Elite eats: Multimodality, materiality and the discursive production of privilege

Crispin Thurlow, Professor of Language and Communication at the University of Bern, gives an open lecture about the powerful but subtle ways status and inequality are created in the sumptuous world of elite mobility.

Grounded in Pierre Bourdieu's enduring ideas about the class-sustaining notion of "taste", Professor Thurlow's analysis focuses specifically on the interplay of symbolic and material resources in the framing, organization and production of Business Class dining services. For Thurlow, these meals are at the core of contemporary class inequality and reveal some of its essential, inescapable truths. It is here that we find semiotic practices be artfully deployed in the service of what he calls "post-class ideologies" – the egregious illusion that class no longer matters and that privilege is accessible to all.

Charlotte Hommerberg Add to your calendar