of forest owners and other course participants is merely unknown. In order to examine this…
Project: Efficient remanufacturing of furniture used in public environments (RE:Furn) Large amounts of furniture are often discarded because it costs more to repair and reuse them than to buy new…
Project: Fire protection of wood with bio-based wood modification The aim of the project is to evaluate bio-based alternatives for fire protection of wooden facades and wood-based board materials. It…
Project: Forest 4.0 The objective of the Forest 4.0 project is to establish a Centre of Excellence (CoE) to transform the forest environment monitoring, data acquisition, and analysis. The aim is to…
Project: ForestMap The overall objective of the project is to develop and evaluate a new methodology to produce forest maps across the globe, to advance the societal values of forest use. The forest…
Project: How useful is an acorn? Quantifying the plant available carbon in acorns using achlorophyllous oaks The size of the acorn is an important trait often linked to the well-being of young…
Project: Innovative modified birch wood product for building applications (InnoBjörk) The InnoBjörk project is intended to provide solutions for how value-added products can be made from Swedish birch…
Project: New approaches for conservation of threatened elm trees through holobiont concept The overall goal of this project is to expand the current knowledge base for development of sustainable…
Project: OptiForValue Optimising forest operations for sustainable forest management and high-value applications.
Project: Predicting the water vapor sorption of wood with machine learning methods The water vapor sorption behavior of wood is a fundamental property that affects nearly all of its properties such as…
Project: Pre-study supply chains deciduous wood Together with Träcentrum, Linnaeus University is conducting a pre-study to map out the opportunities for domestic production of deciduous wood raw…
Project: Strategies for Increased Circularity in the Wood Processing Industry (CirkuWood) In Sweden, taking wood raw materials for granted is easy, but a shortage of certain raw materials already…
Project: TallBoard: Tall oil application in industrial fiberboards The aim of this project is to replace the fossil-based paraffin wax with a hydrophobic agent made from tall oil for manufacturing…
Project: The health-promoting values and effects of the forest The intention is to explore and describe people's experiences of the forest and its importance for health and well-being.
Project: The values of the oak – effects of pruning on timber quality High-quality oak that is processed by the wood industry is a scarce resource throughout Europe. With an active forest management,…
Project: Urban Tree Guard - Safeguarding European urban trees and forests through improved biosecurity The aim of the project is to engage researchers and stakeholders to develop and recommend…
Seed project: Machine learning stabilized steady-state advective-diffusive heat transport This seed project aims to explore and use the strengths of Scientific Machine Learning (SciML) to solve the…
Completed research projects
Doctoral project: Raw material properties and process optimization for increased value-added wood flooring products The development of the wood industry relates to its capability for improvement of…
Doctoral project: Transition of forest carbon balance in young stands of Norway spruce II Measurements of the greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide from the forest floor in…
Project: Agro-industry feedstocks and side streams for increasing the sustainability of wood panel production The project aims at exploring the possibilities offered by the various agroindustrial…
Project: Application of new biorefinery lignin-based adhesives in the wood panel industry The project envisages a mobility of professor Stergios Adamopoulos (20 % work time) from Linnaeus University…
Project: Bio-based polyurethane adhesives for cross-laminated timber (CLT) This project envisages the collaboration of the Group of Forest Products research group at Linnaeus University, for the…
Project: BioFrame – an analytical framework to promote the development of forest bioenergy A national forest strategy affects – and is affected by – what is happening in the forest as well as…
Project: Climate adapted forest management The proportion of private forest owners who adapt their forestry to a changing climate is increasing. Which climate adaptation measures are being taken in…
Project: Creep behaviour of environmental-friendly wood panels under different service class situations The project aims at exploring fundamentals related to creep behaviour of environmental-friendly…
Project: Digitalisation in forestry A paradigm shift is taking place in forestry, with new opportunities for the forest industry to use satellite data, laser scanning, drones and handling of data from…
Project: Drone measurement for the intelligent forest We are to develop a system for collection of forestry information with drones that fly in the forest below the canopy. Based on video recording,…
Project: Environmental friendly wood composites with bio-based additives This project explored the potential of using renewable materials from pulping biorefeniries as water-repellent additives for…
Project: Flexible automation in manufacturing of laminated veneer products In this project, we study challenges for automation in the furniture industry. The wood furniture industry has a great need…
Project: Formaldehyde emissions from wood composites bonded with bio-based adhesives Formaldehyde based adhesives dominate the market and are used almost exclusively for wood panel production. The use…
Project: From native wheat starch towards innovative adhesives for wood panels The project aims at exploring fundamentals related to the modification of wheat starch from Lantmännen operations, and…
Project: Fundamental understanding of moisture in coated wood for durable exterior constructions The aim of this project is to increase the understanding in water soprtion of coated wood. Equal focus…
Project: Genetic testing of oak in Sweden In this project, we have collected acorns from individual trees and grown plants for continued testing in offspring trials in southern Sweden for long-term…
Project: LC Districts – towards low carbon city districts through the improvement of regional policies The overall objective of the LC Districts research project is to improve regional development…
Project: Life-Long Learning in Forestry Latvia Development of courses for forest owners and professionals with local partners. This project was concluded in 2023.
