Sustainable Built Environment and Urban Transition, Linnaeus University, Växjö
The present-day urban metabolism of the cities requires them to be smart and circular to facilitate balance between the ecological systems and the societal infrastructure. Cities have undergone morphological transitions since the historic age to the contemporary times, thus adapting to the ever changing demands of its inhabitants. The conference engages in issues of sustainability and urbanization including health and wellbeing, green spaces, energy efficiency of buildings and green infrastructure, adaptation and resiliency, circular economy in built environment, etc. These themes would highlight the interdisciplinary discourse on various challenges and path-dependency of the cities and built environment that transformed them maintaining the cultural, historical, societal, geographical identity along with spatial configurations. Technological versus nature-based solutions inclusive of top-down and bottom-up approaches will be deliberated. SBEUT aims to provide a platform for researchers, professionals, experts and scholars from developed and developing economies to share their expertise and perspectives on these issues.
Proceedings of the International Conference
Important dates
- Abstract Submission open – 1 March
- Abstract submission deadline - 22 April
- Abstract Acceptance – 30 April
- Full paper submission – extended to 17 August
- Review comments to full paper – 30 August
- Revised Paper submission – 1 October
Call for abstract
The conference is inviting abstracts on the themes listed below. Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee of the conference. The authors of the selected abstracts will be invited to submit a full paper or an extended abstract, which will be reviewed again by the scientific committee. The review will look at the clarity of content, quality, and rigour, relationship to the themes of the SBEUT conference. Final versions of the full paper or extended abstract will be published in the form of a conference proceedings.
Submitted abstracts must not exceed a maximum of 300 words. Please use the following link to create an account and submit the abstract.
Make your abstract submission
Last day for abstract submission is April 22.
Selected papers will be published as a special issue in the “Frontiers in Built Environment” journal and, if needed, in other associated journals of the Frontiers publisher. Publication fee and possible discounts will be directly handled by the publisher.
Students, researchers, and practitioners will have possibilities to present their work in a poster session on October 12.
Theme 1: Urban green space
Unprecedented urbanisation coupled with population growth, excessive land consumption, climate change and urban environmental risks such as heat and water stress establish the strong need for multiple resiliency measures. The recurring disruptions of the thermal balance and hydrologic connectivity in urban neighbourhoods are creating major concerns for urban authorities and citizens.
To this regard urban green spaces (UGS) are a fundamental asset to a city. They facilitate social interactions, health and wellbeing, recreation and alternate livelihoods. If created, nurtured and enhanced, UGS can extend the resilience and security of energy, health, water, food, and biodiversity systems. UGS are an alternative or complementary alternative to engineered infrastructure to improve life quality and can attenuate urban heat island impact and improve urban water management.
The benefits of urban green spaces are many, sometimes intangible, and hence deserve to be further discussed. While environmental, social and economic benefits of urban green space are well established, there is still a significant lack of knowledge for the site adapted planning and design of a green infrastructure in a given location to meet the challenges of climate change.
This session will then examine how the different green spaces, their provisions, associated benefits, emergent concerns in the European context and plausible strategies for their inclusion in urban planning framework.
Session chair: Prof. Francesco Ferrini, University of Florence, Italy
Session Co-chair: Prof. Johan Bergh, Linnaeus University, Sweden
Theme 2: Climate change, resilience, and adaptation of urban built environment
Climate change requires comprehensive adaptation of cities and regions - both in the Global North and the Global South. This applies to phenomena such as heat waves, floods, droughts, fire, strong wind events, deterioration of air quality, or even sea-level rise. This also raises fundamental questions about how climate perturbations and urbanization processes are related to each other and how climate change can influence the local climate in cities and thus the well-being of city dwellers.
Various approaches to climate change adaptation exist, and there is by no means consensus on all of them. Exciting debates exist, for example, on the questions of technological versus nature-based solutions and top-down versus bottom-up solutions. Even though a combination of different strategies will certainly have to be pursued in the long term, the right mix will be decisive for success.
Supporting community adaptation and resilience under climate change also requires a comprehensive multi-risk approach that addresses environmental, natural, and anthropogenic risks, for a comprehensive picture of complex natural multi-hazard dynamics and improved predictive models to quantify multiple risks on short- and long-term scales.
Against this background, the session will discuss topics ranging from climate change impact, multi-risks and resilience of urban infrastructure, economic and social consequences, and the approaches to and precondition for implementation of climate adaptation measures in cities of the Global North and the Global South.
Session chair: Prof. Juan Pedro, University of Murcia, Spain
Session Co-chairs: Asso. Prof. Brijesh Mainali, Linnaeus University, Sweden
Prof. Boris Braun, University of Cologne, Germany
Prof. Enrica Caporali
Theme 3: Imagining and testing new urban configurations
Urban history is made up of thoughts and plans to improve the living conditions of what is characterized by the coupling of density and diversity. The ideas of wellbeing have shifted over time depending on values and evaluation criteria. Some periods and cultures are rather pro-urban (cities are the solution), some anti-urban (cities are the problem). In the contemporary times, when urban utopias are not so much on the agenda (except new towns outside European culture), what are the ways chosen by local public actors to shift towards new kinds of urban configurations? What role does the rural play in the figuring of the urban and vice-versa? Particularly how do professionals and elected members position themselves regarding the smart city paradigm or the "city of the quarter of an hour" or the "global health" injunction...
