Inauguration lectures by new professors, Växjö
Hearty welcome to this year's inauguration lectures in Kalmar on Tuesday 31 January and in Växjö on Tuesday 24 January and Wednesday 1 February, by the new professors that are to be inaugurated at the Academic Ceremony in Kalmar on Friday 3 February. The lectures are open to all and will also be live-streamed on the web (see links below).
Växjö, Wednesday 1 February 2023
The rooms are most easily reached through the main entrance of building H.
The lectures with Swedish titles are presented in Swedish.
There will be mingle & refreshments between the lectures.
Room Weber, building K
(Live:, webinar id 670 5105 7931)
Per Nilsson
Professor of mathematics education
Designforskning i matematikdidaktik
Karin Larsson Eriksson
Professor of musicology
En riktig spelman spelar utan noter: om folkmusiken och gehöret
Torsten Löfstedt
Professor of religious studies
What constitutes powerful knowledge in Religious Education?
Johan Fransson
Professor of forestry digitalisation
”Att se det osynliga” – hur kan fjärranalys främja skogsbrukets digitalisering?
Achim Grelle
Professor of forest management, specialisation forest climate benefits
Skogens kolbalans i klimatarbetets tjänst
Anna Jensen
Professor of forest ecophysiology
Carbon availability: growth and survival in forest trees
16.15–17.00 CANCELLED
Thomas Walther
Adjunct professor of forest biocomposite materials
How to solve the carbon footprint dilemma for wood-based composites
Room Myrdal, building K
(Live:, webinar id 615 7600 5703)
Clary Krekula
Professor of social work
Biologisk ålder som bedömningsreferens under Covid-19
Ylva Ulfsdotter Eriksson
Professor of sociology
Social status – vad är det?
Christian Waldmann
Professor of Swedish
Varför har elever med svag läsförmåga svårt för att skriva?
Niklas Salmose
Professor of English literature studies
Art about nostalgia or nostalgic art?
Växjö, Wednesday 24 January 2023
See the program for the inauguration lecture on 24 January in Växjö.