- School of Business and Economics
- Meet the School of Business and Economics
- Supply Chain Management/Logistics
Supply Chain Management/Logistics
Supply Chain Management (Logistics) is the study of efficient supply chains within and between companies. At Linnaeus University, you can study supply chain management in the form of programmes or courses, on campus or online.
Supply Chain Management (Logistics) is the study of efficient supply chains within and between companies. It is about goods being delivered at the right time, to the right place, and at the right cost. The supply chain runs through chains of purchasing and delivering companies. These can be raw material suppliers, manufacturers, and transport companies, who together make up a supply chain towards the final customer.
Business administration
This subject is a sub-subject under Business Administration. Business Administration includes:
Management control, accounting and auditing, Supply chain management/Logistics, Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Organisation, Marketing and International Business.
Courses in Supply Chain Management
Current research projects
Digitalizing humanitarian supply chain performance management
The world crises have increased drastically in the recent years which demand humanitarian organizations and donors to improve their performance in combating disasters and alleviating suffering people. Digitalizing humanitarian supply chain performance management is then crucial for both actors to jointly select, define, measure, and conduct activities effectively and efficiently. It also can help both actors to collect large and unstructured data in the disaster field, provide real-time performance monitoring and evaluation, and improve the integration between actors. However, the application of digitalization in humanitarian supply chain performance management is not that simple! They face many difficulties, such as, different goals between actors, uncertain demand, chaotic environments, incomplete data, remote areas, limited funding, and damaged infrastructure. What can we do to solve such complexity while making digitalization of humanitarian supply chain performance management succeed in humanitarian supply chain context?
Contact: Ester Jayadi
Performance management in supply chains – measuring logistics
Effective logistics requires us to be able to measure the performance of a supply chain. It is about measuring times, costs, stock levels and environmental impact. In this way, we get a clear picture of how efficient the supply chain really is and we ensure that the actors agree in detail on what needs to be done. It also means that we get a common language. For example, what do we mean when we say an item is "on time"? Do we mean minutes, hours, or days? Here, the parties should agree, otherwise the supply chain can be broken. A good measurement system reduces misunderstandings and increases efficiency and thus competitiveness.
Contact: Helena Forslund
Socially and environmentally sustainable transport systems
In order to meet trends such as increased international competition, the transport systems of the future must be not only economically but also socially and environmentally sustainable. The project "Transport-related CSR work for increased profitability and innovation" aims to develop and spread knowledge about how transport-related CSR work (Corporate Social Responsibility) provides increased profitability and innovation. The project is a collaboration between Linnaeus University, Linköping University, logistics companies and companies in trade.
Contact: Helena Forslund
Supplier development – tailoring your suppliers
It is not always easy for companies to find the suppliers they need, for example when a new product is being developed. One solution is to develop already existing suppliers so that they fit into the supply chain. This may involve providing them with training, equipment or routines. In this way, you get a tailor-made supplier that fits perfectly into the supply chain. Supplier development is common with many larger buyers, such as IKEA. The research takes its starting point from the supplier's point of view and focuses on what it is like to be developed.
Contact: Veronica Ülgen
Logistics development in the forest industry - focus on sawmills
For the forest industry, logistics has long been a neglected area. The research is therefore based on major practical needs in the industry. The researchers work in close collaboration with the forest industry and focus in training courses and workshops on discussing the concept of logistics, creating habits, practices and, not least, a common language. The research focuses on the relationship between sawmills and their customers. It is, for example, about developing success strategies, how to find out the customers' needs and how the sawmill can deliver what they need in an efficient way.
Contact: Åsa Gustavsson
Inventory management - streamline the company's inventory management
Inventory is often a major asset and at the same time a major cost for businesses. In order to have a cost-effective warehouse, there are several aspects to consider, for example: Which goods should be in which warehouse? How much of each item should be in stock now, and next week? The research is about developing methods to facilitate this type of decision, both from a cost and service point of view. The methods are based on mathematical modeling and give rise to new decision rules for stock keeping. These decision rules are evaluated using simulations based on real data from companies.
Contact: Roger Stokkedal and Peter Berling
Finished research projects
Increased circular use of flat glass
Most flat glass, after use, today goes to landfill. There is some circularity where the glass goes to Swedglass United AB (SGU) alternatively to Scandinavian Glass Recycling (SGR) which supplies crushed glass to, for example, glass wool producers and manufacturers in Europe. The project's goal is to set up a model where all flat glass is part of a circular process. Glass is collected from demolitions, renovations and spills from new productions. The glass must then be sorted, classified and delivered to stakeholders. With exposed controls, a larger part of the glass can return to glass producers and be remelted, other parts are reused for new windows and even parts go to other stakeholders, for example glass fiber manufacturing. Problems to be solved are how this is to be financed, how the logistics are to be set up and which controls and techniques are needed to handle and extract the glass. The glass composition and the choice of recycling process is also an important issue in the research.
Contact: Arash Kordestani
Circular economy tools to support innovation in green and blue tourism SMEs (CIRTOINNO)
Linnaeus University is a project partner in an EU project whose aim is to increase the quality and degree of innovation in blue and green tourism in the southern Baltic Sea area. This goal is to be achieved by integrating selected parts of the circular economy (CE) concept into services, products and business models of SMEs. By applying CE, you minimize the environmental impact of products and services. This can be achieved, for example, by using a design and strategy that aims to maximize the value of a product while it is in use, by regenerating the product during its life cycle or by reusing the material at the end of the product life cycle.
Contact: Arash Kordestani
XPRESS – EU project promoting green public procurement in the energy sector
The project focuses on public procurement in the energy sector, and how to make it easier for suppliers of green alternatives.
Linnaeus University plays an important role in the project. We have a scientific role by guiding and supervising so that the right empirical data is collected in Sweden, helping with contacts with authorities and various organizations, and doing analyzes. We perform qualitative and quantitative research tasks and work on disseminating results through communication activities. In addition, we develop an interactive web portal to facilitate future collaboration between innovative small and medium-sized companies and public purchasers.
More information: Web, Facebook, Twitter & Linkedin
Contact: Arash Kordestani
News and events
Events in Supply Chain Management
Staff in Supply Chain Management
- Arash Kordestani Senior lecturer
- arashkordestanilnuse
- Åsa Gustavsson Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 89 95
- +46 76-133 89 95
- asagustafssonlnuse
- Ester Jayadi Doctoral student
- esterlisnatijayadilnuse
- Fredrik Lindblad Senior lecturer
- fredriklindbladlnuse
- Hana Hulthén Senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 78 24
- +46 72-594 17 15
- hanahulthenlnuse
- Helena Forslund Professor
- +46 470-70 87 84
- helenaforslundlnuse
- Peter Berling Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 80 10
- peterberlinglnuse
- Petra Andersson Lecturer
- +46 470-70 87 87
- +46 70-286 13 97
- petraanderssonlnuse
- Roger Stokkedal Lecturer
- +46 470-70 86 39
- rogerstokkedallnuse
- Veronica Ülgen Senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 74 70
- veronicasvenssonulgenlnuse