The following axes are suggested for contributions which can combine academic and professional concerns as well as also seek to help the convergence between social sciences and artistic/designerly contributions through speculations and prototypes:
- Anthropocenic urban plans? Prefigurative plans and its role: How do local plans regarding urban forms integrate new paradigms? Here, planning holds a special place and is mainly about reducing the footprint of human activity. Indeed, we speak incrementally of de-planning: reducing the size of cities, de-asphalting, de-equipping (ski resorts on medium-sized mountains), un/making and relearning ways of living. It is often seen as a habitability crisis. Reorientation and revision of planning references are on the agenda, and we can even speak of a paradigmatic crisis regarding the knowledge in question.
- Empowering sensitivity to the anthropocenic condition. Aerial views, climate fictions, design prototypes, artistic installations can be seen as drivers to develop the tangibility of climate change and changed living conditions. They can also perform as things in the sense of gatherings for negotiations of living well when prior assumptions are challenged. Operators for problematization and publicization of the Anthropocene condition are to be debated. They enable an iconic and symbolic enrichment of experience and are also grounded in the everyday, which includes explorations of ordinary hope to counter feelings of powerlessness or discouragement.
This session invites paper-contributions as well as interactive, practice-oriented contributions. It can, depending on the session participants’ suggestions, be held in parts or in its totality in a Tiny House on Wheels that will be parked on campus in Växjö at the time of the conference.
Session chair: Laurent Devisme, Professor of Urban studies, Ensa Nantes, Nantes University
Session Co-chair: Dr. Åsa Ståhl, Senior Lecturer, Linnaeus University.
Theme 4: Climate mitigation and circular economy at urban level
Climate mitigation at the urban level implies constructing and refurbishing buildings to nearly zero energy levels and creating carbon neutral energy supply systems. At the same time, this may impact solutions for other environmental problem areas, such as sustainable use of natural resources. The built environment is driving most of the abiotic material use via construction and renovation, and it generates one of the main waste flows. Moving to a circular economy is another challenge that needs to be tackled, and the additional materials required for climate mitigation in the urban environment make this ambition more complex. Contributions from academia and industry are welcomed to exchange knowledge and best practices to identify new opportunities and innovative approaches to tackling the complex challenges associated with climate mitigation and circular economy at the urban level. Presentations may discuss circularity and climate mitigation separately or in combination.
Session Co-chair: Dr. Nieves Espinosa, University of Murcia, Spain
Theme 5: Sustainable Urban Transitions
Energy and resource efficiency of the built environment is crucial to address climate change and other sustainable development goals. Towards that direction, several programs (smart cities, viable cities etc.) and policy interventions (e.g. EU renovation wave, fit for 55 etc.), have been introduced producing a series of successful outcomes. Still, several challenges are yet to be addressed towards the transition to an energy- and resource efficient built environment. The complexity of the built environment demands integrated sectorial, societal, technological, environmental, policy, governance, and business innovation solutions and processes. This session invites participants to share knowledge from success stories in the field, and explore the potential of new approaches on issues related but not limited to district level renovations, innovative business models, supply-side concerns, household behaviour, policy and financing interventions, and the role of the public authorities. Papers can take the form of regular research papers, reviews, and/or case studies.
Session chair: Prof. Krushna Mahapatra, Linnaeus University, Sweden
Session Co-chair: Asso. Prof. Andrea Frank, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Theme 6: Healthy cities and wellbeing
The pandemic has evidenced the importance of space for everyday life and for health, as well as the role of the city as important planning arenas for the provision of basic needs, the organization of daily life, and the safeguarding of a resilient economic base. Cities are asked to foster tailored place-based spatial solutions while also envisioning the position of places in neighborhoods, cities and in wider, regional settings, mediating between scales and views in often contested multi-actor settings.
This track will raise questions concerning the pandemic’s assumed effects, connected with critical issues such as urban sprawl, climate change and growing socio-economic disparities, and how these reinforced or disrupted prevailing paradigms (healthy city, happy city etc.) and their governance. The objective is to learn lessons on how health and wellbeing can be supported by involving spatial knowledge, foresight and imagination, in spatial governance, regional planning, urban and policy design.
Employing feminist and critical disability studies perspectives, the session also invites contributions about inequalities concerning wellbeing in cities and the ways of improving the inclusivity in urban areas that would contribute to the wellbeing of diverse groups.
Session chair: Asso. Prof. Valeria Lingua, University of Florence, Italy
Session Co-chairs: Asso. Prof. Irina Kuznetsova, University of Birmingham
Registration and Conference fee
The registration is closed.
The conference fee is 2000 SEK.
Regular participant without Dinner, 1500 SEK
Members of Euniwell and staff of the Linnaeus University will attend for free.
Linnaeus University students are welcome to register and listen to the conference for free, but only those having accepted posters/papers (authors) will avail lunch and dinner.
Keynote speakers
Prof. Shobhakar Dhakal
Former Vice President for Academic Affairs Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand Professor of energy, environment and climate change School of Environment, Resources and Development.
