Lab presentation

Research at the faculty of technology

At the faculty of technology we do research within a large number of fields. Here you'll find those of our research groups that have web sites in English.

At the faculty, research is done by larger and smaller research groups, by individual researchers, in different projects etc. Below you'll find those of our research groups that have an English website. You can also search for researchers, research groups and projects at the Research section.

Current research news

Linnaeus University Centres

At Linnaeus University Centres, exciting research of the highest quality, both nationally and internationally recognized, is carried out. A research environment designated a Linnaeus University Centre has undergone a quality review by a special assessment panel, consisting of internationally acknowledged researchers from the field in question. This guarantees the best possible quality, and ensures that the research environment meets the highest requirements.

Research in bioenergy

The research carried out at Linnaeus University focuses on making use of raw materials in new, better and smarter ways – on sustainability, on seeing things from new perspectives and on using resources more efficiently. Therefore, we have chosen bioresource technology as a collective name for all our research within the fields of bioenergy technology, biotechnology, combustion technology, chemical engineering, and process engineering.

Our starting point is biomass, that is to say raw materials, rest products and waste which are often considered to lack value; for instance, algae, food waste and wood residue. We then carry out research within different processes in order to upgrade, convert and refine this biomass. The products can be fuel and electricity, but just as often chemicals and different types of material.

Research in building technology

Research at the Department of Building Technology is carried out in the fields of wood building technology, concrete structures, building physics, historic structures, life cycle analysis and other related fields. Over the years, our researchers have been particularly active in the field of construction of modern wooden buildings and related research issues, in order to create a broader and more efficient use of wood in building structures. Therefore, a large part of the research is conducted in this particular field, often in close collaboration with business partners and public organizations.

A common goal for the research at the department is to develop tools for predictions, to be used for engineering applications. For this purpose, we use experimental, analytical and numerical methods (for example the finite element method) to create new knowledge in the research fields above.

Experiments are carried out in our large and well-equipped laboratory. It features equipment for mechanical testing and characterization of materials and structures of different sizes.

Research in computer science

The research in computer science focuses on technology for the construction of smarter software systems. The activities are primarily carried out within four research areas with several points of contact.

  1. Cyber-physical systems
  2. Information and software visualisation
  3. Self-adaptive software systems
  4. Software technologies

Within the subject of computer science there is also Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications, DISA, which is one of Linnaeus University's cutting-edge research environments. The centre works with collection, analysis and utilisation of large data sets.

Research in electrical engineering

Electrical engineering is a collective concept that comprises basically all the technology, theory and methodology that in one way or another deal with the electromagnetic phenomenon. Included in this is, for instance, wave propagation and radio communication, electronics, electrical power and electrical machines, acoustics, signal processing and control engineering. Our research is mainly theoretical with focus on electromagnetic field theory, control theory, systems theory and optimisation, most often with an industrial application.

We regularly take part in a number of national and international research projects and programmes and offer first- and second-cycle education (bachelor and master) in electrical engineering and third-cycle education (licentiate and doctor) in physics and mathematics.

Research in Forestry and Wood Technology

The Department of Forestry and Wood Technology conducts interdisciplinary research on forests and their values. The academic environment covers the entire value chain, spanning multiple interconnected subject disciplines. This includes studying the fundamental ecophysiological and ecological conditions for trees, sustainable forest management and resource stewardship, and the services and products provided by the forest such as furniture and buildings. Many research questions address how forestry can be conducted ecologically, socially, and economically sustainably under changing climate conditions, supported by new digital and technical solutions.

For our research, we utilise our laboratory environment, which includes fixed laboratories, mobile equipment, as well as outdoor test areas and field experiments. The flexible environment of ForestEdge allows us to study questions throughout the entire value chain. Research is carried out in close collaboration with other educational institutions, authorities, organizations, and companies in the forestry and wood sector, both regionally, nationally, and internationally. The department participates in The Bridge initiative, a strategic collaboration between Linnaeus University, Södra, and Ikea

Research in informatics

We aim to be an innovative academic knowledge creation unit within Linnaeus University/ Faculty of Technology that engages with societal and industrial actors to reach responsible digitalization for a sustainable and humane society through research, education and collaboration activities. In the subject of Informatics, research is carried out in various overlapping areas: systems thinking, digital business innovation and interaction design. The common denominator for the research is the study of digital technology use in social contexts and from systemic and design perspectives; that is, how systems and their use can be developed in order to develop and improve individual and organizational activities. Our research activities also include third-cycle education.

