Health data - virtual symbols and a nurse swiping on a screen

Health Data Sweden (HDS)

Health Data Sweden (HDS) is a European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH), and the only hub in Sweden with health and e-health focus. HD is the one-stop-shop for digital acceleration of SME’s and public sector within health data, using key technologies. HDS is composed by regions, universities, innovation hubs, research institutes, and science parks, all playing a leading role in Swedish and European healthcare.

HDS is the one-stop-shop for digital acceleration of SME’s and public sector within health data, using key technologies. Health Data Sweden is appointed by EU-Commission as one of four Swedish European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH).

EDIHs provide technological expertise and testing to enable digital transformation for the public sector and small and medium sized companies. By providing access to technical expertise and testing, HDS will help companies to improve business/production processes, products and services using digital technologies. Innovation services, e.g., financing advice, training and skills development needed for successful digital transformation will also be offered. A digital catalogue will collect all these services.

HDS will establish coordinated access for Swedish/European stakeholders to knowledge and testbeds that work with health data, with technology expertise in:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Cyber Security
  • High-Performance Computing (HPC)

HDS will provide services within four key areas:

If you want to take part in the services that Linnaeus University provide through HDS, please contact Evalill Nilsson or Mariana Gómez Johannesson.

More about the project

HDS is a part of eHealth Institute, DISA reseach center (Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications) and Linnaeus Knowledge environments Digital transformations and Sustainable Health.

Read more about HDS on the official website

