New European Bauhaus
Linnaeus University is an official partner of the New European Bauhaus initiative, an interdisciplinary meeting place where we together shape our future sustainable and inclusive living environments. By cutting across disciplines and building on broad participation, the New European Bauhaus wants to facilitate and guide the transformation of our societies along three inseparable values: Sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusion.
The initiative will create bridges between science and technology, art and culture. It's about leveraging our green and digital challenges to to transform our lives for the better. The new European Bauhaus brings together citizens, experts, companies and institutions to transform a sustainable life in and outside Europe.
In addition to creating a platform for experimentation and connection, the initiative also supports positive change by providing access to EU funding for beautiful, sustainable and inclusive projects.
As a partner in NEB, LNU gets new opportunities to collaborate with other actors, both regionally and in Europe. As parts of EU funding will be channelled through dedicated Bauhaus calls, the partnership will pave the way for new collaborative projects.
Through the initiative, LNU can make our research and education visible both regionally and at European level and thereby set knowledge in motion for sustainable societal development.
Working group
Within Lnu you can contact Annett Wolf and Valdete Hashani. The working group also includes Åsa Rydell Blom. We coordinate Lnu's commitment to NEB for increased efficiency, visibility and transparency. The group also coordinates cooperation with SHS, and monitors calls and collaborations from a broader perspective.
Other actors in collaboration
Smart Housing Småland (SHS) which consists of RISE, Region Jönköpings län, Region Kalmar, Region Kronoberg, Energikontor Sydost, Växjö kommun, Brysselkontoret SBHSS, Goda hus, LNU, JU.
More information:
Join our staffgroup for ongoing information New European Bauhaus
About the initiative:
Partner website: