Inauguration lectures by new professors, Växjö
Hearty welcome to this year's inauguration lectures in Kalmar on Tuesday 28 January and in Växjö on Wednesday 29 January, by the new professors that are to be inaugurated at the Academic Ceremony on Friday 31 January.
Program in Växjö, Wednesday 29 January 2020
The lectures with Swedish titles are presented in Swedish.
Mingle & snacks between each lecture.
Room K1043, building K
Thomas K Bader
Professor of building technology, specialisation construction technology
Wood mechanics and timber engineering – from wood material to timber structures
Jimmy Johansson
Professor of forest products, specialisation wood technology
Från skog till trämaterial – funktion och känsla
Koraljka Golub
Professor of library and information science
Searching for humanities: Does technology help?
Johan Höglund
Professor of English, specialisation comparative literature
Horror and the anthropocene: Narrating the climate emergency in the global North
Mieke Bal
Honorary doctor, professor of literary theory and cultural analysis
Friendship as a motor for academic achievement
Mary Jo Hatch
Honorary doctor, professor emerita of organisational theory
Co-creation: fad, fashion or future? – in conversation with Mary Jo Hatch
Christian Engström
Professor of mathematics
Hur beräkningsmatematik bidrar till en digital värld