Research in maritime science

The research within the subject of maritime science analyses the conditions and daily activities of international shipping and the consequences for the environment and people's health. The activities on board a vessel is a core interest, in particular the interplay between people and between people and technology.

Our research on working life, organisation, communication, maritime safety, risk management, energy optimisation, and the environmental effects of shipping uses theories and methods from other fields within social sciences, the natural sciences and technology.

Research in mathematics

The research in mathematics has both theoretical and practical focus. In pure mathematics it is concentrated in areas such as p-adic analysis and dynamical systems, complex analysis, functional analysis, micro-local analysis, stochastic analysis and time-frequency analysis.

Applications are concentrated on mathematical modelling in natural and social sciences, engineering, signal processing, information security, economics, finances, decision making, psychology and cognitive science. These modellings are performed in close cooperation with experts from the respective areas.

We offer third-cycle education in mathematics, applied mathematics and mathematics education.

Research in mathematics education

The research environment in mathematics education comprises both theoretical and applied research. We offer second-cycle (1-year master) and third-cycle education (licentiate and doctor) in mathematics education.

Through research projects and conferences, we participate in both national and international research collaborations. Our research includes teaching and learning mathematics within pre-school, primary and lower-secondary school, later school years, upper secondary school and teacher education. Through research projects, networks and commissions from the Swedish National Agency for Education, we have extensive collaboration with active mathematics teachers on all levels.

Research in mechanical engineering

Mechanical engineering is a collective concept for the art of constructing, manufacturing, utilising and maintaining the quality of mechanical equipment for specific purposes. Our research within this field at the department of mechanical engineering has the same breadth as the subject itself. We focus on six areas: structural dynamics, material science, industrial economics, terotechnology, material mechanics, and product development and design.

Research in media technology

Our current research efforts in media technology lies on the design, implementation, use and evaluation of web and mobile Technologies to support learning and teaching with a focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Education and Math). Additionally, we carry out research exploring how Interactive and Immersive Visualization (VR/AR and the like) and Human Computer Interaction techniques, Big Data tools and methods can be applied in the fields of education, humanities, environmental monitoring and health care. A complementary research direction includes the field of Computational Thinking Education.

We closely collaborate with the public sector, schools and companies. Our track records of external funded research projects include more than 100 million Swedish crowns coming from the EU commission (FP6, FP7 and H2020programs), Swedish funding agencies such as the Swedish Research Council, the KK Foundation, Vinnova, The Wallenberg foundation, The National Agency of Education and industrial partners.

The activities and outcomes of these research efforts are also closely connected to the content of our educational programs at advanced level. We have recently established two cross faculty new master programs within the fields of Digital Learning and Digital Humanities. These activities are strategically aligned with the efforts underway connected to the establishment of Linnaeus University's Information Institute.

For more information contact:

Subject chair in Media Technology
Professor Marcelo Milrad,

Public Outreach responsible and school liaison:
Lecturer Katrin Lindwall,

Research in physics

Research in physics is about understanding the most fundamental laws of nature. We carry out research within condensed matter physics/nanophysics.

  • In condensed matter physics, you study large quantities of atoms, from billions and billions of atoms in bulk systems to just a few hundred atoms in nanoparticles. Today, condensed matter physics is the largest field of research in physics, with great relevance in matter science and technological applications.

At Linnaeus University, we offer third-cycle education in physics, with specialisation within condensed matter physics.

Research in sustainable built environment

Within the field of sustainable built environment we carry out cutting-edge research linked to sustainable development, in particular system analysis studies within bioenergy, structural engineering, energy efficiency and forestry, as well as studies of the interplay between these areas, and the application of innovative solutions.


Åsa Blom

"When I was little, I definitely wanted to become an archaeologist, or perhaps a horsewoman. However, I then started studying in Växjö to become a mathematics teacher, did my degree project on pig diseases, but ended up doing research in wood technology. Now, I am an associate professor of forest products, do research within surface treatment and teach on wood material courses. The best part about my job is that I get to meet so many interesting people, and that I learn new stuff all the time." /Åsa Blom, head of the department of forestry and wood technology