Niklas Ammert

Pro vice-chancellor Niklas Ammert

The pro vice-chancellor and deputy head of the university is Niklas Ammert.

As of 1 January 2021, Niklas Ammert is the pro vice-chancellor and deputy head of the university. His term runs until 31 December 2023. The pro vice-chancellor is appointed by the University Board for a maximum of six years.

Niklas Ammert is professor of history with specialisation in educational science and subject didactics. Since 2014, he has been affiliated with HERMES (Historical Experience, Representation, Media, Education, Society) at University of Newcastle, Australia.

Niklas Ammert has been teaching, researching, and held leadership positions at Linnaeus University for many years. He has served as deputy vice-chancellor, dean of the Board of Teacher Education, pro dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, and head of the Department of Cultural Sciences. He has held a number of committee and board positions and is a member of the Advisory Board for the Nationalt videncenter for historie- og kulturarvsformidling (Historielab) in Denmark and for the book series Geschichtsdidaktik Diskursiv – Public History und Historisches Denken, Peter Lang Publishing.

For more information about Niklas Ammert's teaching and research, please visit his staff page.