Leadership and Organisation
Leadership and organisation is a subject that touches on many aspects of working life. Leadership is about taking responsibility and guiding a group of people towards a common goal. Organisation is about creating a structure to achieve this goal. Together, leadership and organisation can help create an efficient and productive workplace.
There are many courses and programs that offer training in leadership and organisation, including undergraduate courses and master's programmes. These educations provide a basic knowledge of how organisations work and how to lead them effectively. If you're interested in learning more about leadership and organisation, consider exploring some of these courses or programmes.
Business administration
This subject is a sub-subject under Business Administration. Business Administration includes:
Management control, accounting and auditing, Supply chain management/Logistics, Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Organisation, Marketing and International Business.
Programmes in leadership and organisation
CivilekonomprogrammetProgram 240 hp
- Höst 2024
- Växjö
- Campus
- Grundnivå och avancerad nivå
- Helfart
Entreprenörskap, hållbarhet och samhällsförändring, masterprogramProgram 120 hp
- Höst 2024
- Växjö
- Campus
- Avancerad nivå
- Helfart
Event ManagementProgram 180 hp
- Höst 2024
- Kalmar
- Campus
- Grundnivå
- Helfart
Human Resource Management - personalledning och organisationsutvecklingProgram 180 hp
- Höst 2024
- Kalmar
- Campus
- Grundnivå
- Helfart
Innovation genom ekonomi, teknik och design - inriktning företagsekonomi, masterprogramProgram 120 hp
- Höst 2024
- Växjö
- Campus
- Avancerad nivå
- Helfart
International Business Strategy, masterprogramProgram 120 hp
- Höst 2025
- Kalmar
- Campus
- Avancerad nivå
- Helfart
International Business Strategy, masterprogramProgram 120 hp
- Höst 2024
- Kalmar
- Campus
- Avancerad nivå
- Helfart
Leadership and Management in International Contexts, magisterprogramProgram 60 hp
- Höst 2024
- Kalmar
- Campus
- Avancerad nivå
- Helfart
Leadership and Management in International Contexts, magisterprogramProgram 60 hp
- Höst 2025
- Kalmar
- Campus
- Avancerad nivå
- Helfart
Courses in leadership and organisation
Contemporary Issues in ManagementKurs 15 hp
- Höst 2024
- Kalmar
- Campus
- Avancerad nivå
- Helfart
- 4FE534
Företagsekonomi III - organisation, examensarbete (kandidat)Kurs 15 hp
- Höst 2024
- Distans
- Grundnivå
- Halvfart
- 2FE95E
Human Resource Management - Concepts, Trends and StrategiesKurs 15 hp
- Höst 2024
- Kalmar
- Campus
- Grundnivå
- Helfart
- 2FE522
Internationell förhandlingKurs 7,5 hp
- Höst 2024
- Distans
- Grundnivå
- Halvfart
- 1FE958
Kunskap, omvärld och framtidKurs 7,5 hp
- Vår 2025
- Växjö
- Campus
- Grundnivå
- Helfart
- 2FE202
Ledarskap i olika sammanhangKurs 7,5 hp
- Höst 2024
- Distans
- Grundnivå
- Kvartsfart
- 1FE953
Människor och arbete i organisationerKurs 7,5 hp
- Vår 2025
- Distans
- Grundnivå
- Halvfart
- 2FE939
OrganisationsutvecklingKurs 7,5 hp
- Vår 2025
- Kalmar
- Campus
- Grundnivå
- Helfart
- 2FE411
Organisatoriska utmaningar, dilemman och paradoxerKurs 7,5 hp
- Vår 2025
- Växjö
- Campus
- Grundnivå
- Helfart
- 2FE206
Projekthantering och EntreprenörskapKurs 7,5 hp
- Vår 2025
- Växjö
- Campus
- Grundnivå
- Halvfart
- 1FE059
Projektledning IKurs 15 hp
- Höst 2024
- Distans
- Grundnivå
- Halvfart
- 1FE922
Projektledning IKurs 15 hp
- Vår 2025
- Distans
- Grundnivå
- Halvfart
- 1FE922
Strategisk förändringsledningKurs 7,5 hp
- Vår 2024
- Växjö
- Campus
- Grundnivå
- Helfart
- 2FE204
Research projects in leadership and organisation
Project: Dressing for competence The focus of this project is on the embodied dimensions of knowledge work, i.e. how knowledge workers use and adapt how they look and dress in order to create trust in…
Project: Experimental cultural heritage and entrepreneurship The research project “Experimental cultural heritage and entrepreneurship” studies and analyses the role and development of cultural…
Project: Food waste – from non-question to question in focus During the last decade, food waste has gone from being a non-question to an environmental question in focus, in society in general as well…
Project: Wellbeing Tourism in the South Baltic Region – Guidelines for Good Practices & Promotion Facts about the project Project manager: Lali Lindell Project members at Linnaeus University:…
Project: Circular ecopreneurs Circular ecopreneurs are entrepreneurs that aim to solve environmental issues. Through their business models they aim to create a more resource efficient society.
Project: Innovative communication of sacred places for attractive tourism in the Baltic region – Time Machine (TM) The purpose of the project is to investigate the conditions for using our common…
Project: Collaboration towards a gamified waste sorting house Can waste sorting be fun? We aim to build a new type of house for waste sorting and study the effects of gamification in connection to…
Project: FLIARA – Female-Led Innovation in Agriculture and Rural Areas FLIARA is a Horizon2020 project with 15 partners across Europe. In our project, we will elevate innovative women, as well as…
Research groups in leadership and organisation
Centre for Management Accounting Research (CMAR) We want to inspire, initiate and implement research related to the managerial effects on individuals and organisations. Our focus is directed towards…
Art, Culture and Entrepreneurship At a time when art and culture increasingly are subjected to market conditions, entrepreneurship has become a force to be reckoned with in society, not only as a…
News and events
News in leadership and organisation
Events in leadership and organisation
Staff in leadership and organisation
- Thomas Billet Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 85 81
- thomasbilletlnuse
- David Calås Senior Lecturer
- davidcalaslnuse
- Olle Duhlin Lecturer
- olleduhlinlnuse
- Aira Eirola
- airaeirolalnuse
- Magnus Forslund Senior Lecturer
- +46 470-70 84 35
- magnusforslundlnuse
- Ermal Hetemi Senior lecturer
- +46 480-49 70 71
- +46 70-267 95 24
- ermalhetemilnuse
- Iva Josefsson Senior lecturer
- ivajosefssonlnuse
- Stefan Lagrosen Professor
- +46 480-49 71 65
- +46 72-745 89 01
- stefanlagrosenlnuse
- Henric Lindström Lecturer
- +46 480-49 71 40
- henriclindstromlnuse
- Mikael Lundgren Senior Lecturer
- +46 480-49 71 31
- mikaellundgrenlnuse
- Daniel Nyberg Professor visiting
- danielnyberglnuse
- Patrik Persson Lecturer
- +46 470-70 85 61
- patrikperssonlnuse
- Per Servais Professor
- perservaislnuse
- Steffi Siegert Senior lecturer
- +46 480-49 71 74
- steffisiegertlnuse
- Katarina Zambrell Senior lecturer, vice dean
- +46 480-49 71 02
- +46 70-603 99 79
- katarinazambrelllnuse