Project: Mapping of the conditions for efficient remanufacturing of furniture used in public environments We want to increase the knowledge about circular economy and remanufacturing of furniture…
Project: New aspects on the strength behaviour of thermally modified wood towards structural applications The project aims at exploring fundamentals related to the strength behaviour of thermally…
Project: Novel starch-based adhesive systems to enable recycling of fibreboards This project aims to develop and validate starch-based adhesives for recyclable fibreboards, both at the laboratory at…
Project: QualityWBPs – Innovative treatments and adhesives for high quality, sustainable wood-based panels This project aims to develop less hygroscopic wood-based panels through the application of…
Project: Renewable hydrophobing agents for fibreboards based on tall oil The project aims at preparing and testing 100 % renewable formulations that are based on tall oil for effective…
Project: Sustainable co-operation of rescue actors in the Swedish countryside The aim of this project is to explore, develop and evaluate new strategies in the organization of rescue actors through…
Project: Sustainable use of virgin and recovered raw material streams for innovative bio-based products and business stimulation in Southern Sweden This project aims at increasing resource use…
Project: Tall-oil based hydrophobing formulations for industrial fibreboards The aim of this project is to develop, validate and demonstrate water repellent formulations for industrial fibreboards…
Project: Thermo-Reversible Starch-based Adhesives for Wood Panels (Tresa) The Tresa project pursues a novel approach to develop reversible, bio-based starch adhesive systems for applications in wood…
Project: Total carbon balance of Swedish forestry sector: Evaluate guidelines for climate roadmap 2050 This project will result in a description of the baseline of the total carbon balance of the…
Project: Utilisation of renewable biomass and waste materials for production of environmental-friendly, bio-based composites The aim of this project is the development and testing of…
Project: Wood anatomy and identification The aim of this project is to improve lab facilities for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as for the researchers, in addressing the questions…
Project: X-ray density profile measuring system for wood composites This project features purchase and demonstration of a laboratory density profile measuring unit of wood composites (particleboards,…
Seed project: Data-intensive tools for effective carbon mitigation in forestry The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications…
Seed project: European spruce bark beetles; advanced predictive forecasting by means of machine learning The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive…
Seed project: Vibration-based strength grading of sawn timber The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA) was to…
News within forestry and wood technology
Wood Companies Floored by Student Innovations News
The university's new professors lecture about their research News
Researchers seek to reassess the view on fertilising young forests News
Multi-million investment in centre to develop environmentally-friendly adhesives News
SEK 119 million allocated to research will strengthen sustainable timber construction News
Open sharing of forest data – a key factor in protecting the climate and biodiversity News
Events within Forestry and Wood Technology
- Achim Grelle Professor
- +46 470-70 82 30
- achimgrellelnuse
- Andreas Stephan Professor, pro dean
- +46 470-70 85 69
- andreasstephanlnuse
- Anna Jensen professor
- +46 470-76 75 72
- +46 72-565 34 77
- annajensenlnuse
- Annette Eilert Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 80 64
- annetteeilertlnuse
- Ann-Mari Fransson Senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 78 84
- annmarifranssonlnuse
- Åsa Gustavsson Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 89 95
- +46 76-133 89 95
