3rd Linnaeus Student Conference on Information Technology
9 September, 2021 the department of Informatics at Linnaeus University is inviting the students to a conference on Information Technology.
The department of Informatics at Linnaeus University is inviting the students at the university to present their works (thesis or any other essays) related to the aspects of use, design, security and applications (both industrial and social) of information technology. The theme for the conference is “Using Digital Technologies to Address Social Challenges”.
About the 3rd Linnaeus Student Conference on Information Technology
The Linnaeus Conference on Information Technology is going to be held on September 9, 2021. This interdisciplinary conference aims to bring together the current and graduated students of LNU who are doing or have done research related to information technology. The aim is to maintain an open and friendly discussion of their research which is supported by experienced researchers. The students can prepare posters or PowerPoint presentations for the conference.
This interdisciplinary conference welcomes all the students from business and economics, sociology, media technology, informatics, computer science, health science, building technology and all the other fields of science and technology for presenting their works that highlight the use, design, security and applications of information technology.
The conference will be held both online and on-site. It will be held totally online if the Covid-19 situation does not improve.
Important dates
- Deadline for submission: August 12, 2021
- Date of Notification: August 26, 2021
- Date of submission of the revised version: September 3, 2021
- Final decision: September 4, 2021
Location: House D, Room: D0073
Zoom link for online participation: https://sunet.zoom.us/j/147759170
8:55-9:00 Information from the organizers
9:00-9:30 Michael Baldivia
Omnichannel Transformation and Adaptability of Small Retail Businesses
9:30-10:00 Maryamsadat Mousavi
Smart Cities Landscape
10:00-10:30 Efstratios Lales
The effects of introducing the Electronic Document and Record Management Information System “Irida” in the public sector of
10:30-11:00 Maath Musleh & Francesca Gauci
Agritology: A Decision Support System for Local Farmers in Malta and Palestine
11:00-11:30 Keynote speech by Suleyman Savas, Research Scientist and Principal Engineer, Huawei Zurich Research Center
11:30-12:00 Lars Magnusson
The Solarwinds breach: A signal for a systemic enterprise view on Information Security
12:00-13:15 Lunch break
13:15-14:00 Keynote speech by Professor Marcelo Milrad, Linnaeus University
From technology-driven to social-driven innovations in the age of Digital
14:00-14:30 Erdelina Kurti
New Winds Challenge Gender InequalITy in ICT Higher Education
14:30-15:00 Ioannis Allagiannis & Aparna Lohiya Business model diagnostics Tool Box: A tested managerial tool box to support a firm’s diagnostics of its capabilities and compliance to operate digital retailing
15:00-15:30 Ali Hamidi
Application of robotics in Education to develop digital competence and computational thinking
15:30-16:00 Alice Mohlin
Professional Isolation and Connectedness in Computer Supported Cooperative Work Systems
16:00-16:30 Pavlos Bitilis
Electronic Performance and Tracking Systems
16:30-16:45 Closing statement
Download programme LSCIT 2021
Terms of participation
- Eligibility: The conference is open to the current and graduated students of LNU at all levels of study (undergraduate and postgraduate). A student’s work (essay or thesis) can be co-authored with other students and/or academic supervisor, provided that the students present their works. The presentation can be done physically or virtually.
- Submission: To participate, a student should submit a copy of their thesis or other kinds of student works in the original form. However, if any student or a group of students wants to publish their work in the conference proceedings, he/she/they should prepare a special paper (minimum 6 pages and maximum 10 pages). All the submissions should be done via Easychair submission system by August 12, 2021. These special papers will be reviewed by the peers.
- Reviewing: The special papers submitted for publications will undergo a single-blind peer review (the reviewers’ names will not be disclosed to the authors) by two to three peers. Each author is supposed to review at least one paper of another author.
- Notification: The notification of acceptance or rejection of the special papers is sent by September 3, 2021. The authors who are supposed to revise their papers should submit the revised version by September 8, 2021.
- Presentations: All authors are expected to present their works during the sessions on September 9 and 10, 2021.
Publication of the best papers
Based on the results of reviews and evaluation of the presentation, the special committee along with volume editors select the best papers (no more than 35 percent of accepted papers), to be published in the post-conference Proceedings by the LnuOpen. Camera-ready papers should follow all technical requirements, be 6 to 10 pages long.
Participation fees
For the undergraduate and postgraduate students of LNU, the participation is free. This participation option includes a coffee-break and a reception during the presentation sessions. No conference materials, lunches and social events are covered.
Contact persons
For more information please contact one of us:
Professor Anita Mirijamdotter, anita.mirijamdotter@lnu.se
Dr. Soumitra Chowdhury, soumitra.chowdhury@lnu.se or
Ali Hamidi, ali.hamidi@lnu.se