Preperation for online video call with computer, notebook and glases.

Drop-in Academic Support, Online

Due to COVID-19 the Drop-in Academic Support will be available via Zoom until further notice.

Welcome to our Drop-in Academic Support on Thursdays from 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. At the drop-in, librarians and Academic Support Centre staff will be available to help you with search strategies, academic writing, study skills, oral presentations and referencing.

ZOOM-lin for drop-in academic support

What type of questions can you ask at Drop-in? Here are some examples:

  • What are the distinct features of academic writing?
  • I would like help in searching for scholarly articles for my paper.
  • How can I make my text more clear?
  • I need to have better structure in my writing; can you help me with that?
  • How can I plan my studies better and organize my day?
  • Are there any helpful guides for referencing?
  • What does peer-reviewed mean?
  • How should I structure my oral presentation?

Please note that we cannot read your text at the Drop-in. If you want in-depth feedback of a text, you need to book an appointment at the Academic Support Centre.

Remember to activate the microphone and camera on your computer.