The subject of entrepreneurship is about understanding, developing and putting ideas into practice in order to create value and influence society. The purpose of the education in our programmes and courses is to create the conditions for broad entrepreneurship in all sectors of society and equip our students to consciously and critically contribute to society through sustainable entrepreneurship.
Our education is based on a pedagogy with problem-based learning and co-creation with local and regional actors. To support the development of the education, we have formed a co-creator council with representatives from the business community, civil society and authorities in the region.
Research in entrepreneurship is characterised by a broad view of the concept of entrepreneurship, where innovation and creativity in all sectors of society (private sector, public sector and civil society) and organisations are included. It is not uncommon for entrepreneurship to be organised through collaboration across sector boundaries (as is often the case in social economy and social entrepreneurship), which is one of our focus areas. Social, economic and ecological sustainability, both globally and locally, are other overarching themes.
The images of both entrepreneurship and the entrepreneur that exist among students, as well as in the rest of society, are part of our research. So are critical perspectives on entrepreneurship, the diversity of entrepreneurship and the gender perspective on entrepreneurship. The practice of entrepreneurship, including entrepreneurship in rural areas, is also among the focus areas.
Business administration
This subject is a sub-subject under Business Administration. Business Administration includes:
Management control, accounting and auditing, Supply chain management/Logistics, Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Organisation, Marketing and International Business.
Programmes in entrepreneurship
Entreprenörskap, hållbarhet och samhällsförändring, masterprogramProgram 120 hp
- Höst 2024
- Växjö
- Campus
- Avancerad nivå
- Helfart
Entreprenörskap, hållbarhet och samhällsförändring, masterprogramProgram 120 hp
- Höst 2025
- Växjö
- Campus
- Avancerad nivå
- Helfart
Event ManagementProgram 180 hp
- Höst 2024
- Kalmar
- Campus
- Grundnivå
- Helfart
Event ManagementProgram 180 hp
- Höst 2025
- Kalmar
- Campus
- Grundnivå
- Helfart
Innovation genom ekonomi, teknik och design - inriktning företagsekonomi, masterprogramProgram 120 hp
- Höst 2025
- Växjö
- Campus
- Avancerad nivå
- Helfart
Innovation genom ekonomi, teknik och design - inriktning företagsekonomi, masterprogramProgram 120 hp
- Höst 2024
- Växjö
- Campus
- Avancerad nivå
- Helfart
Internationella turismekonomprogrammetProgram 180 hp
- Höst 2025
- Kalmar
- Campus
- Grundnivå
- Helfart
Retail ManagementProgram 180 hp
- Höst 2024
- Kalmar
- Campus
- Grundnivå
- Helfart
Retail ManagementProgram 180 hp
- Höst 2025
- Kalmar
- Campus
- Grundnivå
- Helfart
Courses in entrepreneurship
Affärsmodeller för hållbarhetKurs 7,5 hp
- Höst 2024
- Kalmar
- Campus
- Avancerad nivå
- Helfart
- 4TR420
Entreprenörskap och grundläggande affärsutvecklingKurs 7,5 hp
- Vår 2025
- Kalmar
- Campus
- Grundnivå
- Halvfart
- 1FE466
Entreprenörskap och kontextKurs 7,5 hp
- Höst 2024
- Växjö
- Campus
- Avancerad nivå
- Helfart
- 4FE149
Entreprenörskap och samhällsförändringKurs 7,5 hp
- Höst 2024
- Växjö
- Campus
- Avancerad nivå
- Helfart
- 4FE150
Entreprenörskap som process och praktikKurs 7,5 hp
- Höst 2024
- Växjö
- Campus
- Avancerad nivå
- Helfart
- 4FE148
Entreprenörskap, inriktning medierKurs 15 hp
- Höst 2024
- Kalmar
- Campus
- Grundnivå
- Helfart
- 1FE750
GamificationKurs 7,5 hp