His teaching, research and international activities comprise of energy and climate change policies, carbon accounting and climate change mitigation in cities, and the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) synergies and tradeoffs in climate and energy issues. Prof. Dhakal has published papers in the top journals in the field such as Nature, Nature Sustainability, Nature Climate Change, Nature Scientific Data, Energy, Energy Policy, Journal of Industrial Ecology, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, and others. He has published 8 books, two dozen book chapters, and over 70 peer-reviewed papers in international journals. Prof. Dhakal has served as a Coordinating Lead Author for the 6th Assessment Report (Mitigation) of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which was published in early 2022, where he led assessment on Emission Trends and Drivers (Chapter 2). Prof. Dhakal is also a member of Scientific Steering Committee of the Global Carbon Project (a well-known global research program under the Future Earth) and he contributes to urban carbon management issues. As a Coordinating Lead Author, he also led urban mitigation assessment of the IPCC’s fifth assessment report (mitigation).
Prof. Dhakal is globally well-established and recognized expert in the international science and science-policy communities of energy, climate change and cities. Prof. Dhakal was placed amongst the top 1% of the global researchers for last several years (2020 -2022) in the field of Energy in a recently published study by researchers from Stanford University in PLOS Biology Journal. He was amongst the 20 co-authors of a recent UN-led high-level global scientific assessment launched on 18 February 2021 by UN Secretary-General António Guterres “Making Peace with Nature: a scientific blueprint to tackle the climate, biodiversity and pollution emergencies” that outlines a blueprint to tackle Earth’s interconnected planetary crises presenting the latest science. Prof. Dhakal had also led energy assessment for the Hindu Kush Himalaya, which is one of its first kind of assessment for the region led by the International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD).
Prof. Niels Albertsen
Niels Albertsen (1945) is professor emeritus at the Aarhus School of Architecture (DK), which he joined in 1975. Before that he studied political science at the Aarhus University where he also taught the history of political ideas and political economy. At the Aarhus School of Architecture, he has been researching and teaching within the fields of social theory, cultural theory, urban studies, architectural theory, design theory, the philosophy and sociology of art, atmosphere as an aesthetic concept, theory of science, issues of inter- and transdisciplinarity, the sociology of science and the sociology of professions especially concerning the profession of architects.
He was centrally engaged in the establishment, management and teaching of research education (PhD-studies) at the Aarhus School of Architecture and in cooperations among the Nordic schools of architecture in this regard. He has supervised PhD-candidates within the fields of industrial design and atmosphere; immigrants, urban politics and social theory; the theory and history of architecture; the detached housing areas of the welfare city; urban planning and urban theory; architectural quality; architectural heritage and atmosphere; landscape architecture; atmosphere and the urban Anthropocene; women’s resistance, ambiance and urbanity.
He was a senior researcher at the Modern Aesthetic Theory project at the Centre for Cultural Research, Aarhus University (1995-96) and he directed the interinstitutional research project, ‘The Welfare City Project’ from 1998-2004. He was head of department at the Department of Landscape and Urbanism, Aarhus School of Architecture (2003-2011) and co-founder and co-director of the interinstitutional Centre for Strategic Urban Research (2004-2015). He directed the ‘Cold War Closed Cities and Sites, International and cross-disciplinary research network’ (2012-2015) and was a co-director of the international ‘Atmospheres in the Urban Anthropocene’ research network (2018-2022). For many years he was a board member of the Nordic Association for Architectural Research and served as the president for this association from 1998-2000. He was a member of the scientific advisory board for RAMAU (Réseaux Activités et Métiers de l'Architecture et de l'Urbanisme), École d'architecture de Paris - La Villette, Paris (2004-2008) and a member of the board of European experts in the series of seminars on “Climate change, urban mobility and clean tech” organized by Institut pour la ville en mouvement, Paris (2009-2010). Since 2012 he is a member of the scientific committee and review committee for Ambiances. International Journal of Sensory Environment, Architecture and Urban Space.
He has peer-reviewed for Nordisk Arkitekturforskning, Slagmark, Theory, Culture & Society, Science Studies, Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, Dansk Sociologi, disp-the Planning Review, European Journal of Social Theory, Ambiances, Spool, Passepartout, Nordisk Kulturpolitisk Tidsskrift, Hans Reitzels Forlag, SBi, Aalborg Universitetsforlag, Journal of Sonic Studies, European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology. His own articles have been published in Society and Space, Theory, Culture & Society, Ambiances, Distinktion, Nordic Architectural Research, Cahiers RAMAU, Sosiologi i dag and Dansk Sociologi as well as in books in Danish, Swedish, English, French and Portuguese.
Prof. Jessica Pykett
Jessica Pykett is Professor of Social and Political Geography and Co-Director of the Centre for Urban Wellbeing at the University of Birmingham. Her research focusses on policy innovation and governance, knowledge practices, and wellbeing inequalities. She is currently researching how knowledge and expertise about emotions and decision-making are evolving globally and shaping policy. This research explores the spatial and sociodigital nature of these forms of knowledge, and examines the implications of such trends for future wellbeing and societal ethics. She is leading an ESRC funded project on “Ethics and Expertise in times of crisis” with collaborators in Australia, Germany and the UK. She is also co-investigator for the ESRC Centre for Sociodigital Futures hosted at Bristol University, UK, and the Leverhulme project “Biology, data science, and the making of precision education”, hosted at the University of Edinburgh, UK.
