Inauguration lectures
Inauguration lectures

Inauguration lectures by new professors, Växjö

Hearty welcome to this year's inauguration lectures in Kalmar on Tuesday 17 May and in Växjö on Wednesday 18 May, by the new professors that are to be inaugurated at the Academic Ceremony on Friday 20 May.

Program in Växjö, Wednesday 18 May

Room K1043, building K, Georg Lückligs väg

The lectures are presented in Swedish. Mingle & snacks will follow each lecture.

Björn Johannesson
Professor i byggnadsfysik
Grön betong

Tommy Gustafsson
Professor i filmvetenskap
Det historiska medieminnet av folkmordet i Rwanda

Daniel Sundberg
Professor i pedagogik
Pedagogik och bildning i en senmodern tid

Room K1043, building K, Georg Lückligs väg, Växjö Anders Runesson Add to your calendar