- Vår 2025
- Distans
- Grundnivå
- Kvartsfart
- 1IK445
Hållbart turismföretagande med fokus på välbefinnande (wellbeing)Kurs 6 hp
- Vår 2025
- Distans
- Grundnivå
- Halvfart
- 1TR905
Innovation, entreprenörskap och hållbarhetKurs 7,5 hp
- Vår 2025
- Växjö
- Campus
- Avancerad nivå
- Helfart
- 4FE130
Introduktion till entreprenörskapKurs 7,5 hp
- Höst 2024
- Distans
- Grundnivå
- Kvartsfart
- 1FE989
Ledning av hållbara innovationer i organisationerKurs 7,5 hp
- Vår 2025
- Växjö
- Campus
- Avancerad nivå
- Helfart
- 4FE131
Musik och värdeskapande ledarskapKurs 7,5 hp
- Vår 2025
- Distans
- Grundnivå
- Kvartsfart
- 1MG015
Projekthantering och EntreprenörskapKurs 7,5 hp
- Vår 2025
- Växjö
- Campus
- Grundnivå
- Halvfart
- 1FE059
Samtida entreprenörskapsforskningKurs 15 hp
- Vår 2025
- Växjö
- Campus
- Avancerad nivå
- Helfart
- 4FE151
Collaboration with society
Co-creative advice council
Within the subject of entrepreneurship, we strive to work more collaboratively with research, education, and collaboration. As part of integrating research and education with collaboration, we established a Co-creation Council in 2018/2019 consisting of approximately 20 stakeholders in the Linnaeus regions (Kalmar and Kronoberg). Council members represent both the private and public sectors, as well as civil society organisations.
The purpose of the Co-creation Council is multifaceted:
- We facilitate mutual exchange on entrepreneurship and sustainable development issues between the region’s organisations, our researchers, and our students.
- We provide an ongoing meeting place for the region’s organisations to collaborate and find points of contact.
- We ensure the relevance of our research and education within the surrounding community.
- We aim for our research results to benefit the region’s organisations.
News and events
News in entrepreneurship
The programme Entrepreneurship, sustainability and social change was visited by high school students with UF companies News
Empowering Women to Lead the Future of Rural Innovation: FLIARA Project Completes Case Studies Across Europe News
Meeting for the Co-creation Council in the sub-subject entrepreneurship News
Roundtable for the environment News
- Anna Alexandersson Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 87 97
- annaalexanderssonlnuse
- Annie Roos Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 84 96
- +46 70-224 03 83
- annierooslnuse
- Daniel Ericsson Professor
- +46 470-70 82 31
- danielericssonlnuse
- David Calås Senior Lecturer
- davidcalaslnuse
- Erik Rosell Senior Lecturer
- +46 470-70 87 62
- +46 72-594 15 13
- erikroselllnuse
- Frederic Bill Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 84 93
- +46 72-226 86 06
- fredericbilllnuse
- Hans Lundberg Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 85 40
- hanslundberglnuse
- Jasmina Beharic Lecturer
- +46 480-49 71 94
- +46 72-594 97 28
- jasminabehariclnuse
- Katarina Ellborg Senior lecturer
- katarinaellborglnuse
- Magnus Forslund Senior Lecturer
- +46 470-70 84 35
- magnusforslundlnuse
- Malin Tillmar Professor
- +46 470-70 81 32
- +46 76-133 81 32
- malintillmarlnuse
- Marina Jogmark Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 61 87
- marinajogmarklnuse
- Mathias Karlsson Associate senior lecturer
- +46 480-49 71 90
- mathiashkarlssonlnuse
- Olle Duhlin Lecturer
- olleduhlinlnuse
- Saara Taalas Professor
- +46 470-76 74 69
- saarataalaslnuse
- Thomas Billet Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 85 81
- thomasbilletlnuse
- Viktorija Kalonaityte ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
- +46 470-70 88 05
- viktorijakalonaitytelnuse
- William Gartner Professor visiting
- williamgartnerlnuse