- asagustafssonlnuse
- Åsa Rydell Blom Associate professor, pro dean
- +46 470-70 81 26
- asablomlnuse
- Basam Dahy Postdoctoral Fellow
- +46 470-70 86 93
- bassamsaeedlnuse
- Bengt Nilsson Senior Lecturer, Deputy Head of Department
- +46 470-70 88 99
- +46 76-760 36 76
- bengtnilssonlnuse
- Bishnu Chandra Poudel Senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 74 86
- +46 72-547 22 54
- bishnupoudellnuse
- Carl Svensson Doctoral student, teacher
- +46 470-70 81 55
- +46 72-223 20 75
- carlsvenssonlnuse
- Carlos Rubio Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 87 93
- carlosrubiolnuse
- Caroline Sunnerstam Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 89 01
- carolinesunnerstamlnuse
- Charlotta Håkansson Senior lecturer, promoted lecturer
- +46 470-76 74 54
- +46 70-547 35 66
- charlottahakanssonlnuse
- Daniel Knapp Postdoctoral Fellow
- +46 470-70 87 04
- danielknapplnuse
- Daniel Mellqvist
- danielmellqvistlnuse
- Daniel Nilsson Lecturer
- +46 470-70 82 01
- +46 70-243 53 11
- danielnilssonlnuse
- Elham Badalzadehe Aghdam Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 87 49
- elhamaghdamlnuse
- Erika Olofsson ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Head of department
- +46 470-70 89 99
- +46 70-667 91 90
- erikaolofssonlnuse
- Esra Sengün Doctoral student
- +46 470-76 70 69
- esrasengunlnuse
- Frida Björcman Doctoral student
- +46 470-76 75 74
- fridabjorcmanlnuse
- Giuliana Zanchi Lecturer
- giulianazanchilnuse
- Harald Säll
- +46 470-70 89 54
- +46 70-637 66 36
- haraldsalllnuse
- Jimmy Johansson Professor
- +46 470-70 80 33
- +46 72-526 41 31
- jimmyjohanssonlnuse
- Johan Bergh Professor
- +46 470-76 75 42
- +46 70-292 25 25
- johanberghlnuse
- Johan Fransson Professor
- +46 470-76 70 42
- +46 70-660 86 97
- johanfranssonlnuse
- Johan Kroon Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 88 49
- johankroonlnuse
- Johan Lindeberg Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 81 94
- +46 76-760 36 75
- johanlindeberglnuse
- Johanna Witzell Professor
- +46 470-70 88 25
- +46 70-230 90 56
- johannawitzelllnuse
- John Tosin Aladejana Postdoctoral Fellow
- +46 470-70 80 30
- johntosinaladejanalnuse
- Jonas Cedergren Adjunct teacher
- +46 470-70 80 04
- jonascedergrenlnuse
- Jonaz Nilsson Lecturer
- +46 470-70 89 42
- +46 72-594 16 04
- jonaznilssonlnuse
- Karolina Pehrson Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 86 48
- karolinapehrsonlnuse
- Klas Lucander Postdoctoral Fellow
- +46 470-76 70 12
- klaslucanderlnuse
- +46 470-70 84 30
- +46 70-269 31 42
- leonhobrolnuse
- Liina Jürisoo Postdoctoral Fellow
- +46 470-70 86 22
- liinajurisoolnuse
- Ljusk Ola Eriksson Senior professor
- olaerikssonlnuse
- Martin Karlsson Lecturer
- +46 470-70 85 10
- +46 70-269 63 72
- martinkarlssonlnuse
- Mehrdad Zarafshar Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 84 00
- mehrdadzarafsharlnuse
- Nils Fagerberg Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 89 45
- +46 70-282 89 45
- nilsfagerberglnuse
- Nils Lindgren Adjunct teacher
- +46 470-70 80 77
- nilslindgrenlnuse
- Papiya Bhowmik Postdoc researchr, department of forestry and wood technology
- +46 470-70 84 46
- papiyabhowmiklnuse
- Peter Lerman Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 83 79
- +46 70-388 63 59
- peterlermanlnuse
- Reza Hosseinpourpia Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 80 74
- +46 73-089 47 33
- rezahosseinpourpialnuse
- Rikard Jakobsson Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 81 33
- +46 73-399 81 33
- rikardjakobssonlnuse
- Samuel Rönnbäck Adjunct teacher
- +46 470-70 83 17
- samuelronnbacklnuse
- Sebastian Svensson Meulmann Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 80 51
- +46 70-257 34 87
- sebastiansvenssonmeulmannlnuse
- Sheikh Ali Ahmed Senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 74 92
- +46 72-501 44 15
- sheikhahmedlnuse
- Souvik Ray Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 83 81
- souvikraylnuse
- Victor Grubîi Postdoctoral Fellow
- +46 470-70 89 70
- victorgrubiilnuse