logotyp digiBy

With attention to rural areas for inclusive digital transformation

We invite you to a talk by Mari Runardotter, associate professor at Luleå University of Technology (LTU). Maris current research focuses on the digitization of society and digital transformation, with a specific focus on rural areas which she will give a talk on.

For several years, we (researchers at Information Systems at LTU) have wanted to emphasize smart villages because we strive for an inclusive digital transformation, which takes into account the whole country. Given that most digital technologies are designed and developed for urban areas, we decided to focus on rural areas in northern Sweden. I will talk about the conditions, the pilots, the results and the lessons learned - from the Smart Sustainable Villages pilot study to the Digiby project - a success story!

Place: D0073, Växjö Campus or Online 

Link to Zoom: https://lnu-se.zoom.us/j/62265557447