Jessica has published around 40 peer-reviewed articles and 7 books which span a number of disciplines, and she enjoys collaborating with psychologists, neuroscientists, political scientists, social policy scholars, educationalists, philosophers and other human geographers to deepen critical perspectives on the role of knowledge production and uses of evidence on the mind, brain and behaviour in public policy and more recently in digital innovation and in urban governance. This work has appeared in journals such as Perspectives in Psychology, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Progress in Human Geography, Evidence and Policy, History of the Human Sciences, Health and Place, and Social Science and Medicine. Books include: A Modern Guide to Wellbeing Research (2021, co-edited with Beverley Searle and Maria Jesus Alfaro Simmonds),Neuroliberalism: Behavioural government in the twenty-first century (2017, with Mark Whitehead, Rhys Jones, Rachel Lilley, and Rachel Howell), and Brain Culture. Shaping Policy Through Neuroscience (2015).
Download the program SBEUT pdf
Please see the conference proceedings above to see the papers that will be presented
Day 1 Thursday, October 12, 2023
8.30 - 9.00 - M-Building
Coffee and Registration
9.00 - 9.15 - N-Building, N1008, lecture hall IKEA
Moderator: Mrs. Valdete Hashani
Prof. Ann-Charlotte Larsson, Vice Rector, LNU, 10 min
9.15 - 10.30 - N-Building, N1008, lecture hall IKEA
Plenary Session
Prof. Shobhakar Dhakal, 30 min
Title: "Urbanization, Cities, and Deep-Decarbonization Nexus: What it Means to Limiting Warming to 1.5oC"
Abstract: Rapid urbanization is a key driver to global GHG emissions. Urbanization also provides window of decarbonization opportunities in rapidly urbanizing world and these windows are fast-closing. Understanding this nexus and addressing urbanization require spatial planning and green infrastructure provisioning amongst others. Built-up cities, as a result of urbanization, are complex open systems with direct and indirect linkages to GHG emissions providing multiple leverages for deep decarbonization consistent to limiting warming to 1.5oC. This talk will explore these linkages, potentials, knowledge gaps, and key challenges by drawing insights from recent scientific assessments and global scientific literature.”
Prof. Jessica Pykett, 30 min
Title: Taking an urban approach to wellbeing research - how and why to involve communities.
In the search for sustainable and just transitions for urban environments, the ‘urban’ comes to signify a range of different things – a built environment, a scale of enquiry, a source for solutions to intractable global problems, a place for social change, a driver of environmental behaviour, a determinant of health and wellbeing, a site for technological prediction and management, a political forum for governance, a sense of dislocation from nature. What is at stake in approaching the urban as a form, a space, a culture or a polity, and how can these different ‘urbans’ shape community wellbeing? Drawing on the research activities of the Centre for Urban Wellbeing at the University of Birmingham, UK, this talk will explore the links between how the urban is conceptualised, experienced and governed in order to demonstrate the value of community engaged research on sustainable and inclusive wellbeing.
Q & A 15 mins
10.30 - 11.00
Coffee break & POSTER session, M-building lobby
11.00 - 12.30
Scientific sessions (Parallel), 20 mins/paper
Theme 1 - Urban green Space, Room: M1053
Chair: Prof. Francesco Ferrini
Co-chair: Prof. Johan Bergh
Authors: Shelly Kotez et al
3817 Multi-functionality and cost analysis of urban blue-green infrastructure.
Authors: Oskar Bäcklin et al
3820 Vegetation in urban residential typologies: variation in abundance and appreciation in Gothenburg, Sweden using GIS-analysis and survey data.
Break 5 mins
Authors: Ann-Mari Fransson et al
3844 Biochar improves the growth of urban sweet cherry.
Authors: Isabel Ribeiro et al
3839 Impact of urban vegetation on human thermal comfort in tropical and Nordic cities.
Theme 2 – Climate change, resilience, and adaptation of urban built environment, Room: N1017
Chair: Prof. Boris Braun
Co-chair: Asso. Prof. Brijesh Mainali
Authors: Enrica Caporali et al
3846 Fostering pluvial flood resilience in heritage cities: insights from practice in the City of Florence.
Authors: Dior Qaderi et al
3848 GEOKALKYL – GIS assessment of building foundation reinforcement costs and carbon footprints.
Break 5 mins
Authors: Konstantin Gisevius et al
3815 (Trans)local social capital and its role in enhancing adaptation to coastal hazards: Evidence from urban coastal communities in Indonesia.
Authors: Aaron John et al
3992 Understanding and Mitigating the Effects of Flooding in Kaduna Metropolis: The Interplay of Climate Change, Urban Expansion, and Effective Management Strategies.
Theme 3 - Imagining and testing new urban configurations, Room: M1088
Chair: Prof. Laurent Devisme
Co-chair: Dr. Åsa Ståhl
Authors: Migena Sula et al
3847 Adopting Space Sufficiency interventions as a means for accelerating energy renovation: Swedish Homeowners’ perceptive.
