Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Technology (FQMT)
International conference devoted to quantum theory, experiment and technology at Linnaeus University in Växjö, June 12-15, 2017. Arrival June 11, departure June 16.
The Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Technology (FQMT) conference is arranged by International Centre for Mathematical Modelling in physics, engineering and cognitive sciences (ICMM) at Linnaeus University in Växjö, Sweden. This is the 18th Växjö conference devoted to quantum foundations and applications of quantum theory, especially quantum information. It is devoted to quantum foundations (including philosophical issues), experiment, and recently developed quantum technologies (with emphasize of their foundational aspects). The conference is supported by the Department of Mathematics at Linnaeus University, Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications, the EU project QUARTZ and the Entropy journal.
The last years have been characterized by a tremendous development of quantum technologies and related theoretical studies. In particular, EU recently launched quantum technologies as a flagship. It was pointed out in an EU manifesto: “Quantum theory which was developed in the early 1900s by Plank, Bohr, Feynman and Einstein has fundamentally changed our understanding of how light and matter behave at extremely small scales. Our ability to manipulate quantum effects in customised systems and materials is now paving the way for a second quantum revolution.”
At the same time, the foundational basis of this revolution is still not concrete and contains a few sandy and shaky slices. Therefore, the studies in quantum foundations nowadays are not less (but may be even more) important than 100 years ago when quantum mechanics was born.
Conference program and abstracts
Organizing committee
- A. Cabello (University of Seville, Spain)
- G. M. D'Ariano (University of Pavia, Italy)
- A. de Barros (San Francisco State University, USA)
- E. Dzhafarov (Purdue University, USA)
- E. Haven (Leicester University, UK)
- A. Khrennikov (Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden)
- M. Padgett (University of Glasgow, UK)
- S. Ramelow (University of Vienna, Austria)
Local organizing committee
- Andrei Khrennikov, Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden
e-mail: (with subject Växjö17) - Ekaterina Yurova Axelsson, Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden
e-mail: (with subject Växjö17)
Special sessions and satellite workshop
- Quantum contextuality
Organizers: A. Cabello and E. Dzhafarov - Photonic quantum technology
Organizers: M. Padgett and S. Ramelow - Quantum-like models from cognition to economics and finances
Organizers: A. de Barros and E. Haven - Quantum-like access to big data
Organizers: A. Khrennikov and M. Melucci
Satellite workshop
Quantum Contextuality in Quantum Mechanics and Beyond, to be held 4-5 June 2017 in Prague, Czech Republic.
Invited speakers
- S. Abramsky (Oxford University, UK)
- M. Appleby (University of Sydney, Australia)
- H. Bachor (Australian National University, Australia)
- I. Bengtsson (Stockholm University, Sweden)
- F. Buscemi (Nagoya University, Japan)
- A. Cabello (University of Seville, Spain)
- G. Chiribella (University of Hong Kong, China)
- B. Cocke (Oxford University, UK)
- E. Cohen (University of Bristol, UK)
- G. M. D'Ariano (University of Pavia, Italy)
- A. de Barros (San Francisco State University, USA)
- F. de Martini (University of Rome, Italy)
- E. Dzhafarov (Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA)
- A. C. Elitzur (Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)
- T. Elze (University of Pisa, Italy)
- D. Faccio (Herriot Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland)
- N. Gisin (Université de Genève, Switzerland)
- P. P. Grangier (Quantum Optics, Lab. Charles Fabry, France)
- E. Haven (Leicester University, UK)
- R. Hawkins (University of California-Berkeley, USA)
- B. Hiesmayr (Vienna University, Austria)
- F. Holik (National University La Plata & Conicet IFLP-CCT, Argentina)
- G. 't Hooft (Utrecht University, the Netherlands)
- G. Jaeger (Boston University, USA)
- D. Kaszlikowski (Poznan University, Poland)
- A. Khrennikov (Linnaeus University, Sweden)
- K. H. Knuth (University at Albany (SUNY), USA)
- M. Kupczynski (l'Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada)
- P. Kurzinsky (Poznan University, Poland)
- J.-Å. Larsson (Linköping University, Sweden)
- Y.-Ch. Liang* (Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
- E. R. Loubenets (MIEM, National Research University HSE, Russia)
- M. Melucci (University of Padua, Italy)
- M. Ozawa (Nagoya University, Japan)
- M. Padgett (University of Glasgow, UK)
- T. Palmer (Oxford University, UK).
- P. Perinotti (University of Pavia, Italy)
- A. Plotnitsky (Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA)
- S. Polyakov (NIST Gaithersburg, USA)
- P. Pylkkänen, University of Helsinki, Finland & University of Skövde, Sweden
- S. Ramelow (University of Vienna, Austria)
- R. Raussendorf (University of Vancouver, Canada)
- K. Shalm (NIST, USA)
- R. W. Spekkens (Perimeter Institute, Canada)
- K. Svozil (Technical University of Vienna, Ausria)
- L. Vaidman (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
- N. Watanabe (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)
- A. Zeilinger (IQOQI, Austrian Academy of Science, Austria)
* to be confirmed
Time and place
The conference will take place at the campus of Linnaeus University in Växjö during the period June 12-15, 2017 (arrival June 11, departure June 16). The last conference day will be the intensive conference day, with a planned ending at 18.30.