students in media technology presenting their work

Media technology

Media technology is a subject in constant development in which different digital media are combined with interactivity to create interesting products and services. Within media technology, it is also studied how to adapt a product to a certain target group, how best to distribute and publish it, and how interactive products and services can be used in different contexts.

Media technology is a subject that is constantly developing in pace with the development of internet technology and new communication technologies. Web 2.0, mobile terminals, blogs, wikis, script programming, games, sensors and mobile learning environments are some of the current concepts.

Media technology is applied within many different areas, like pedagogy, games, film, commercials, the dynamic web, virtual environments, and mobile units like smartphones and PDAs. The subject is interdisciplinary with influences from many other fields, for instance, computer science, informatics, pedagogy, and media and communication science, but also from artistic subjects.


We offer both programmes and courses in the subject media technology. At first-cycle level, you can study our three-year bachelor’s programme interactive media and web technologies, and on second-cycle level you can study the two-year master’s programme social media and web technologies, offered in English. All our courses can also be studied as single-subject courses and many of them can be studied at a distance.

Third-cycle education

Are you interested in becoming a doctoral student in media technology? Learn more about our third-cycle education in media technology.

Research in media technology

Our current research efforts in media technology lies on the design, implementation, use and evaluation of web and mobile Technologies to support learning and teaching with a focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Education and Math). Additionally, we carry out research exploring how Interactive and Immersive Visualization (VR/AR and the like) and Human Computer Interaction techniques, Big Data tools and methods can be applied in the fields of education, humanities, environmental monitoring and health care. A complementary research direction includes the field of Computational Thinking Education.

We closely collaborate with the public sector, schools and companies. Our track records of external funded research projects include more than 100 million Swedish crowns coming from the EU commission (FP6, FP7 and H2020programs), Swedish funding agencies such as the Swedish Research Council, the KK Foundation, Vinnova, The Wallenberg foundation, The National Agency of Education and industrial partners.

The activities and outcomes of these research efforts are also closely connected to the content of our educational programs at advanced level. We have recently established two cross faculty new master programs within the fields of Digital Learning and Digital Humanities. These activities are strategically aligned with the efforts underway connected to the establishment of Linnaeus University's Information Institute.

For more information contact:

Subject chair in Media Technology
Professor Marcelo Milrad,

Public Outreach responsible and school liaison:
Lecturer Katrin Lindwall,


Collaboration within media technology is an important part of both our education and our research. It strengthens both teachers and researchers within the subject but also our external partners. There is a constant need of external participation on our courses and programmes through, for instance guest lectures, case studies, projects, and/or degree projects. We develop and also offer courses in close collaboration with professionals in the industry and in this way contribute to life-long learning.

In our research, we are continuously on the lookout for new collaboration partners. Ideas for joint research projects can come either from our external partners or from our researchers and can lead to common research and development.

We are also the initiators of The Big IT Competence Award, an award that is handed out annually to a company or organisation that has worked committedly with skills development of its staff and collaborated with IT-related courses and programmes.

If you would like to know more about what collaboration opportunities are available, please contact us on