Authors: Are Kjeang et al
3807 Integrating novel solar technology into urban and rural spaces.
Break 5 mins
Authors: Helena Hansson et al
3843 The CERAMIC Project: Designing for, with and by youth.
Authors: Lucrezia Gelichi et al
3842 SEAWEED House
12.30 - 13.30
Lunch in M-building lobby
13.30 - 15.00
Scientific sessions (Parallel), 20 mins/paper
Theme 4 - Climate mitigation and circular economy at urban level, Room: M1053
Chair: Prof. Ambrose Dodoo
Co-chair: Dr. Nieves Espinosa
Authors: Roma Almeida et al
3837 Analytical review of methodological approaches for measuring circularity in building renovation.
Authors: Tove Malmqvist et al
3821 Reference values for embodied carbon of Swedish building construction.
Break 5 mins
Authors: K. S. Reddy et al
3819 Thermal design of modular net zero residential built environment for hot & humid and cold & dry conditions.
Theme 5 - Sustainable Urban Transitions, Room: N1017
Chair: Asso. Prof. Andrea Frank.
Co-chair: Prof. Krushna Mahapatra
Authors: Tommaso Piseddu et al
3836 An investigation into the impact of green buildings on Swedish municipalities’ built environment.
Authors: Anita Yadav et al
3831 The Emergence of Polycentricity in Urban climate Governance: lessons from Cities in India.
Break 5 mins
Authors: Shashwat Sinha et al
3835 Integrating Digital Tools in One-Stop-Shop Business Models for Climate-Smart Home Renovation in the European Union: A Systematic Literature Review and Prescriptive Model.
Authors: Fumi Harahap et al,
3818 Policy Tools for Electric Vehicle Adoption in Curitiba City.
Theme 6 - Healthy cities and wellbeing, Room: M1088
Chair: Asso. Prof. Valeria Lingua
Co-chair: Prof. Irina Kuznetsova
Authors: Franceso Ferrini et al
3830 Planning and managing future green cities for human health and well-being.
Authors: Tirtha Rasaili et al
3834 The socio-spatial attributes of age-friendliness in Swedish municipalities’ comprehensive plans: a content analysis.
Break 5 mins
Authors: Lisa Patron et al
3804 How are environmental, social and sanitary stakes interwoven in urban projects? Questions raised by an ongoing action research project about the dissemination of healthy urban approaches in France.
Authors: Valeria Lingua et al
3832 QUARTIERI SANI HUB: A place-based research on healthy neighbourhoods.
15.00 - 15.30
Coffee break & POSTER session, M-building lobby
15.30 - 17.30
Study visit
Walking tour: Timber building safari. Led by Mrs. Olivia Thim, Business Developer, Växjö Linnæus Science Park
45-55 people
CHP Production plant - Växjö Energi AB: Only registered individuals can participate. You must have your ID to get access to the plant. Shoes with heels are not allowed. The pre-booked bus will leave sharply at 15.35 hrs for a 10 min. ride. At the end of the study visit you have the option to drop at city center or return to the conference location.
Conference dinner with music. Welcome drinks, M-Building Entry Hall
Magnus P Wåhlin: Municipal councilor with responsibility for resilience, transformation and digitalisation, Växjö Municipality.
Day 2 Friday, October 13, 2023
08.30-10.00 Scientific sessions (Parallel), 20 mins/paper
Theme 1 - Urban green space, (Special session without papers), Room: M1053
Chair: Prof. Francesco Ferrini
Co-chair: Prof. Johan Bergh
Presenter: Prof. Francesco Ferrini
Urban biodiversity, human health and well-being, 40 mins.
Presenter: Dr. Susanne Knutsson
What significance does the forest have for human well-being and health, 30 mins.
Theme 2 - Climate change, resilience, and adaptation of urban built environment, Room: N1017
Chair: Asso. Prof. Brijesh Mainali
Co-chair: Asso. Prof. Enrica Caporali
Authors: Mahtab Shiravi et al
3826 A quantitative framework for multi-risk analysis from wind and rain on trees.
Authors: Charafeddine Mokhtara et al
3867 Heatwave and urban heat island risk assessment and mapping in the Swedish residential sector.
Authors: Jaun Pedro et al
3865 Evaluation of the change of urban heat island intensity in climate change scenarios over European cities.
Theme 3 - Imagining and testing new urban configurations, Room M1088
Chair: Dr. Åsa Ståhl
Co-chair: Prof. Laurent Devisme
Authors: Mugnaini Silvia et al
3838 Future thinking for urban utopias: how to transform mindsets.
Authors: Annika Olofsdotter Bergström et al
3816 From the rural to the urban, with love -: designing possibilities for an alternative narrative about urban and the rural everyday lives.
Authors: Are Kjeang et al
3840 Developing a social space coefficient for urban public spaces. Case study: Karlstad's city-center pedestrian corridor.
