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Quality assurance

The Quality Policy at Linnaeus University provides the common basis for the quality work on all levels at the university. The big picture, being systematical, and communication should characterise the quality work carried out at the university. The aim of the quality work is to enable the university to reach its goals for education, research, and artistic development work. The systematic evaluation of results from university activities will provide the basis for the prioritising that needs to be made, for measures to be taken when goals are not fulfilled, and contribute to the spreading of good examples.

Responsibility for quality and quality-assurance work is divided on a number of levels in the organisation.

The University board and the rector have the overall responsibility, while each respective faculty board is responsible for the quality of the education and research at their faculty. A quality assurance council has been established and given the task to function as support in this work by coordinating the overall quality work. The coordination assignment involves coordinating faculty-wide processes and projects and to prepare for rector’s decisions.