Coffee break & POSTER session, M-building lobby
Scientific sessions (Parallel), 20 mins/paper
Theme 4 - Climate mitigation and circular economy at urban level, Room: M1053
Chair: Dr. Nieves Espinosa
Co-chair: Prof. Ambrose Dodoo
Authors: Nastaran Khalili et al,
3849 Circular economy in wood multi-storey building construction: a systematic literature review.
Authors: Youcef Boussaa et al
3757 Effects of nearly zero energy building renovation on the thermal comfort in a Swedish multi-apartment buildings.
Authors: Mohammad Hamida et al
3813 Co-development of a framework for circular building adaptability in adaptive reuse: A participatory study.
Theme 5 - Sustainable Urban Transitions, Room: N1017
Chair: Prof. Krushna Mahapatra
Co-chair: Asso. Prof. Andrea Frank
Authors: Ameer Faisal et al
3824 A comparative study of the size and management of standalone hybrid renewable energy.
Authors: Ragy Elgendy et al
3812 Typologies of business models of Integrated Home Renovation Services Accelerating Energy Efficient Renovations for Condominium Associations in the Low countries and France.
Authors: Nieves Espinosa et al
3866 Urban contribution to optimized energy transition pathways: a pilot study over the Canary Islands.
11.30 - 11.45
11.45 - 12.30 - M-Building, lecture hall Södra
Closing Plenary Session
Prof. Niels Albertsen, 30 mins
Title: Modernize or ecologize? Following the footsteps of Bruno Latour into the city of the Anthropocene
Abstract: Cities were main drivers in the geological shift from the Holocene to the Anthropocene through the ‘Great Acceleration’ beginning in the 1950s. Cities also should be main drivers for the remedy of anthropogenic disasters such as climate change, biodiversity decline etc. The Keynote speech will explicate the reasoning behind Bruno Latour’s option for an ecological and not a modernizing approach to such questions.
Closing remarks: Krushna Mahapatra, 5 min
12.30 - 13.30, M-Building lobby
Scientific Committee
Prof. Krushna Mahapatra, Linnaeus University, Sweden (Conference chair)
Krushna Mahapatra is a professor of Sustainable Built Environment at Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden. His research interests include energy system analysis, diffusion of innovations, sociotechnical transition, actor behaviour, policy analysis, business models etc., mainly in the area of built environment. He leads the Sustainable Built Environment Research group at Linnaeus University. He is an Editor of Energies Journal and Associate Editor of Frontiers in Built Environment Journal.
See webpage
Prof. Francesco Ferrini, University of Florence, Italy
Francesco is a full Professor at the Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry – University of Florence (Italy). His Scientific activity includes research and experimental studies regarding ornamental and Arboriculture & Urban Forestry. He is specialty Chief Editor of Frontiers in Floriculture & Landscape. He has published more than 360 scientific and technical papers (116 indexed in Scopus, IF 31; Google Scholar, IF 37).
Prof. Johan Bergh, Linnaeus University, Sweden
Johan Bergh concerns silviculture, climate change mitigation and adaptation and how boreal and temperate forest ecosystems are affected by climate change. Adapted forest management is one way to take advantage of the new situation, to mitigate climate change, handle potential risks and to minimise damage. Collaboration with the Swedish forest industry and society constitutes a big part of my work. I also work internationally to give advice on plantation forestry. He is also leader of KM Linnaeus “Green sustainable Development” and deeply involved in Bridge 2.0. Citations according to Google scholar are 3691, h-index 32, i10-index 47.
Prof. Arnold Tukker, Leiden University and TNO, Netherlands
Arnold Tukker is the Professor of Industrial Ecology and served until September 2022 for a maximum 8 year term as Scientific director of the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML, 150 staff) at Leiden University. He retains a small position at the Dutch not for profit research organization TNO. Arnold set up 15 million Euro in EU projects in which the world’s most ambitious and detailed global energy/resource/economic input-output database (EXIOBASE) was built. He led a EU Marie Curie Innovative Training Network of 15 PhDs researching the circular economy (Circ€uit). He was appointed as a member of the European Academy of Sciences in 2018, and is recognised by the Web of Science group as a highly cited researcher since 2019. His work in the field of sustainable business models is among the highest cited globally.
Prof. Juan Pedro, University of Murcia, Spain
Juan Pedro Montávez is full professor of Physics of the Earth at the Department of Physics of the University of Murcia, Spain. He has a extensive research experience on Regional Atmospheric Modeling, working on numerical climate simulations at several spatial and temporal scales, as well as performing statistical analysis of climate variability and climate change impacts. He leads the Modelling Atmospheric Group at University of Murcia ( He has published more than 100 scientific and technical papers (H-index 35).
Asso. Prof. Brijesh Mainali, Linnaeus University, Sweden
Brijesh Mainali has 25 years of experience working in the field of Energy and Sustainable Development, which includes 13 years in academics and 12 years as consultant with private sector and I/NGO. Mainali has led and coordinated several projects in the area of Energy and Climate change funded by FORMAS and VR. He has also worked as participant researcher in couple of EU projects Horizon 2020 on Energy efficiency and deep renovation of detached households and Erasmus+ project on Capacity building of partners in LESOTHO for developing courses on Sustainable development. Besides, Dr Mainali is project coordinator from LNU side for Doctoral school in Sustainable energy engineering (SEED) and Program manager for Masters Programme in Energy and Management for Sustainable Development at LNU.
Prof. Ambrose Dodoo, Linnaeus University, Sweden
Ambrose Dodoo is a full Professor in Building Technology at Linnaeus University, Växjö. He has backgrounds in Building Technology and Environmental Science and Ecotechnology. His work encompasses teaching, research and coordination of the Sustainable Structural Engineering Master’s Programme at the Department of Building Technology. His research encompasses strategies to improve energy efficiency and thereby minimize the climate impacts of construction products and buildings for a circular economy transition. Recently, he has been an expert reviewer of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) of the working group on climate change mitigation. Look at his 2369 citations, h-index 23 and i10-index 40, and over 100 scientific publications with details.
Prof. Boris Braun, University of Cologne, Germany
Boris Braun is full professor of Economic and Human Geography at the Department of Geosciences of Cologne University in Germany. His research interests are in the field of economic-geographical environmental research, in particular adaptation to regional climate and ecological change as well as environmental and social standards in value chains - especially in the Global South (South and Southeast Asia, West Africa), but also in the Global North (Central Europe, Australia, Japan). He leads the Graduate School of Geosciences of the University of Cologne and has published approximately 170 academic papers and books (h-index 21, Google Scholar).
Prof. Laurent Devisme, Nantes University, France
Holding a PhD (University of Tours – France, 2001) and an accreditation to supervise research (ENS Lyon, France, 2014) – Laurent Devisme teaches urban studies. His main research focus is on planning practices, urban theories and new metropolitan territories. Adopting an ethnographic approach of planning activities, his works concern urban professionals at work, foresight and consulting activities, urban sociology and urban studies theories.
He is part of the Sensibilia research program, “sensitive approaches regarding the transformation of living conditions".
He is vice-president in charge of sustainable development of Nantes University since January 2022.
Dr. Åsa Ståhl, Senior Lecturer, Linnaeus University, Sweden
Åsa Ståhl is a design researcher and a senior lecturer at the Department of Design at Linnaeus University. Her work combines participatory design, speculations, feminist technoscience and environmental posthumanism. Together with her long-term collaborator Kristina Lindström she started the Un/Making Studio. Ståhl is one of the founding members of the international Design & Posthumanism Network.
Ståhl is the PI of the research project “Holding Surplus House” where an expanded notion of household is taken as the starting point for explorations into eco-socially just transition. She is also the PI for the upcoming 6-year research environment across four universities on “Design after Progress: Reimagining Design Histories and Design Futures”.
She holds a PhD in Media and Communication Studies from Malmö University - a joint interdisciplinary doctoral thesis with Kristina Lindström in interaction design. Between 2015 and 2016 Lindström and Ståhl were postdocs at Umeå Institute of Design.
Asso. Prof. Valeria Lingua, University of Florence, Italy
Valeria Lingua is Associate Professor on Urban and Regional Planning at the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence, where she acts as Scientific Director of the Regional Design Lab. She is RSA Ambassador for Italy and coordinator of the AESOP Thematic Group on Regional Design and has been an affiliate academic in prestigious Universities and research groups: Bartlett School of Planning, UCL (2014), Delft University of Technology (2016), Paris Sorbonne University (2018), Lisbon University (2022). She is a well-recognised academic on regional planning and design, governance rescaling and visioning, spatial imaginaries. She conducts research activities and consultancies at EU, National and regional level concerning strategic spatial planning, sub-regional and inter-municipal planning, and definition of river agreements.
Asso. Prof. Andrea Frank, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Andrea Frank is Associate professor in urban and regional planning at the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Birmingham. Her research interest focuses broadly on nature-society relations and how natural elements in human settlements are integrated, manipulated, restored or preserved. She has been a co-PI on an international grant investigating of different perception and uses of “Green Infrastructure” to enhance urban sustainability comparing Gainesville (FL, USA), Jakarta (Indonesia) and Cardiff (Wales, UK). She is also interested in knowledge and capacity in planning/built environment professionals can be improved.
Asso. Prof. Irina Kuznetsova, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Dr Irina Kuznetosva is an Associate Professor in Human Geography at the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Birmingham. Her research expertise includes migration, forced displacement, health, and critical urbanism. Her recent projects focus on the social consequences of population displacement in Ukraine, Russia, and Nigeria, including mental health and well-being. She also works on the impact of migration on rural communities.
Dr Rakib Akhtar, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Dr. Rakib Akhtar is an Assistant Professor at the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Birmingham. He is an interdisciplinary scholar with a research focus on technology-oriented urbanisation, infrastructure development and their interconnection with right-wing nationalism. Rakib is a chartered Architect and a Town Planner with extensive knowledge and practical experiences across countries. His research interests sit at the intersection of Urban Planning, Political Economy and Development Studies.
Asso. Prof. Nieves Espinosa, University of Murcia, Spain
Description: Nieves Espinosa is researcher at the Department of Physics of the University of Murcia, Spain. She has an extensive research experience on life cycle assessment, working on the evaluation of the environmental impact of energy conversion and storage technologies, as well as conducting techno-economic analysis to support environmental policy development. She holds a tenure track at the Modelling Atmospheric Group at University of Murcia. She has published more than 40 scientific and technical papers (H-index 25).
See webpage
Prof. Enrica Caporali
Associate Professor of Hydrology and Hydraulic Structures at University of Florence (UNIFI), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Awarded with a Post-Doc fellowship at UNIFI and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. Chair of the Board of Teachers of Degree Courses in: i) Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering (BSc); ii) Civil Engineering (MSc); iii) Building Engineering (MSc); iv) Environmental Engineering (MSc) and v) Geoengineering (MSc). Associate of UNESCO Chair on “Prevention and Sustainable Management of Geo-Hydrological Hazards”, Scientific Coordinator of the Spatial Data Laboratory of DICEA (
Research Projects on the SBEUT Themes: TALETE - Protecting the cultural heritage from pluvial floods: the Santa Croce district in Florence (03/2022-04/2022). FLORENCE- FLOod risk and water REsources management with Nature based solutions on City Environment (09/2019 - 03/2021).
Organizing committee
For conference related questions, please send an email to We will get back to you as soon as possible.
- Conference chair: Prof. Krushna Mahapatra, Linnaeus University, Sweden
Conference contact persons at Linnaeus University: - Prof. Krushna Mahapatra:
- Dr. Katarina Rupar Gadd:
- Mr. Shashwat Sinha, PhD student:
- Ms. Roma Almeida, PhD student:
Travel and Weather
There are a number of different ways to travel to Växjö. You can either take the train to Växjö Central station or travel by air to Växjö Småland Airport. Train travel is most convenient and environmentally friendly.
By air
Växjö Småland Airport has limited direct international flights. The nearest big international airports are in Stockholm, Gothenburg or Copenhagen (Denmark). You can take a flight from Stockholm Bromma airport to Växjö Småland airport.
Please note that no matter which route you choose, you need to check with your airline about corona specific restrictions for their flights - we know that this may vary from airline to airline!
Read more about restrictions when travelling to Sweden
By train
Travelling by train from Stockholm Central station to Växjö station (must change train at Alvesta station) takes roughly 3.5 hours. There are direct trains and buses from Stockholm Arland airport to Stockholm central station.
Direct train from Gothenburg city to Växjö station takes about 3 hrs. There are airport buses from Gothenburg airport to Gothenburg station.
The most convenient way to reach Växjö is to take a flight to Copenhagen Airport/Kastrup and connecting direct train to Växjö Central (roughly 2.5 hours, usually every hour).
You can find a complete schedule for trains from the above mentioned airports to and from Växjö at
From one point to another within the City of Växjö
Transportation from Växjö Central or Växjö Småland Airport to Linnaeus University can be done either bus or taxi.
By bus
If you choose to reach Linnaeus University by bus from Växjö Central Station, bus #3 (Universitetet), is the best option (direct transportation). However, there are additional bus routes with stops at close distance for the campus. Buses #1 and #5 (you can take them from Stortorget bus station, only a few meters walk from the Central Station) can transfer you to the bus stop "Teleborg Centrum", some 8-10 minutes walk. from the university’s campus.
Bus number 4 will take you from Växjö Småland Airport to Växjö Central where you can change to bus to get to Linnaeus University.
Bus tickets are purchased either on the bus or you can download the travel app “Länstrafiken Kronoberg” (available to Google and Apple stores) and purchase your ticket. Using the app which will provide you with a 10% discount on your ticket. You can use your debit card to pay in the app.
Perform a search on Länstrafiken Kronoberg
By bike
In case you prefer a bicycle, many hotels in the city offer the opportunity to rent one. The city of Växjö has a well developed network of bicycle roads, and it takes roughly 20 minutes from the city centre to Linnaeus University’s campus.
By taxi
For those preferring to come to the campus by TAXI there is a variety of options to choose from. You can book a TAXI from the following companies
- Taxi Kurir (Tel: 0470 - 16 000)
- YC Taxi (Tel: 0470 - 111 811)
- Växjö Taxi (0470 - 135 00)
- Växjö City Taxi (Tel: 0470 - 616 66)
If you do not want to book a Taxi but still travel with one, you can find available Taxis parked at Södra Bantorget (by the World Trade Center)
By car
There is a relative shortage of parking spaces on campus and all are subject to a charge. Parking spaces are marked on the map below.
Map of Linnaeus University in Växjö
The conference is held in October, when it might be cold and chilly in Växjö. Therefore, participants are advised to have appropriate clothing.
About Linnaeus University and the city of Växjö
Linnaeus University is a creative and international knowledge environment that promotes curiosity, creativity, companionship and utility. More than 44,000 students are registered at Linnaeus University.
Linnaeus University is located in Växjö and Kalmar and offers 150 degree programmes and 1,300 single-subject courses. Linnaeus University was e
stablished in 2010 through a merger between Växjö University and Kalmar University College.
With some 2,100 employees and 44,000 students it is a modern university with Småland as its base and the world as its arena. Studying and working at Linnaeus University involves being part of an environment that is characterised by knowledge and development. Students acquire new knowledge and learn to have a critical approach. Researchers make new discoveries that can bring change to our society. Employees share stories of a workplace with both challenges and opportunities. Linnaeus University is a university where people can reach their full potential.
Learn more about Linnaeus University
And Yes, it is true that Linnaeus University has a castle on campus! The castle of Teleborg is not as old as it looks but we are very pleased with the 'magic touch' it brings to campus Växjö.
Discover Växjö![]()
You can easily take a bus (every 10 minutes) or walk (approx. 45 minutes) from Campus to the city centre - today Växjö is one of the fastest growing cities in all Sweden with a lot to see and experience.